How is she?

"Sister, don't make fun of her." Although Lin Wan'er was said to have a slightly red face, she did not deny it. She just replied with such a faint smile.

This sentence a export, Bai Menghan's eyes obviously dim for a while, the whole person is slightly stunned for a moment, but she quickly reaction, gently walked to Ye Chen's front, full of raised hand, in Ye Chen's eyes, she gently picked up a finger, soft play Ye Chen's nose.

"Well?" Ye Chen stares big eyes, the place where he is played is soft and warm, but the whole person becomes itchy, opens his mouth, and his face is flushed.

Lin Wan'er couldn't stand on the spot. Her face changed slightly, but she immediately stepped forward as usual, and then protected Ye Chen behind with a casual action. Looking at Bai Menghan, Lin Wan'er asked with some dissatisfaction, "Miss Menghan, what do you mean?"

"Forehead..." white dream cold Xiu eyebrow tiny Cu, she shrugged a way, "Wan son elder sister this is how? I'm just joking. I can't break him. "

Now it's Lin Wan'er's turn to be embarrassed. Yes, it's not a very excessive action. It's just a joke between friends. However, her series of reactions just now are obviously a little extreme.

With a dry smile, Lin Wan'er said in embarrassment, "Hey, that... I'm a little nervous. You know, my work pressure is a little high during this period, and I'm in a trance."

"Well, it's nothing." Bai Menghan shakes his head and pretends to be convinced. In fact, she is already secretly laughing in her heart. Sister Wan'er, in fact, you are also in love with Ye Chen, aren't you? Like this man who has been working miracles

Ye Chen was sandwiched between two women, which made him feel at a loss. He scratched his head and said seriously, "today, I would like to thank Miss Menghan for her help. Without you, I might not have finished this press conference so smoothly."

"It's nothing." Bai Menghan shook his head, she quickly said, "in fact, to do a good job in this press conference, is also the responsibility of a host, ah, just duty."

In fact, Bai Menghan had a word hidden in his heart, but he didn't say, "and I'm really happy to help you... Really, really... Very happy..."

Ye Chen takes a look at the mechanical watch on his wrist, which Lin Wan'er prepared for him. He didn't feel that at that time, he directly put it on the stage under Wang Yi's urging. In his eyes, a watch is only worth a few dollars, but ye Chen, who has been living at the bottom of society, naturally doesn't know that the watch on his wrist is Patek Philippe with the title of "blue blood aristocrat.", The noble blood is frightening, and the price is also worrying.

But in Ye Chen's opinion, this mechanical watch is really not as light as five yuan. An electronic watch is easy to wear and can see time quickly. This one depends on the degree on the dial, and that one depends on the number directly.

"It's already twelve o'clock?" Ye Chen scratched his head, he quickly took out his mobile phone, because in the taxi is charged with a small part of the electricity, almost no electricity before the stage, now pressed for a long time or black screen, has been turned off again.

"No, I have to go to the hospital." Ye Chen whispered a sentence, two women didn't hear what ye Chen said clearly, turned to Ye Chen one after another, asked in unison, "what?"

Ye Chen blinked his eyes and said, "I want to go out. I bought something on Taobao, but the address is wrong. I want to get it."

"I'll give it to you." Lin Wan'er said quickly.

Bai Menghan was not willing to be outdone. He opened his mouth and said, "I'm driving here too. Let me see you off."

"No, No." Ye Chen even waved his hand, he ran out of the dressing room like running away, and disappeared in the corridor outside the door in the eyes of two women's doubts“ This boy is always in a hot situation. He doesn't know what he's doing all day long. " Lin Wan'er complains.

Bai Menghan covered his mouth and snickered. He blinked his eyes and said, "what a strange man."

"Yes, sometimes it's strange." Lin Wan'er nodded in agreement.

Running out of the gymnasium, ye Chen bought a power bank in the mobile business hall, charged his mobile phone with electricity, and hurriedly turned it on. Ye Chen's mobile phone horn was suddenly shocked by all kinds of prompt sounds.

"People's hospital?" Ye Chen frowns and receives a wechat from Li Jiaying. Now Yan Xiren is in Dongcheng people's Hospital for treatment, while those gangsters, including Li Muchen, are pulled back to the police station. What is waiting for them is the severe punishment of the law.

Find a taxi, ye Chen directly to the people's Hospital, he secretly anxious, Yan Xiren ah, Yan Xiren, you must not have anything good

At this time, in the intensive care unit of the people's Hospital, Yan Xiren was lying on her white bed. She had been injected with tranquilizer and zhonghechun medicinal heat clearing and detoxification preparation, and her condition gradually stabilized.

"Hu..." Li Jiaying stood in front of the hospital bed, and she was relieved, "it's OK at last..."

Looking at the pale Yan Xiren on the hospital bed, the young girl has delicate facial features, delicate face, long eyelashes in a slight shaking, seems to be having a nightmare, her pair of elegant distant eyebrows are wrinkled up, the whole person seems to be very painful, the body is shaking gently.

"Are you his lover? In order to save you, he didn't even want his life. He rushed to the room like crazy. Those eyes are really terrible. I feel very frightened when I look at them. " Li Jiaying murmured. She touched the corner of her eye. For some reason, she suddenly felt aggrieved. The whole person was so aggrieved that she couldn't breathe for a long time.

"So... Does he already have a lover?"

Just when Li Jiaying was lost, ye Chen didn't know when he came in. He patted Li Jiaying on the shoulder and said, "Hey, Li Jiaying, what are you muttering about?"

Li Jiaying trembled all over. She recognized Ye Chen's voice and quickly raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, wiping away the trace of moisture.

"Here you are?" Without looking back, Li Jiaying said in a low voice.

"Ah, here it is." Ye Chen thinks that Li Jiaying's performance is very strange. He takes a look at Li Jiaying's back, and then looks at Yan Xiren lying on the bed.

"How is she?" Ye Chen asked.

Li Jiaying took a deep breath, repressed the disorder in her heart, and said gently, "she's OK. The doctor said that it would be better to have a rest for two days."

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