Blame me?

Ye Chen nodded. He went over and looked at Yan Xiren who was asleep. A trace of struggle and pain flashed on her quiet face from time to time. He opened his mouth gently. Ye Chen joked and said, "you silly girl, do you know that people are complicated now? Although you don't speak much better than you do, I'd rather see you stand up and scold me for being unruly and unreasonable. Yan Xiren, you must get better for me. Just think it's for your sister... "

"Huh?" Yan Xiren frowns. She seems to have heard Ye Chen's words, and she doesn't seem to have heard them, but she seems to be in pain. She reaches out a hand and grabs it at her face.

"No!" Ye Chen is quick in hand and eyes. He quickly grabs Yan Xiren's hand and holds it tightly to prevent Yan Xiren from hurting himself.

One side of Li Jiaying's eyes flashed a trace of sadness, turned her head, she no longer went to see, but the thick depression has been flowing all over the room.

Ye Chen holds Yan Xiren's little hand in his palm. It's strange to say that Yan Xiren, who is going to be crazy, suddenly becomes soft, and the whole person slowly quiets down.

Her hands are small and cool. Ye Chen's hands are strong and warm, just like a warm quilt in winter. Yan Xiren has an abundant sense of security. She subconsciously grabs Ye Chen's hand, tightly, just like a drowning man grabbing a piece of wood, and her frown is slowly released.

"Silly girl, you scratch me." Ye Chen smiles. He shakes his head, but he is caught by Yan Xiren and doesn't do it

I can't get rid of it, so I have to let her go.

"I'll go out for a while. Call me if you have something to do." Li Jiaying's voice is deep and fierce, but ye Chen obviously doesn't hear her mind.

Turning around, Li Jiaying burst into tears. She quickly walked out of the door and all the way to the back garden of the hospital. She kicked a osmanthus tree and bit her lips. Li Jiaying's optimistic image collapsed suddenly. She held back her tears. In all kinds of eyes, she whispered, "Li Jiaying, how can you be so hopeless? How can you... "

In the ward, ye Chen raised his other hand and carefully helped Yan Xiren to tidy up her slightly disordered hair. He looked at Yan Xiren's pale face and couldn't help joking and laughing, "you are a soft and cute girl, but you have to pretend to be fierce. It's really impossible for people to take you."

Outside the window, the sun is warm, and the warm breeze is gently blowing the branches and leaves of maple trees in the distance.

"Ding Dong." Ye Chen's mobile phone rings, and his brow is wrinkled. In order not to disturb Yan Xiren, he uses his left hand to find the mobile phone in his right trouser pocket. Squatting on the ground, he clicks on the screen of the mobile phone.

"The news from Song Yang?" Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned.

"Ye Chen, things have changed. Feng Tao wants to see you."

"Well???" Ye Chen is completely confused. He didn't expect that the news Song Yang brought was so powerful. After thinking about it, ye Chen immediately replied, "what's the matter? Make it clear. "

Song Yang replied quickly, "Feng Tao contacted me. He wants to stop fighting and see you. He seems to have something to ask you for help."

Ye Chen curled his lips, he disdained reply way, "all started to fight, he said to stop, that I as what person."

"So you mean not to accept?" Song Yang surprised reply way.

Ye Chen typed a string of words to send in the past, "whether to accept or not depends on his sincerity. I can see him, but I don't believe him. I'll decide the time and place, and I have to ask him to come alone." Song Yang stopped for a long time, and finally replied, "yes."

Ye Chen grinned, and a cold war flashed through his eyes.

At this moment, in Song Yang's safe room, he is sitting on the sofa, opposite a strong short sleeve man.

This man has a beard. His face is firm and his eyes are fixed. The whole person feels very heavy. Just sitting there gives people a feeling of impeccable steel.

"Shen Botao, I didn't expect you to come to me in person." Song Yang light said.

Shen Botao is one of the four great vajras of the Black Dragon Society. In terms of ranking, he is even higher than Wu Yanming. Feng Tao attaches great importance to him for his terrifying fighting power and calm character.

With a grin, Shen said, "looking at the whole black dragon club, Wu Yanming and I are the only ones who are suitable to meet you. Apart from the four King Kong, who has the capital to represent Feng Tao? And you certainly can't see those two people, because you can't stand their temper. "

With a shrug, Song Yang said, "since you are here on behalf of Feng Tao, just now you have agreed to Ye Chen's request for Feng Tao. I hope you can really fulfill these conditions on behalf of Feng Tao, otherwise ye Chen will not come."

"Who do you think has the right to refuse the guests that boss Feng wants to invite?" Shen Bo Tao smiles. He is obviously noncommittal about Song Yang's words.

Song Yang blinked his eyes and said, "is that right? If you have such an idea to deal with Ye Chen, I'm afraid you will be very disappointed. "

"Oh?" Shen Botao's eyes brightened, he asked with great interest, "I'm very curious that this person can get such a high evaluation in your eyes, but my view of me is still unchanged. Ye Chen is just an interesting goat in my eyes. In front of the lions, he can't do anything except kneel on the ground and shiver."

Song Yang shook his head and said, "I always think that Mr. Shen is an understanding person, but I am obviously wrong. After spending a long time with Wu Yanming's people, you, who are always calm, have become a little despised."

"It's not a matter of belittling the enemy, but the power gap between me and him is too big. In the face of the black dragon club full of fierce beasts, people like him have only one way to die except to obey." Shen Botao insisted on his own view, he said slowly.

Song Yang sighed, "maybe, but I believe Ye Chen is always a man who can create miracles. After all, on the beach that day, Wu Yanming's inevitable ambush was also a failure."

Shen Botao waved his hand without hesitation and said, "Song Yang, if you didn't intervene that day, I believe Wu Yanming has killed him. Although Wu Yanming is just a slug, it's more than enough to deal with Ye Chen."

Song Yang frowned and said, "Mr. Shen, what do you mean? Do you blame me?"

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