Little girl's mind

"I believe you know, as an unorganized unemployed killer, I can act according to my own wishes. That day, I accepted Ye Chen's entrustment, so I went to jiangtan to pick him up. It's so simple. If it makes Mr. Shen feel unhappy, then I have nothing to say."

Shen Botao shrugged and said, "no, I'm not unhappy. On the contrary, I'm happy to see Wu Yanming's flattering clown suffer."

Song Yang didn't want to know more about the relationship between their four great vajras. He frowned and asked, "I'm very curious. What's the reason Feng Tao wants to find Ye Chen?"

Shen Botao picked up the glass in front of him, looked at it without expression, shook his head and said, "Song Yang, don't you think you have many problems? If ye Chen can't keep the appointment within three days, boss Feng will be very angry, and I will be even more angry, because... I hate people cheating on me... "


The cup in Shen Botao's hand turned into broken pieces with a crisp sound. His hand shook gently, so Cha Shili fell on the table. Looking up at the opposite Song Yang, Shen Botao shook his head and said, "it's a pity that we could have been friends."

Song Yang's eyes jumped. He was surprised by Shen Botao's power and took a deep breath. He suddenly said with a smile, "if you want to be a friend, you have to show your sincerity."

"Sincerity? What a troublesome thing. " Shen Botao murmured noncommittally. He slowly stood up and walked to the door.

Before leaving, Shen Botao said without looking back, "if you need sincerity, maybe I can't give it to you, but if you need money, Heilong will give it to you, and it will never be less than anyone else."

"I'll remember that." Song Yang nodded and replied indifferently.

After closing the door, the tall Shen Botao walked all the way to the first floor and came out of the building. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Feng Tao.

"Hello, boss, everything goes well. Ye Chen promised to meet you, but he has to decide the time, place and number of people." Shen Botao reports in a low voice.

At the other end of the phone, in the rest Pavilion of the golf course, Feng Tao, sitting on the wooden chair, frowned slightly, but he soon said casually, "give him what he wants."

"Yes." In front of the stairs, Shen Botao nodded. He hung up and walked towards a black Land Rover.

After Shen Botao has gone completely, Song Yang is the only one left in the empty cabin. He sits on the sofa and looks at the glass debris on the table.

"Ye Chen, you troublemaker, can let Feng Tao notice you personally. I'm afraid you can't escape this time." In a low voice, Song Yang seems to be lost.

In the intensive care ward of the people's Hospital, ye Chen, who is held by Yan Xiren, has no consciousness of being in the center of the storm. He squatted in front of the bed for a long time, his legs were numb, but he was afraid to disturb Yan Xiren, so he did not dare to do anything else. Fortunately, a nurse came in to change the dressing and brought a chair, which gave Ye Chen a place to rest.

"Dong Dong Dong." There was a knock outside the door, not very fast, but very clear.

"Come in, please." Ye Chen eyebrows a wrinkly, low voice says.

Ward door opened, a tired face of Li Jiaying came in, her eyes a little red, little face with a reluctant smile, she looked at Ye Chen, but did not dare to look directly into his eyes, Nuo Nuo murmured, "that, it's time to eat."

"Why? What's wrong with your eyes? Are you crying?? Who made you sad? I'll break his leg Although Ye Chen thinks that Li Jiaying's performance is very strange, he is worried when he sees Li Jiaying's sullen look and red eyes. Although Ye Chen's concern warms Li Jiaying's heart, she looks at Ye Chen and Yan Xiren's tightly held hands, and her nose is sour. She says wrongly, "no, I'm just lost in the sand. Just take care of your girlfriend. Don't take care of me."

"Girlfriend? What the hell are you talking about? " Ye Chen scratched to scratch a head, he eyebrow tiny wrinkly of counter ask a way.

When Li Jiaying heard this, she couldn't help jumping up. She widened her eyes, opened her mouth and asked, "ah? Isn't this... Isn't this your girlfriend? "

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "ah, people can look up to me. After seeing me, they all want to eat my hate. If I say who she hates most when she's sober, I'm afraid it's not me. I just don't know what's wrong. She's muddled now, but she's holding my hand. How strange you say."

"Well, then why didn't you save her?" Li Jiaying asked.

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "is it strange? Anyway, she is also my acquaintance, and... No matter how headstrong and annoying she is, I can't watch her persecuted like that. "

I don't know why, after hearing what ye Chen said, Li Jiaying was relieved. Her originally depressed mood was swept away. She hopped over, handed over a cup of milk tea and said with a smile, "OK, OK, I believe you. This is the red bean milk tea I just bought. You can't eat now. Have a drink of milk tea first, It's still hot. Be careful. "

"Well???" Ye Chen was terrified by Li Jiaying's 180 degree turn. He took up his hand and touched Li Jiaying's forehead. His eyebrows picked up and said, "elder sister, don't you have a fever? How can it be moody? "

If other men dare to touch Li Jiaying like this, I'm afraid they will be kicked to death every minute, but I don't know

Why, when ye Chen goes to touch Li Jiaying, Li Jiaying not only doesn't dodge, but moves forward to make it easier for ye Chen, who is not convenient to move, to touch her forehead.

The warm palm caressed Li Jiaying's smooth forehead. This feeling was really wonderful, which made Li Jiaying have an unprecedented experience. She opened her mouth and didn't speak, but her face turned red. She quickly put the milk tea on the table. She turned and ran out, and said without looking back, "that... I went out first, and I still... I have something to do..."

Ye Chen shrugged and said with a bitter smile, "this strange girl..."

Li Jiaying is hiding in the corridor outside the house. She leans against the wall, breathing very fast. Her whole pretty face is red with fire, and her two hands are entangled. Her little daughter's mind is exposed.

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