
The plate of cucumber on the ground was eaten clean by the dog. If it wasn't for the plate, ye Chen didn't have the heart to snatch the plate from its mouth, which was more clean than the brush.

After eating, the dog was reluctant to leave and wagged his tail around Ye Chen.

Ye Chen sighed and said, "you can't find your master, and I'm going to become a homeless man soon. We're both reduced people."

Dog: "woof, woof."

I think I'm saying yes.

Ye Chen goes back to the kitchen and brushes the dishes. When he comes out, he disappears.

I hope you can find your master.

Ye Chen looks at the night outside and murmurs.

Early the next morning, ye Chen did not get up to hear someone knocking at the door.

Why don't you go to bed in the morning?

Ye Chen a belly of get up gas, difficult is not to eat?

He didn't believe it.

Open the door to see, ye Chen's get up gas dissipated a lot.

It turned out to be a beautiful woman with long hair, especially the white and straight thighs. Ye Chen pretended not to look, but still couldn't help glancing occasionally.

"Hey, can you just stare at my leg like this?" The beauty's eyes are full of bitterness.

"Cough." Ye Chen dry cough a few, try to resolve embarrassment, "what's the matter with you?"

The beauty took another look at the sign of the restaurant and said, "my dog lost yesterday. I heard that I ate some leftovers here at night. Is that so?"

"Yes." Ye Chen is a little guilty. Shouldn't it be that the little dog is hungry? What's the accident after eating?

Is this beautiful woman coming to settle accounts?

"In this way..." the beauty thought, took out her mobile phone, facing the door of Ye Chen, and seemed to be shooting something.

"Why? Do you want to send it online? " Ye Chen immediately flustered, the signboard of Ye's fast food has been destroyed in his own hands, if it is sent to the Internet, then he really becomes a sinner.

The beauty rolled her eyes and said, "anyway, you've helped my little black. I just want to pay for it last night."

Ye Chen immediately relieved a breath, that's good, that's good.

Back to God, ye Chen said: "forget it. If you don't want a few money, just take it as my treat to your dog."

After that, the beauty has already paid the money.

"One hundred yuan to XX."

"Thank you." The beauty turns round to rush leaf Chen to smile slightly.

"Add a wechat before you go!" Ye Chen looks at the beauty that leaves, can cry silently in the bottom of the heart.

Back to the store of Ye Chen, buttocks just sit on the stool, look suddenly a stagnation.

Leng in there for a full minute, after a long time, slowly spread his palm. A dark brown seed is lying in his hand.

Just now, as ye Chen sat down, the voice of task completion popped up in his mind.

What he is in a daze is not because the task has been completed, but because ye Chen is surprised to find that all this is true!

Not your own fantasy?

Ye Chen looked at the seed in his hand and confirmed it again.

"The system reminds the host again that all this is true."

If all this is true?

Ye Chen's eyes slowly stare big, way: "can't reward me a transformer?"


"But I want transformers!"

"Less nonsense, God of food task newly released: three people line must have fried rice!"

Ye Chen looks at this task strangely, what is the task that makes demon again?

"Mission details: please prepare some rice, three eggs, a little scallion, and sell three fried rice within 24 hours. If the mission is successful, you will get a sneak rune."

"Stealth?" Ye Chen eyebrows a pick, "can't reward me a transformer?"

Please prepare the ingredients Said the system impatiently.

Ye Chen flattened his mouth and looked at the seed in his hand. He didn't know what it was for. After the completion of this task, he gave a sneak rune, which were all strange things.

It's not as practical as transformers.

"If I sell it in advance, can I get a transformer as a reward?"



Ye Chen helplessly shakes his head, there is no food in the shop, can only go out to buy.

Fortunately, I still have a little money, plus the 100 yuan that the dog owner just paid, these ingredients are basically available.

After buying the ingredients, ye Chen is busy.

Panning rice, washing vegetables, cutting scallions

Although each process seems casual, but see ye Chen's appearance, is in a serious perfunctory.

"Three clean dishes, please."

Three plates were placed in front of me.

"Bang bang." Three fried rice with eggs appeared.

Ye Chen looked at the fried rice with eggs and frowned. The fried rice was a little ugly.

Although the three portions of fried rice give off bursts of fragrance, the rice grains and eggs are all scorched black, and even the scallions are scorched black.

"Why does this egg fried rice sell so badly?" Ye Chen could not help but make complaints about her.

"The appearance of a dish depends on the attitude of the host. If the attitude is good, the appearance will be good. If the attitude is bad, the appearance will be bad." The system said in a special tone. Ye Chen some speechless, casually perfunctory also was discovered?

Three dishes of fried rice with eggs. I can't take up my appetite just by watching it. Can I sell it in one day?

Think too much?

Ye Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Take three portions of fried rice with eggs to the bar. The unlucky guy who didn't wait yesterday, you are blessed today. Here are three portions of fried rice with hell eggs waiting for you to taste.

Not far from the restaurant, a young man was holding a selfie stick with a mobile phone pinned to it and several power bank in his pocket.

This young man is an outdoor anchor on a certain platform. His name is erlengzi. Erlengzi is different from other anchors. He specializes in trying all kinds of dark dishes.

"Old fellow stinky tofu, I am your two hit son. We just saw the devil stinky tofu yesterday. It really is a constant smell. Today we plan to taste this fast food restaurant called Ye's fast food. It is said that this shop is very difficult to eat, and how bad it is. Let's have a taste. The old fellow who has not paid much attention to it should remember to pay attention to it, double click on 666, and bring gifts.

Looking at only a few sporadic bullet screens in the live room, erlengzi walked into Ye's fast food.

"Boss!" Erlengzi sat there, learning the tone of the ancient great Xia, and said, "give me the worst food in your shop!"

Ye Chen light glanced at him one eye, didn't know that he was live, didn't speak.

Is this guy here to find fault?

Have a meal and take a selfie. Do you really think you are sun Honglei, the king of Yan? Can you still take a nine palace picture after having a meal?

"Erlengzi, the boss doesn't want to give you a bird!"

"The boss's eyes are full of worries."

"This shop looks a little ordinary. It doesn't seem to have the dark food in legend!"

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