Fried rice with hell eggs

"Boss, I'm here for dinner!" Er Leng Zi was so anxious that he saw many bosses. It was the first time that he saw such a cold boss.

"If you want to eat, there's nothing worse to eat!" Ye Chen said frankly.

"233, the boss is very proud."

"Not only haughty, the boss is quite handsome!"

"Such a personality boss, the anchor asks for the address!"

The live broadcast room is still covered with bullet screens, but it is still only a few sporadic.

Erlengzi grinned, then opened the menu and said, "give me a green onion preserved egg."


"How about spicy tofu?"


"Stewed goose in iron pot?"


After ordering several dishes in a row, the result of the other party's reply was no, which made erlengzi a little uneasy.

It's not a new year's day right now. It's the hottest time for the Chinese restaurant in the new year. The restaurant next door is already full of people. It seems that it's not far from closing.

The food must not be delicious.

"What do you have?"

Ye Chen helplessly looked at the three egg fried rice in front of him, and said: "only this one."

He really doesn't like this guy. The three portions of fried rice with eggs are really bad. I hope this guy will retreat after seeing it.

Erlengzi got up and took a look at three plates of black fried rice with eggs.

If it's really... Dark cuisine!

"Yes, give me one!"

Ye Chen Leng a Leng, oneself didn't hear wrong?

Would he like to have such an ugly fried rice with eggs?

Why is he still eager to try?

Wait, this guy's still drooling?

Ye Chen of course does not know erlengzi is a special taste of dark food anchor, just feel that this guy's performance is abnormal.

"Why don't you bring it to me? Do you want a client in your restaurant?"

"I don't want the client in this small restaurant. The app is very troublesome." Ye Chen straight way back.

Erlengzi was speechless, so he had to get up and bring a dish by himself.

Old fellow steamed rice fried rice with egg genuine goods at a fair price. You see, the green onion is burnt and burnt. You see, the rice is very smelly, and the egg is half baked.

Erlengzi takes the mobile phone and aims at the fried rice with eggs. There's a close-up and a commentary.

After that, he came outside with fried rice and eggs and took a picture of the sign“ Fried rice with egg leaves, dear old fellow iron, remember to give me a concern and a gift. Remember to go, I will start to taste the fried rice with hare eggs!

Ye Chen looks at Er Leng Zi chanting words to the mobile phone, and goes out for a run with a plate. He doesn't understand what this guy wants.

Is it hard to have such a sense of ceremony when eating fried rice with eggs?

233, this egg fried rice really deserves the title of hell egg fried rice

"It's disgusting to look at it. Erlengzi, the biggest challenge in your life is coming!"

"The host asks for the address, I also want to taste this bad fried rice with eggs!"

The audience in the studio, just watching the show, all think it's a failed egg fried rice. When erlengzi was serving the egg fried rice just now, they also saw it. There are still two of the same ones.

It seems that the boss is really the best in the dark cuisine.

"Well, boss, can I interview you?" Erlengzi suddenly raised his head, as the anchor, more to create topics.

"What?" Ye Chen this just see clearly, originally this guy is in live broadcast.

"What makes you insist on making such dark dishes?"

Ye Chen rolled a white eye, answered this question of Er Leng Zi with silence.

"Hahaha, it's good that the boss didn't hit you with a rolling pin."

"The anchor is killing himself in style."

"I think the anchor will go to the hospital for gastric lavage after eating this fried rice with eggs."

"Can I ask you one more question?" See popularity has improved, erlengzi continued to ask.

"No!" Ye Chen refused very simply.

"Why is the business next door so good that there is no one in your shop?"

"Because I'm not good at it." Ye Chen doesn't agree with you. This guy is really annoying.

"A joke, a joke." See ye Chen angry, two Leng son busy embarrassed smile way.

"The boss is very interesting. The anchor can ask for my contact information."

"I'm going to laugh to death because I'm terrible, 23333..."

"Erlengzi not only met the biggest challenge in his life, but also met the biggest opponent. I'm convinced by the boss's answer!"

Erlengzi smiles, his goal has been achieved, but looking at the fried rice in front of him, he still doesn't want to eat it, because the fried rice with eggs looks really appetizing.

I can only talk with water friends.

"Old fellow iron, if you brush a cruise for me, I will eat up the fried rice with egg today!" Erlengzi is an anchor after all, so the way to ask for a gift is also clear.

After all, a cruise costs thousands of yuan, and few local tyrants are willing to brush it. After all, it's a step down for them.

Don't mention the cruise. Since erlengzi started broadcasting for such a long time, the biggest gift I've ever seen is a sword worth 88 yuan. It's still for my friends to pay back the money“ Erlengzi, this is the rhythm of debt default! "

"Yes, it's rare for erlengzi to counsels. Today, he counsels in the face of a dish of fried rice with eggs."

"I sympathize with the anchor. I can't even talk about this dish of fried rice with eggs."

There are more barrages in the live broadcast room.

Er Leng Zi kept shouting that I wanted to eat, but the spoon in his hand never moved.

Suddenly, someone rewarded erlengzi with a cruise ship.

"Lying trough, the local tyrant comes, erlengzi will suffer!"

"2333, erlengzi, remember to finish this dish of fried rice with eggs!"

"Eat quickly, finish eating, I brush another one for you!"

The last barrage was just said by the local tyrant who paid for the cruise.

Obviously, although the popularity of the live room has increased, everyone has a schadenfreude attitude.

They want to see if erlengzi, who specializes in dark food, can hold the wave of hell egg fried rice.

Erlengzi was stunned when he saw the cruise.

When I came back, I saw that the local tyrant said I would have another one after eating.

Erlengzi immediately clenched his teeth. There are thousands of cruise ships, and both of them have more than 10000. This is more than what he earns in one year. If he hadn't relied on his friends to help him in this year, he would have been living on the streets.

"Thank XXX for the cruise, old fellow, I am waiting for your next cruise!"

After that, erlengzi scooped up a spoonful of black rice and put it into his mouth.

After the rice was put into his mouth, erlengzi was stunned.

His eyes gradually widened and he couldn't recover for a long time.

"It's over. The anchor is poisoned!"

"Good Samaritan, call for an ambulance!"

"Er Leng Zi finally fell in front of this hell egg fried rice!"

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