Do your hands itch?

Although the man was just sitting there, there seemed to be a sea of stars hidden in his deep eyes. Her figure was as hard and reliable as steel. She murmured, "if you can lean on his arms, it should be very safe..."

The two men who were talking didn't hear what Li Jiaying was saying. They looked at each other and laughed. They had a good conversation.

In the shantytowns in the north of the city, in the dirty environment, a row of dilapidated people's rooms hide a pair of burning eyes.

Wei Qinghu is sitting on a stool in front of a small table. In front of him, there is a tall and strong man. He has a beard and is as big as a brown bear, but he is Shen Botao, one of the four King Kong of the Black Dragon Society.

"My old friend, aren't you happy to see me?" Shen Bo Tao asked Wei Qinghu with a smile. Although he was smiling on the surface, his palm on his knee slowly turned into a fist. No matter who he was, he didn't have the courage to relax in the face of Wei Qinghu, who has the most powerful weapon.

Wei Qinghu took a look at Shen Botao and said, "do you think you can find my hiding place? Do you think you are wonderful? Shen Botao, think about it with your sad brain. If I don't want you to find it, do you think you can find me? "

"Huh?" Shen Botao's eyes trembled fiercely. He asked incredulously, "do you... Do you plan on me?"

Wei Qinghu shook his head, he disdained to say, "calculation, you are not qualified."

Shen Botao's muscles all over his body are tense. Against Wei Qinghu, if he is fighting for life and death, he must do his best. Otherwise, he has no chance of winning. After all, he is the strongest weapon

"Don't be so nervous." Wei Qinghu waved his hand and said, "I just have a question to ask."

Shen Bo Tao frowned and asked, "what's the problem?"

"A simple question." Wei Qinghu's fingers beat on the table. He said carelessly, "which is more valuable, Feng Tao's life or your life?"

"What?!" Shen Botao stood up on the spot. He widened his eyes, looked directly at Wei Qinghu, and roared in disbelief, "what do you mean by that? Do you want to move Feng Tao

Wei Qinghu shrugged his shoulders. He raised his eyebrows and said, "before answering my questions, I don't like your asking questions very much, especially some silly questions."

"Ridiculous? You are the laughable one Shen Botao slowly calms down. He is calm in nature. He steps back half a step and opens up the distance between him and Wei Qinghu.

Wei Qinghu nodded indifferently and said, "maybe I'm ridiculous, but now is not the time to debate this question. If you don't answer my question, then you are worthless to me. For those who are worthless, there may be no need to live."

Shen Botao's eyes jumped, he sneered and said, "Wei Qinghu, no matter what you want to do, but you want to move Feng Tao, then pass me first!"

"Oh, I'm very loyal. I have a strong sense of being a dog." Wei Qinghu also slowly stood up. He glanced at Shen Botao and shook his head with disdain. "Don't say I didn't give you a chance. If you kneel down and beg me now, I may spare your life. Then we can talk about it again."

"Talk? Then there's no need! " Before the words were heard, Shen Botao stepped on the ceramic tiles and crushed them. The whole person was just like a shell fired and came straight at Wei Qinghu.

Wei Qinghu's eyes shrank, his mouth slightly tilted, and he said in a low voice, "good explosive power, worthy of being one of the four King Kong."“ Go to hell! " Shen Botao roared, raised his fist high, and smashed it on Wei Qinghu's head.

Wei Qinghu is not in a hurry. He lightly raises his hand and gently grabs Shen Botao's fist. He casually pinches his right foot and takes half a step back to remove Shen Botao's power.

"It seems that you will not be abandoned. You don't want to have a good talk with me." Wei Qinghu's five claws strained the muscles of his whole arm. Shen Botao felt that his fist was pressed by the hydraulic press. An irresistible force clamped his fist directly.

"Ah With this fierce force, Shen Botao felt that his right hand had been pinched and deformed, and that force made him have a deep despair.

He knelt on the ground, holding his right wrist in his left hand, desperately trying to pull his fist out. However, his proud strength seemed so pale and weak in front of Wei Qinghu. No matter how hard he tried, he could not shake Wei Qinghu, and had no chance to break free from the other hand.

"Damn it! This... How can this be possible! " Shen Botao can't believe it and roars that he can't convince himself that it's true, and he can't convince himself to accept the fact that Wei Qinghu's power is far above himself.

"Tut tut." Wei Qinghu shook his head. He looked at Shen Botao pitifully and said in a tone of disdain, "is this all your strength? It really disappoints me. You know, in my eyes, you're like tickling me. This level of power... Like a girl! "

At the end of the speech, Wei Qinghu's five fingers pressed hard, and the powerful force burst out in an instant. Shen Botao screamed, and his whole right hand was crushed, blood and flesh splashed. The severe pain made Shen Botao shiver. He covered his wound and fell on the ground like a dead dog.

Ignoring Shen Botao's miserable appearance, Wei Qinghu said faintly, "in order to punish your arrogance, I deliberately abandoned you

One hand, if I ask you questions next, if you are not honest, I will scrap your other hand. Don't worry, I am very patient. "

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." Shen Botao lies on the ground and gasps. His heavy breathing echoes back and forth in this small broken house. He looks at Wei Qinghu bitterly. Shen Botao asks indignantly, "what do you want?"

Wei Qinghu said lightly, "I want to kill Feng Tao. I want you to help me."

"You're kidding Shen Bo Tao tried to endure the pain. He widened his eyes and yelled, "that's Feng Tao, who is called an underground vassal! Can you kill me too? "

Wei Qinghu eyebrows pick, he slanted Shen Botao one eye, coldly said, "your other hand... Also itchy?"

Feeling Wei Qinghu's cold killing intention, Shen Botao can't help shivering.

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