
After swallowing his saliva, Shen Botao gritted his teeth and said, "I... I won't go with you to die. Anyway, betraying Feng Tao will also die. It's better to die in your hands than to swear on your back. Come on, kill me!"

"Well?" Wei Qinghu shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't worry, I won't kill you, but you will change your mind."

Shen said with a wild smile, "ha ha ha, change your mind? Don't bother in front of me. I won't change my mind

"Yes? You say no, but your body is very honest. " Wei Qinghu smiles. He takes out a small emerald box from the bedside table. This small box is the size of a matchbox. Open it gently, and there is a strange looking insect inside.

This insect has 12 legs, green scales all over the body, and sharp mouthparts at both ends. It's hard to tell where the head is. The strange insect is only three or four centimeters long. What's more strange is that it doesn't have eyes. As soon as the box is opened, the strange insect crawls around excitedly. It seems that it likes fresh air very much.

"Hey, believe me, you'll change your mind." Before Shen Botao can figure out what Wei Qinghu wants to do, Wei Qinghu moves the corner of his mouth cruelly. He squats in front of Shen Botao's body and pinches each other's chin.

Although Shen Botao didn't know what Wei Qinghu wanted to do, he still struggled desperately out of instinct, but no matter how hard he tried, it didn't help at all. In front of Wei Qinghu's irresistible power, Shen Botao was oppressed to death, not to mention resisting, even a little micro movement was impossible.

Pinching open Shen Botao's mouth, Wei Qinghu did not hesitate to pour the strange insect into Shen Botao's mouth. The strange insect excitedly went into his stomach, but in a few seconds, the green strange insect disappeared in Shen Botao's throat.

"Ouch... Cough... Ouch..."

Because of the angle of sight, Shen Botao didn't know what Wei Qinghu had thrown into his mouth, but the strange insect arched his throat, which made him feel sick and nauseous.

"Huhuhu..." after vomiting for a long time, Shen Botao didn't vomit out a reason. He stared at Wei Qinghu and asked angrily, "what did you throw into my mouth?"

Wei Qinghu said with a smile, "I said it was candy. Do you believe it?"

"You're kidding me!" Shen Bo Tao roared. Although he didn't know what he had eaten, he had a very dangerous feeling.

Wei Qinghu carelessly took out a leaf from his pocket. It's just an ordinary willow leaf. It's nothing special. When he put it in his mouth, Wei Qinghu played it gently. A kind of sometimes wonderful and sometimes sharp strange tone slowly spread out.

At the beginning, Shen Botao was still confused. He didn't know what Wei Qinghu was doing, but soon he understood what this guy was doing. He was the prelude to bringing himself into hell

A kind of heartfelt pain rips Shen Botao's sensitive nerves. The pain is like being killed in a hurry. The flesh and blood are scraped off bit by bit. Shen Botao is in agony on the spot. He is paralyzed on the ground and rolls back and forth like a dead dog. The intense pain makes him almost crazy.

"Ah!!! It hurts!!! Ah Shen Bo Tao yelled at the top of his voice, but it didn't reduce his pain. On the contrary, with the passage of time, the sharp pain in his body became more and more serious. Shen Bo Tao's life was not like death. At this moment, he even thought that he was not as good as death.

"Wei Qinghu! It's you! Did you do it?! Stop it! Stop it!!! Stop it No matter how Shen Bo Tao roars, Wei Qinghu still ignores him. He blows the willow leaves leisurely. The higher the tone is, the faster the rhythm is. The more painful Shen Bo Tao is“ All right!! All right!! I promise you!!! I promise you everything Shen Botao can't bear it. He can't bear it any more. He stares at his blood red eyes and yells at the top of his voice.

Wei Qinghu just stopped playing. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "it would have been better if it had been like this. It would have saved him from suffering like this."

With the end of the music, Shen Botao's sharp pain also stopped. He was like a ball of vent. He was weak and weak on the ground, grinning. He breathed in the air hard and his voice was hoarse. He opened his mouth and asked, "what's the matter?"

Wei Qinghu didn't seem to take it seriously at all. He said carelessly, "it's nothing. Maybe it's just a poison to you


"Gu?" Shen Botao's cold hair all over his body exploded, and he asked with a shudder, "do you mean that I've been poisoned by the Miao people?"

"Tut tut." Wei Qinghu smacked his lips and said, "do you just react now? But it's no use. No matter you know it or not, you can't solve it anyway. Hehe, you'd better be my slave. Otherwise, you'll be worse than dead. "

Shen Botao's eyes were full of death gray despair. His lips trembled and he said in a cold voice, "Wei Qinghu, I beg you, kill me!"

"Want to die? It's not that easy. " Wei Qinghu shook his head slightly. He said with a cruel smile, "it's not good for me if you die. On the contrary, it will make me lose a blue blood hook. If you commit suicide, I will send the poisonous insects to your home. It's said that your wife is a glorious people's teacher, and your three-year-old child can make soy sauce now?"

"You..." Shen Botao is a famous man, but now he is so angry that he almost bites his teeth. He looks at Wei Qinghu maliciously and says angrily, "you son of a bitch, if you have seed, come to me. Don't involve them. They don't know anything!"

Wei Qinghu said coldly, "have you forgotten who I am? I'm a killer. It's my creed to do anything. I want to kill Feng Tao. It's that simple. "

Shen Botao fell into silence. He knew that he could not escape the control of Wei Qinghu by any means now. What he could do now was to obey Wei Qinghu, and there was no second way to go.

He can't imagine the consequences of this kind of pain coming to his delicate wife and three-year-old child. If they have to do this, they can be safe. Then, as a man, let him carry everything down!

With a decision in his heart, Shen Botao slowly got up from the ground. He looked directly at Wei Qinghu in front of him, letting his bloody right hand drip blood.

"I'll help you kill Feng Tao, and you'll set me free." Shen Botao said in a deep voice.

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