I didn't catch it

Looking at the man in front of him, who was still shaking because the pain had not completely disappeared, Wei Qinghu's eyes flashed a trace of appreciation. He nodded and said, "yes, I don't promise easily, but what I promise you will certainly be done."

Although Shen Botao was trembling, he still stood straight and stood with his chest straight. He said in a loud voice, "Wei Qinghu, I hope you will remember that this is a man's agreement!"

Wei Qinghu shrugged and said, "I have a bad memory. I don't necessarily remember it, but for you, I will keep it in my mind."

The night is as cool as water. It's 10 o'clock at night. Two hours ago, ye Chen reported to Lin Wan'er that she was safe and told her that she would not go home this evening. Although Lin Wan'er was very dissatisfied, she didn't say much. After all, she was not ye Chen's girlfriend and didn't say much. She was just in a very sad mood. Ye Chen tried to explain for a long time, She just believed that ye Chen is not going to date Bai Dieer.

Ye Chen is very busy this day. He is the only one in the intensive care unit. Li Jiaying also goes home. He lies on the bed and squints to rest.

Yan Xi person still grasps his right hand, tightly grasps, does not have the slightest loosen meaning, leaf Chen all feels that own hand is broken

He was numb, but in order not to disturb her, he let her go.

"Well." I don't know how long later, Yan Xiren slowly opened her heavy eyes. She gently shook her head and threw aside the confusion and lethargy in her mind.

"Ye Chen?" Yan Xiren suddenly feels that something is wrong. She moves her finger, but finds that she is holding a man's hand. She looks up in confusion, and then finds Ye Chen lying on the bed sleeping.

Subconsciously, Yan Xiren wanted to take her hand away, but she didn't know why. When she raised this idea, she felt a kind of inexplicable loss and rejection in her heart.

"What's the matter with me?" Yan hit head pain to crack, she took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, slowly, some memory fragments swarmed.

Although she is sometimes sober and sometimes sleepy, she still vaguely remembers what happened today. When she thinks of what happened this morning, she can't help but feel palpitations and fear from her heart. She can't help but tremble,

Subconsciously, Yan Xiren grabs Ye Chen's hand tightly, and the more she grabs it, the warmer it is. She has an indescribable sense of security in her hand. It seems that all her fears are blocked by the back of Ye Chen's hand. It seems that she is hiding in the palm of Ye Chen's hand, and everything is not terrible.

"Li Muchen! Son of a bitch! " Can't help it, Yan Xiren secretly scolded.

After a long time, she slowly calmed down the inner excitement, incredible, she looked at her hand, she did not dare

Imagine that she will take the initiative to catch Ye Chen, and also grasp so tightly. Out of shyness, she is about to pull her hand back. Her pretty face turns red. For a moment, she doesn't know what to do.

Who knows Ye Chen shook her small hand, eyelashes trembled two times, whispered coax, "an LA, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Although it's just a few words, it seems to represent an indescribable magic power to Yan Xiren. Ye Chen's gentle voice is like the warm sun in winter. Yan Xiren's rigid body suddenly softens down, and she doesn't care about anything else. "Anyway, this bad guy doesn't know. What's the relationship if I catch it for a while?"

Lying on the bed, she side of a small head, secretly thinking about things, a pair of big black eyes staring at Ye Chen's face, just look at, look at, she didn't know how long, gradually, she went to sleep again, but this time, she never had a nightmare, sleep so sweet, also so at ease. When Yan Xiren opens his eyes again, the first thing he sees is Ye Chen's deep dark eyes. The man is lying on the bed, blinking and blinking at his face. He doesn't know how long he's been looking, and what he's looking at.

Yan Xi's pretty face turned red. She said angrily, "what are you looking at?"

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "are you awake?"

"Well." Yan Xiren nodded. She didn't know what to say, but she had a lot to say.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "because I woke up earlier, but I was afraid to wake you up, so I didn't move, but I'm bored here, just look at your eyes."

"Look at your eyes?" Yan Xiren bit his lip and said, "what are you looking at? I didn't open it again. "

Ye Chen wrinkled his nose and giggled, "count your eyelashes. Your eyelashes are very long and beautiful. There are 217 in your left eye and 225 in your right eye."

Yan Xi person pretty face tiny red, she white leaf Chen a way, "fool."

Ye Chen doesn't care and says with a smile, "are you hungry? Have you been sleeping all day and all night? "

Yan Xiren rubbed her stomach. She was really hungry, so she said casually, "it's a little bit."

"Then I'll buy you some breakfast." Say ye Chen to want to stand up.

"Ah, ah, ah." Yan Xiren didn't let go of Ye Chen's hand. She had been waxy for a long time and said, "that... That... I... I don't have appetite. I don't want to eat."

Ye Chen scratched his head, where can he guess the girl's mind, just nodded foolishly, and then sat on the chair.

Yan Xiren blushes like a small apple. The reason why she doesn't want Ye Chen to leave is that she is the only one who thinks carefully

I know that if ye Chen goes out of this room, he will let go of his hand. I don't know why. Once he thinks that he will let go of Ye Chen's hand, Yan Xiren's heart is full of loss and reluctance.

But she also understood that the moment was not far away.

Ye Chen has been sitting there for a day and a night without moving his place, and because he is afraid of making a noise to Yan Xiren, he dare not even make a big move. Now it's OK, because Yan Xiren has come to his senses. He raises his arm and stretches, but maybe it's a habit. He still holds Yan Xiren's little hand tightly until he raises it.

"Er... That..." Ye Chen quickly released his hand, and he scratched his ears. He really didn't know how to explain to Yan Xiren, because in his impression, Yan Xiren always hated his own.

Who knows Yan Xi person just white Ye Chen one eye, don't have good spirit of say, "good ah you, ye Chen, dare to take advantage of me while this young lady is sleeping, believe me to tell my elder sister?"

"Oh, Hello, little princess, I'm wronged. That's not what I caught..." Ye Chen was unreasonable, so he quickly explained.

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