Your majesty, please wipe our hands

Yan said hummingly, "did you catch it or did I catch it?"

Ye Chen has no idea what to say for a moment.

See ye Chen this pair of wronged Baba appearance, Yan Xi person suddenly feel funny, she suddenly remembered her embarrassment in the hotel when the drug attack, immediately blushed, she quickly put the cerebellum bag into the quilt, yelled, "go, buy breakfast for Miss, but if not, I sue you to insult me!"

Ye Chen scratched his head. He stood up and said, "don't you say you have no appetite? Why are you eating again now? "

"What do you want to do? Come on Yan Xi's voice came from the white quilt.

Ye Chen helplessly turns around and walks to the door. He can't figure out what Yan Xiren's situation is, but this little girl doesn't hate herself. It's a good thing.

Yan Xiren hears Ye Chen's footsteps go away. She just pokes her head out of the quilt. Her whole face is burning red. In her two big eyes, she doesn't know what kind of mood is flashing.

"Ye Chen..." whispering the man's name, Yan Xiren slowly fell into a trance. She remembered the appearance of Ye Chen kicking open the door in the hotel. If it wasn't for ye Chen, she didn't dare to imagine what would happen. However, the image of Ye Chen that day, like a knife carving, was engraved on her little heart every stroke. For a long time, she couldn't forget it


After ye Chen left the ward, he first went straight to the toilet and solved the problem of the reservoir. Then he walked leisurely and slowly out of the hospital.

In front of the hospital bought three breakfast, ye Chen was about to go back, but the mobile phone rang at this time.

"Hello." After receiving the call, ye Chen said with a smile, "Wan'er."

Lin Wan'er's voice was a little tired. She said faintly, "don't be late for today's competition. Where are you? Do you want me to send someone to pick you up? "

Ye Chen raised his hand to look at the time and thought, "I'm in the Municipal People's hospital. I have enough time. I don't need to prepare anything more. I can compete there."

"Hospital?" Lin Wan'er's side immediately fried the pot. She exclaimed in surprise, "what are you doing in the hospital? You were hurt. Be sick? are you all right? Don't scare me

From Lin Wan'er's voice, ye Chen heard the deep concern. He couldn't help being moved and said with a smile, "how can I? I just came to the hospital to see my friend. I have a friend who was hospitalized and was accompanying here last night."

Ye Chen thinks about it again and again, but still thinks that she can't tell her about Yan Xiren. Lin Wan'er has broken her heart because of the competition. If she is hit by Yan Xiren, this woman will feel even worse.

Lin Wan'er just let go. She let go, "OK, I'll pick you up later. Let's go to the stadium together."

"Mm-hmm, OK. I'll wait for you here. Call me when you arrive." Ye Chen nodded a way.

After explaining the matter, ye Chen sighed and turned back to the ward.

Just arrived at the door of the ward, the voice of whispering came from the quiet intensive care unit, peeping through the glass on the door, only to find that it was Li Jiaying.

Knock knock on the door, ye Chen put out a head, said with a smile, "excuse me, two beauties, can I come in?" Li Jiaying does not return to smile, "if you want to come in, just come in, and no one will stop you."

Giggle into the ward, ye Chen put his breakfast on the table, jokingly said, "Jiaying, your nose is very long, I guess you will come, so I bought three breakfast, didn't you eat so early? Take a bite. "

Li Jiaying is not polite. She helps Ye Chen open the plastic bag, takes out a lunch box, pinches out a small cage bag from inside, raises her hand and sends it to her mouth.

"Hello, Hello!" Ye Chen caught Li Jiaying's wrist and said, "my chief police officer, have you washed your hands?"

"It's OK." Li Jiaying shook her head indifferently and said, "I washed it when I got up in the morning."

Ye Chen full head of black line, he pretended to be angry tiger face said, "no, before dinner must wash your hands, and this is the hospital ah, who knows what you touched, go to, wash hands and then come back."

If two other people talk to Li Jiaying in this way, I'm afraid it won't come to a good end. But what people didn't expect is that Li Jiaying, who has always been hot tempered, pouted her lips. She snorted, "why don't you wash it?"

"They are patients. If you lie on the bed, I'll wash it for you." Ye Chen is angry and funny to say.

"Well, you have such welfare when you are sick." Without saying a word, Li Jiaying took off her shoes and went to bed. She got into Yan Xiren's arms, put her head out of the quilt and said with pride, "Nah, I'm sick now. I've got a disease that will die as soon as I get out of bed. I want to wash my hands. Hurry up, I want you to serve me."

Looking at Li Jiaying's unreasonable behavior, ye Chen picks her eyebrows and says, "you..."

When ye Chen goes out to buy breakfast, Li Jiaying and Yan Xiren talk very speculatively. They are similar in age and have similar interests. At this time, Yan Xiren also holds Li Jiaying and looks at Ye Chen with great interest to see how this guy should deal with it.

Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "Hey, don't make trouble, OK?"

"People don't make trouble, handsome guy, I want to wash my hands ~ ~" Li Jiaying wriggles her body, just like a Persian cat. She laughs and makes Ye Chen helpless.

Helpless under, leaf Chen has to compromise a way, "good good!"

Ready to towel and basin, ye Chen life like sigh, he pushed the door to the direction of the toilet went out.

Two little girls are laughing and making noise in the room. When ye Chen comes to the door, he can't help but turn his mouth up. He shakes his head and is happy for Yan Xiren. It's good for anyone to come out of the haze early.

After receiving the hot water, ye Chen returned to the ward. He put a white towel on his shoulder and took off the look of a foot therapist.

Li Jiaying and Yan Xiren hide on the bed to see ye Chen. They smile and stretch out their little hands to discuss with each other. It seems that they shout with one voice, "Your Majesty, please wipe your hands for us."

Ye Chen can't laugh or cry because of this whole work. He first wet the towel and said with a straight face, "OK, OK, don't make any noise. I'll wipe your face first, and then wipe your hands for both of you."

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