Classmate party

"Lin's group?"

Ye Chen's eyes flashed a different color, until noon, no one came in.

Ye Chen looked at dozens of yuan in his hand, and a glimmer of satisfaction flashed across his face: "fortunately, today is also an income."

Just then, the phone rings.

"Hello? Another end of the phone comes a strange voice, ye Chen frowned: "are you?"

"Why, our boss Ye doesn't even remember his old classmates?"

There is a touch of irony in the voice from the other end of the phone.

"Who the hell are you? I'll hang up."

Qin Tian said that he was about to hang up.

"I'm Zhang Yang, your old classmate. I heard that ye Chen dropped out of school and inherited your father's restaurant?"

Ye Chen suddenly, Wang Yi told him before that Zhang Yang would call him, but he didn't expect to call so soon.

"I --"

Ye Chengang wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Zhang Yang.

"Well, tomorrow there will be a gathering of students in the first club of Dongcheng. No one invited you, but some old students insisted on seeing you and specially asked me to call you."

Ye Chen picked to pick eyebrow, publicize the meaning of contempt in the words, he recognized, but the meaning of the last sentence... Seems to be some wrong.

"Well, I see. I'll be there then."

Zhang Yang doesn't speak. Ye Chen frowns. He just wants to hang up the phone, but his voice comes out again.

"It's said that our boss Ye's business is not very good? Ha ha

Zhang Yang laughs and hangs up the phone.

Ye Chen shook his head, took out the invitation from his arms, and looked at the last name of the invitation.

The next afternoon, ye Chen took out a black suit from the storage box, shook his head and sighed.

He bought this suit when he was in college. It cost 800 yuan at that time, which was his most expensive dress.

"It's OK. It's a good fit."

Ye Chen looked at himself in the mirror and showed a satisfied color on his face.

Out of the door, ye Chen takes a car. The first club in Dongcheng, he knows, is the most famous club in Dongcheng. People who can play in it are rich or expensive.

After getting out of the car, it was dark. Qin Tian took a look at the shining light not far away, tugged at the corner of his clothes and walked over.

At the gate of the first club in the east city, a thin man in a purple suit was standing. Looking at Ye Chen not far away, his face showed a touch of playful color.

"Ouch, this is our boss Ye."

The thin man with a smile on his face walked towards Ye Chen.

"Are you publicity?" Ye Chen looks at the thin man in front of him. Although he hasn't seen him for a long time, ye Chen still recognizes him from the corners of his face.

"Ha ha, our boss Ye is so busy that he doesn't know me anymore?"

Ye Chen smiles and says: "how is it possible?"

Then he held out his hand.

Zhang Yang looks at Ye Chen's hand in the air, and his face shows a touch of sarcasm. He turns around and walks towards the club.

"You're the last. Get in."

Ye Chen looks at the publicity that disappears in front of him, slowly takes back his hand, takes a deep breath, and goes to the door. Looking at the black Bentley standing beside him, he is stunned: "isn't this Miss Lin's car?"

He had seen fauber drive this car before. When he first saw it, the string of eight on the license plate blinded him in a flash.

"Is Miss Lin here, too?"

Ye Chen thought and went in.

In the box on the second floor of the club, Zhang Yang pushed the door and came in. He sat down on the sofa. Looking at the people in front of him, he laughed and said, "brother, who do you guess?"

After Zhang Yang finished, he took a deep look at the woman with heavy makeup beside him.

The woman gently smiles, shakes the wine glass in the hand, gently smiles: "how... Has something to do with me?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "yes, Wang Ruoling, your first love little boyfriend has arrived."

Before the words were heard, a man in a white suit next to Wang Ruoling slapped the table. The wine glass on the table shook, and the noisy box suddenly quieted down.

"Boy, don't say what you shouldn't say. I'll cut you off and feed the dog. I'll go to the street!"

Zhang Yang quickly bowed his head, nodded and said: "yes, Mr. Xu, I know. I'll make three penalties from myself. I'll make three penalties from myself."

Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu Liang! It's Wang Ruoling's boyfriend. Originally it was their classmate's party today, but Xu Liang insisted on coming. Most of the people present knew that Xu Liang's family was rich in Taiwan, so no one dared to offend him.

Zhang Yang had a cold sweat on his neck. He poured wine on one side and looked at Xu Liang with the rest of his eyes. Seeing that Xu Liang didn't say anything again, he was completely relieved. He drank three glasses of wine and took a breath.

"Oh, dead man, you scared other people's classmates."

Wang Ruoling put down the wine cup in her hand, put her face close to Xu Liang's ear and said in a sweet voice.

With a smile, Xu Liang raised his hand and slapped it on Wang Ruoling's buttocks.

Wang Ruoling's eyes flow, showing the color of spring, all of a sudden fell on Xu Liang's body.

"You have so many classmates watching."

Xu Liang raised his head. His eyes were full of arrogance. Looking at the people around him, he said with a smile, "what are you afraid of? Who don't have eyes and dare to look?"

Xu Liang glanced around. All the people in the box lowered their heads. Only a bald man with tattoos was lying on the sofa drinking wine.

"Mr. Xu is so elegant." The tattooed man smiles, sits up and puts the glass on the tea table.

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you play with a woman?"


The tattooed man pointed to himself, shook his head with a smile and said, "forget about women. I'm still very interested in your woman's first love boyfriend."

Zhang Dabiao's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light, while Wang Yi, sitting in the innermost part, looked at several people around him, frowned tightly and murmured: "classmate party? I'm afraid it's a grand banquet today. "

At this time, the box door opened, ye Chen went in and said hello with a smile: "Hello, everyone."

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Liang said: "I don't know what our boss Ye does. He was the last one to arrive. This shelf is very big."

Ye Chen saw one eye, in the eye peep out the color of doubt: "this seems to have some noodles to live, don't know is?"

When ye Chengang came in, he knew most of his classmates, but he didn't remember the person he was talking about.

"He is not your classmate, he is my husband Xu Liang."

Wang Ruoming takes Xu Liang's arm and looks at Ye Chen. His face shows the color of ridicule.

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