Strong Ye Chen

Xu Liang took a look at Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang immediately made up his mind and said with a smile, "Ye Chen, you must be familiar with this one, aren't you?"

Zhang Yang pointed to Wang Ruoling and said.

Ye Chen looks at Wang Ruo Ning, but he is stunned on the spot.

Thoughts rolling, countless memories like the tide into Qin Tian's mind, but there is no shadow and now sit on the number.

Zhang Dabiao looked at Ye Chen's look and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, it seems that people still can't forget his first love girlfriend. This eye can't be moved."

Xu Liang's face appeared a shade of color, suddenly stood up, pointed to Ye Chen, said: "boy, you look again, I dug your eyes."

Ye Chen suddenly returned to his senses. Looking at Wang Ruoling, who was familiar and unfamiliar, he took a long breath and bowed to Xu Liang and said, "I'm sorry."

Ye Chen bows down, not because of Xu Liang, but because of his past. Since he broke up with Wang Ruoling, he has never found a girlfriend. At this time, he suddenly feels relieved to see Wang Ruoling's various gestures.

Wang Ruo Ning looked at Ye Chen up and down, and his eyes showed a thick color of disdain.

"Ye Chen, I heard that you inherited your father's restaurant?"

Ye Chen nodded, next to Xu Liang burst out laughing: "Yo, or family business, this is inherited his father's restaurant, the turnover of several thousand a month?"

Xu Liang said, take out a glass of wine from the table, PA of a put in front of the body of Ye Chen.

"This bottle of wine is 9000 yuan. How about it? Can you earn this bottle of wine a month?"

Voice just fell, people around burst into laughter, ye Chen's details most people know, his father is also

Open a small restaurant, at this time after Xu Liang said, all the people are holding a kind of good play at Ye Chen.

"It's a shame to see him look so spineless."

"If you want me to say that you can't be a person, what do you want to do when you come to the reunion?"

"That is, we are still classmates. It's a shame!"

Several women said that if there is no discussion floating into Ye Chen's ears, ye Chen light said: "earn money to buy a bottle of wine is still enough."

Zhang Yang gave a cold smile: "Ye Chen, what big tail wolf do you pretend to be? I've already figured out your boy's details. Can you earn 1000 yuan a month?"

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Wang Ruoling's sarcasm became more and more intense. Holding Xu Liang in her arms, she said in a low voice, "I really don't know how people used to like him. One thousand yuan is not enough even for skin care."

At this time, Zhang Dabiao burst out laughing and said: "I'll tell you a secret. Don't be cheated by boss Ye. Maybe none of the three or four of you have money."

People around him were stunned. Xu Liang and Wang Ruoling also looked at Zhang Dabiao, not knowing the meaning of the vernacular.

Zhang Dabiao stood up, walked over, patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and said, "I heard that our boss Ye earned this amount a few days ago. I don't know if I'm right about boss ye?"

Zhang Dabiao stretched out a finger and shook it in mid air. Ye Chen narrowed his eyes. Maybe other people didn't understand Zhang Dabiao's meaning, but he understood that the finger represented Qian Fanyu's one million.

Qian Fanyu for his face, certainly will not hype, but now Zhang Dabiao knows, that is only one fact, Zhang Dabiao is Qian Fanyu's person, today is to come to him to settle accounts.

On the top floor of the East City Club, Qian Fanyu looked at Ye Chen on the big screen and flashed a chill: "boy, do you think it's so easy for me to get a million? I want you to pick it up, but I can't put it down! "

In the box, Xu Liang frowned: "Zhang Dabiao, what's the meaning of the words? Make it clear."

Zhang Dabiao went back to the sofa and said with a smile, "boss ye must know what I mean. I don't know whether boss Ye earned money by cheating people or stealing it?"

As soon as Zhang Dabiao finished speaking, Zhang Yang laughed and said, "it's impossible for him to earn a thousand yuan in that shabby restaurant. If brother Biao doesn't say it, I know it must be false."



Before Zhang Yang's words were finished, he let out a scream like killing a pig, holding his head and lying on the ground.

On the ground, the fragments of wine bottles broke all over the ground, and the fresh blood flowed down on his forehead, mixed with the liquor. Under the light, it was a touch of blood red.

In the box, it was as quiet as death, only the howling sound.

Zhang Dabiao stood up and went to Ye Chen, staring at Ye Chen's eyes.

"It's up to the master to beat the dog. Does boss ye not give me and Mr. Xu face by doing so?"

Ye Chen wiped the wine industry on the hand, lightly a smile: "since is a dog, since talk with fart equally smelly, I treat for Zhang childe and Xu childe how?"

Ye Chen has no fear on his face. When Wang Yi sees Ye Chen's sudden move, he only feels that the depression in his heart has been swept away. A good classmate's meeting has created a terrible atmosphere. If he were ye Chen, he would have been unable to help it.

"You want to die!"

Zhang Da Biao holds his right fist and smashes it at Ye Chen fiercely. Many people close their eyes. At such a close distance, Zhang Da Biao is strong, and ye Chen can't escape.

Ye Chen looks at the fist that smashes, a smile appears in his eyes, and takes the Hercules pill. Now it's time to test the effect.

Ye Chen grabs Zhang Dabiao's arm and kicks him in the stomach.

Zhang Dabiao only felt that his wrist was clamped by an iron clip. Before he could react, he felt a great pain in his stomach, and the whole person fell on the door.

All the people in the box are shocked by Ye Chen's foot. They stare at Ye Chen, and their faces are full of disbelief.

"I dare to beat Lao Tzu. It's against you."

Zhang Dabiao twisted his face, took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers with pain.

"What's more, bring people up here and kill this boy for me."

On the phone, my brother hesitated: "boss, this is the first club in the east city..."

"What are you afraid of? I'll take care of the trouble!" Zhang Da Biao roared at the phone like a wild animal. After more than ten seconds, the box door opened, and several gangsters in strange clothes and with all kinds of hairstyles came in. Seeing Zhang Da Biao falling on the ground, he quickly helped him up.

"Boss, who did it?"

Zhang Dabiao stood up, pointed to Ye Chen and said: "give me a hand. I can't stop fighting!"

Several younger brothers looked at each other and were about to rush up. Xu Liang frowned: "drag it out to fight. Don't disturb me. I'm very happy."

"Do as Mr. Xu said. Drag out to fight. I'll be responsible for killing you!"

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