
"Brothers, listen to the boss and Mr. Xu, get this boy out first."

Voice just fell, a few younger brothers rushed to Ye Chen, want to grasp Ye Chen to drag outside.

"What are you doing, Zhang Zibiao, or Ye Chen, who you invited to come here? They are all classmates in the University. What do you want to do in this way?"

Wang Yi couldn't look any longer. He suddenly stood up, pointed to Zhang Zibiao and yelled.

"Wang Yi, mind your own business, get out of here and beat me hard!"

Zhang Zibiao said coldly.

A little brother grabbed Ye Chen's collar and said: "boy, are you going out or let us invite you out?"

Ye Chen lightly a smile, saw one eye Zhang Zibiao to say: "how can bother Zhang childe to start, I go out by myself."

The voice falls, the leaf Chen lowered a head to see to see, fiercely grasps the younger brother wrist to wring.

Looking at the corner of my little brother's mouth, a trace of coldness flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.

"I hate people's dirty hands holding me."

Little brother's face flashed a trace of pain and nodded: "yes, ouch."

Ye Chen cold hum a, loosen a hand, walk toward the door.

Qian Fanyu looks at Ye Chen on the big screen. With a touch of pleasure on his face, he takes out his mobile phone and dials Zhang Zibiao.

"I'm so tired of touching Laozi."

As soon as Zhang Zibiao finished, the phone rang.


"Zibiao, you've done a good job. Just teach me a lesson. Don't go too far. I know you're not serious. It's not good to make a fuss when you've done something wrong."

Zhang Zibiao nodded and his face was full of smiles.

"If you don't have enough money, you can take care of this boy."

Zhang Zibiao watched Ye Chen go out, and quickly followed him. Ye Chen just went out. Zhang Zibiao made a look at the younger brother behind him. The younger brother immediately closed the box door and kicked Ye Chen.

"Fight me!"

A few younger brothers rush up, ye Chen suddenly turns around, looking at the foot that flies to kick to come over, lightly smile, really when his Hercules pill ate in vain?

Ye Chen side body, dodged to fly to come over of a foot, lift right fist, a fist hits at the younger brother's chest.

The other boys, with baseball bats in their hands, smash Ye Chen. Zhang Zibiao stands by and looks at Ye Chen with a sneer.

"I let the boy crazy. You are so crazy now."

The next moment, Zhang Zibiao's expression instantly solidified.

Ye Chen's body, in an incredible way to avoid the baseball bat, and then a few punches will be several younger brother all down on the ground.

Several younger brothers lying on the ground are rolling around, holding their stomachs and wailing. Zhang Dabiao looks at Ye Chen coming, and his eyes show a touch of fear“ You... Don't come here. Be careful. Now I'll find someone to kill you! "

Ye Chen steps a meal, in the eyes show the color of fun, go to Zhang Zibiao body, point to the mobile phone in the pocket, to, smile to say: "I give you another chance, you can call now."

Zhang Zibiao looks at Ye Chen's indifferent attitude, and his anger surges up.

"Good boy, I Zhang Zibiao can't make you today. I write backwards."

Zhang Zibiao took out his cell phone and got through.

"Where are you, Qiangzi?"

"Young master, we are playing here in Fulin street. What's the matter, young master?"

"Forrest street?"

Zhang Zibiao was pleased in his eyes and quickly said, "bring some swordsmen here. I'm in the first club in the east city. I dare to beat Lao Tzu. I'll cut him off!"

The other end of the phone suddenly stopped talking. After a while, the voice of hadron rang out: "young master, wait for us for a few minutes."

After he hung up, Zhang Zibiao looked at Ye Chen and laughed: "Ye Chen, now you kneel down for me and kowtow three times to call my grandfather. I'll forgive you for the sake of my classmates today, otherwise --"

Zhang Zibiao laughed, and a fierce color flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Zibiao also knows Xu Liang's identity. He is quite influential in Taiwan, but here, Xu Liang has to give him face!

In Dongcheng City, in some gray shadow areas, his family is heaven!

Five minutes later, in the hall of the first club in the east city, a dozen strong men with long knives suddenly came into the bed.

The first man, dressed in black and wearing sunglasses, glanced around.

The noise in the hall became less and less, and everyone looked at the knives who suddenly came into the bed.

"Damn, this is going to make trouble?"

"That is, I don't know who has the courage to make trouble here?"

There was a lot of discussion. Behind him, a black faced man in a white vest came to the man in black and said quietly, "brother Qiang, the young master is not here."

These people are not others. They are the people brought by Qiangzi called by Zhang Zibiao.

"Go up to the second floor."

More than a dozen swordsmen entered. As soon as Qiangzi arrived at the stairway, the manager of the club came down and looked at him and yelled: "who are you, dare to make trouble here?"

Strong son light said: "give your boss a, my Zhang's young master was bullied here, this matter, must give me Zhang an account!"

As soon as the manager's face changed, he just wanted to speak. As soon as he pushed the manager aside, he rushed up.

"It's settled on that."

In the deepest box on the second floor, an old man in red and black Tang costume said with a smile.

There was a sudden noise outside the door“ What's so noisy? "

The old man frowned and said.

Ding Ling Ling

The phone rang suddenly before the voice fell.

"Hello, boss, someone rushed into the club with more than a dozen swordsmen. They were so fierce that I couldn't stop them."

The old man of Tang costume rubbed and stood up. His beard trembled: "does anyone dare to make trouble in my place?"

The old man sitting opposite him put down his tea cup, raised his head and said with a smile, "Xu Wang, how come his temper hasn't changed for decades? Sit down and say."

A trace of annoyance flashed in Xu Wang's eyes: "Lao Fu, if you Lin's group is intruded in like this, can you sit here?"

Xu Wang, the owner of the first club in Dongcheng, but as for what else he is doing, no one knows.

There was no one else sitting opposite him. It was fauber.

Although Fubo was only an old servant in the Lin family, Xu Qiang didn't have the slightest idea.

"Just go out and have a look."

Fauber stood up and said with a smile.

Xu Wang nodded and said, "well, it's the first time this kind of thing has happened in so many years. I want to see who it is!"

Xu Wang's face turned cold and went out with Fu Bo.

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