
Zhang Baichuan concentrated on cooking his own west lake vinegar fish. He cooked the grass carp in the pot for a few minutes. When he felt almost done, he lifted the lid of the pot, skimmed the blood foam, poured in half a spoonful of cold water, boiled it, and then poured in half a spoonful. In this way, after three consecutive times, he finally gave up.

At this time, Zhang Baichuan's frying pan has begun to waft with the peculiar smell of fish soup. Slowly turn off the fire, Zhang Baichuan poured out a lot of soup, and only a little of the original soup was left in the big frying pan.

Pick up all kinds of seasonings, Zhang Baichuan skillfully poured soy sauce, Shaojiu and ginger into the original soup. After the soup was evenly tasted, he gently fished out the cooked grass carp and stacked it on the celadon plate.

"Well, it smells good." Bai Menghan twitched Qiong's nose and said, "Master Zhang, have you finished your west lake vinegar fish?"

Zhang Baichuan shook his head and said, "although we can eat it now, it's not finished yet."

The audience under the stage began to get restless again. They were chatting about it.

"Ah, the fat man has a good hand. It seems that he really has some skills."

"Yes, yes, I've heard of the west lake vinegar fish, and it looks delicious."

"Well, the national chef really deserves his reputation."

"Finished, ye Chen is going to lose! He's not a liar, is he

"It's possible. After all, most of us haven't tasted the spring rain all night. It's just hearing about it!"

Zhang Baichuan looks happy, Qian Fanyu's mouth turns up, Bai Menghan's eyes turn dark, and Lin Wan'er feels tight.

The protagonists on the stage have different attitudes, but ye Chen is not affected by these foreign things. He turns over the rice in the pan, feeling almost done, and puts the eggs in the bowl down.

He stir fried this simple home cooked dish. Without much effort, the rice was completely dyed golden yellow. Against the background of eggs, it was also brilliant and attractive.

However, no matter how attractive it is, in everyone's eyes, fried rice with eggs can't compare with west lake vinegar fish. After all, it's a five-star hotel's signature dish. How can it be compared with fried rice with eggs? It's not even a grade. There's no reason to be mentioned.

Zhang Baichuan doesn't pay attention to Ye Chen's actions. In his mind, all ye Chen's actions at this moment are just the last struggle of a clown. If ye Chen makes some famous dishes, maybe Zhang Baichuan will feel a little pressure in his heart, but in the face of a common fried rice with eggs, Zhang Baichuan will inevitably be contemptuous.

Looking at the fish soup left in the frying pan, Zhang Baichuan skillfully sprinkled some very important sugar and rice into it

Vinegar, then a little soy sauce.

After the fire was boiling, Zhang Baichuan added some starch and water to wet it. Then he threw it into the pot and turned down the fire. Zhang Baichuan slowly concentrated the soup.

An irrepressible strong fragrance floated up. Although it was a stadium with 10000 people, the audience sitting in the front row still smelled the enchanting fragrance. They couldn't help swallowing. As the judges, all the experts were staring at it, and they wanted to taste the west lake vinegar fish immediately.

Zhang Baichuan smiles. He is not surprised by the attraction of the west lake vinegar fish. He sprinkles the prepared Luzhou flavor soup evenly on the grass carp, and sprinkles a little ginger. Zhang Baichuan takes a deep breath and says with pride, "let's wait a long time, west lake vinegar fish, it's finished!" Tens of thousands of people in the audience held their breath. Although most of them couldn't smell this famous dish because of the distance, the enlarged picture on the LCD screen hanging on the stadium still felt salivating.

That kind of sauced soup is flowing on grass carp. No matter from which direction you look at the whole dish, you can have an irrepressible taste.

"Qian's restaurant, Mr. Zhang Baichuan, Master Zhang's entry: West Lake vinegar fish, has been completed. Next, let's give this dish to the jury to judge."

The people on the stage are full of saliva and appetite. The unique smell of west lake vinegar fish makes people unable to control themselves. Don't worry

It's Qian Fanyu and Bai Menghan. Even Lin Wan'er, the boss of Ye's fast food, has a feeling that her mouth is watering.

After hearing Bai Menghan's instructions, a young staff member came up with a carved mahogany tray and gently put the plate of west lake vinegar fish on the tray. She couldn't help but swallow her saliva and blinked desperately. She held back the whistling Shiyu and put the dish on the judging panel.

The 12 members of the jury behind the jury have been impatient for a long time. Starting from the No.1 jury, everyone can't wait to pick up the chopsticks that have been prepared long ago. The staff carry the tray. She has to go from the No.1 jury to the No.12 jury. During this period, each jury can only taste it once.

According to the regulations, No. 1 judge drank a mouthful first, rinsed his mouth, diluted other flavors in his mouth, and then couldn't wait to pick up chopsticks to pick up a piece of fish and put it directly into his mouth.

His face was intoxicated, and he tasted the delicious food in his mouth with satisfaction. His eyes narrowed slightly and he was happy.

Judge 2 became more curious. He looked at the staff walking slowly. He raised his hand and picked up chopsticks. He also picked up a piece of fish in a tray and began to taste it with a smile.

All the way to the 12th judge, the staff almost cried. She kept this plate of delicious food, but she could only serve others to eat, but she could not eat. Is there anything more tragic than this?

After 12 judges had tasted the west lake vinegar fish, Bai Menghan announced, "then we'll give it to the jury next

Three minutes of scoring time, during which time, let's turn our eyes to master ye again. "

Ye Chen has stopped at the moment. He slowly pours the egg fried rice into the white porcelain plate in front of him. He smiles faintly. Ye Chen's face has a shallow fatigue.

"It seems that master Ye's dish has been finished." Bai Menghan said nervously, "master ye can always surprise us. Meng Han hopes to see a different miracle this time. Even if it's fried rice with eggs, I believe master Ye is not an ordinary fried rice with eggs."

Another staff member, who had been ready for a long time, came to the stage and brought Ye Chen's fried rice with eggs on the same tray to the judging panel. Only after the judging panel had judged Zhang Baichuan's west lake vinegar fish could ye Chen's dish be judged again.

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