
Before long, 12 members of the jury finally got the results.

"Cough." The first judge coughed twice, and he pondered for a moment, "Hello, host, audience friends, according to the unanimous judgment of our jury, we think that the evaluation results of this west lake vinegar fish are as follows."

"This west lake vinegar fish is made of grass carp from West Lake. In appearance, it is not only smooth and glossy with sweet and sour skin, but also has erect pectoral fins. The appearance is extraordinary. The fish is tender and delicious. It has a unique crab flavor. It's fresh, tender, sour and sweet. It's very delicious. It's worthy of being a famous dish of five-star wine shops. We can't find any defects and deficiencies, so we judge it with full marks."

The unanimous result of the 12 judges stunned everyone. Although this famous Zhejiang dish looks delicious, there's no need to give a full score. You'll give a full score now, and ye Chen won't be able to compare?

"What?" There was an uproar under the stage, and Bai Menghan couldn't help asking, "are you sure you want to judge like this?"

Although Bai Menghan is a popular anchor of daily food and a representative of the organizer of this event, these judges with a big temper didn't give her any face.

After hearing her question, one of the judges said, "are you questioning our professionalism? This dish is a rare top-level famous dish, no matter from the color, flavor, taste, raw materials and other aspects

Bai Menghan was stunned and embarrassed for a moment, but as the host on the stage, her on-the-spot adaptability is still excellent. She quickly said, "since all the 12 judges have given a fair and unified judgment, then please taste the dishes of Ye's fast food representative chef."

Staff holding tray, timely out of two steps forward, came to the No. 1 review in front of.

These judges are carefully selected professionals. For example, No.1 judge is one of the chefs in the Imperial Hotel. Like Zhang Baichuan, he is also a national special chef. For Zhang Baichuan, who has also won such a title, he has the appreciation and kindness to meet the same kind of chefs.

Glancing at the egg fried rice in the tray, the No.1 judge disdained and said, "what the hell is this?"

White dream cold in the heart a sudden, she faintly has a kind of foreboding.

Sure enough, the No.1 judge snorted, "as a super chef, I refuse to eat this kind of food. Moreover, this kind of food has lowered the taste and grade of all of us. I'm sure I'm the judge of the king of chefs competition, not the trial eater of fried egg rice with six yuan."

This sentence is a little heartbreaking, and his tone is full of disdain and arrogance. Even the audience is boiling, and the audience roars, "what qualifications do you have to point at other people's labor achievements there?"

Another screamed, "apologize!"

But there are also some people who support the opinion of the judges, whining and quarreling with the opposition. Two groups of people, you say a word, I say a word, and the words are more and more intense. It seems that the group conflict will trigger a war of ten thousand people.

The security guards and policemen on the scene were all nervous. Once a group incident happened, a few of them didn't work at all. A person in charge with a higher police rank picked up the walkie talkie and began to ask for support.

"Be quiet, everyone." At this time, Bai Menghan is in danger. The director's trembling voice comes from her ear, ordering her to control the situation.

Putting on a smile, Bai Menghan stepped forward and said, "everyone is here to relax and watch the performance. Why are you still excited? Don't be impulsive. Next, I'll interview the judge. It's right for you to come here to participate in the jury. Can we say that you are also invited by our delicious food every day?" The first judge snorted, "so what?"

Bai Menghan said with a smile, "as the organizer, we signed a contract for you, right? You are responsible for the evaluation of this competition, and we will provide you with a considerable reward

As soon as the words change, Bai Menghan's expression becomes dignified. Her eyes are slightly cold and she says, "as one of the investors, Ye's fast food is the sponsor who provides you with this reward. Do you treat your work in this way? You use this form

Attitude to betray the spirit of the contract? Or in your eyes, the meaning of fairness is to score without tasting? "

Bai Menghan was very eloquent, and every word was accurately put into the ears of the No.1 judge and the audience. Everyone was surprised at Bai Menghan's change. You know, Bai Menghan has always taken a sweet route. She didn't understand her words like today, and her tone was sharp.

Judge No. 1 was silly. He was tongue tied for a long time, but found that he had nothing to say.

Zhang Baichuan laughed at this time. He touched his chin and said, "what Miss Meng Han said is reasonable, but I think the judge's judgment is also very fair. After all, there is a natural gap between famous dishes and fried rice with eggs. The judge refuses to judge because of his professionalism. After all, for a special chef, let him judge a dish of fried rice with eggs, It's an insult in itself. "

As soon as judge No.1 was in sight, he patted the table and said excitedly, "yes, that's what I think. However, in the face of Miss Meng Han and the program group, why don't I take a bite of it?"

With that, the first judge picked up the chopsticks and opened his mouth to take a bite. He chewed a few times sarcastically. He just wanted to say something, but suddenly the whole person was stunned.

In full view of the public, the No.1 judge, who was still in high spirits, seemed to be petrified. He looked up at the sky with his eyes slightly narrowed. His facial features were tangled. He cried and laughed for a while, as if he were crazy.

"This..." everyone was so scared, "what's going on?"

Bai Menghan suddenly thinks of something. She quickly turns her head to see ye Chen. Recently, the man is standing in the same place in silence. He pops up a cigarette and takes a deep breath on it as if there is no one else. His eyes are full of indifference.

"Is it... The ability to communicate emotions?" Bai Menghan couldn't help murmuring. She opened her mouth and asked, "master ye, what's the matter?"

Ye Chen said with a smile, "it's OK, he just fell into his own dream."

"Dreams?" White dream cold can't understand of ask a way, "why? But he was awake just now. He

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