Kneel down

No one can understand Ye Chen's meaning, but everyone present saw that this dish of egg fried rice is extraordinary, just like half a month ago, that dish of sour and hot potato is not ordinary sour and hot potato. At this moment, this dish of egg fried rice is not just a simple egg fried rice.

After a long time, under everyone's breath holding gaze, judge No. 1 slowly regained his mind. He looked at the fried rice with eggs in front of him with complex eyes, and didn't speak for a long time.

No. 1 judge's voice was a little hoarse. He rubbed his face and gently wiped the wet tears from the corners of his eyes.

He took a deep breath. He looked at Ye Chen with unbelievable eyes, shaking his voice. He murmured, "I see my previous life, I see I am a butterfly, I see I am a farmer, I also see I am a fish, I see from life to death, I see life after life, I... Who am I? I'm a fish? I'm a farmer? I'm a butterfly? I'm still a judge? "

"Long life and death after years, I don't know who I am in my dream." Ye Chen tone light said, "this dish, named dream I don't know who is guest..."

Sure enough, is it because of this dish?

Bai Menghan looks at Ye Chen with unbelievable eyes. She asks in a trembling voice, "master ye, what's the function of this dish?"

All the people on the scene are staring at Ye Chen with incredible eyes, and also at the seemingly ordinary fried rice with eggs. No one doesn't want to know what kind of secret is hidden in this fried rice with eggs.

Just one minute ago, the fierce judge looked arrogant, but after eating fried rice with eggs, the whole person seemed to have been hit by 10000 psychological attacks, and immediately became like this.

Ye Chen laughs but doesn't say a word, but that No.1 judge seems to be bewitched. Under all the gaping gaze, the arrogant judge comes out from behind the table and kneels down in front of Ye Chen in an extremely humble manner without hesitation.

This time, let alone the audience, even ye Chen himself is silly, Bai Menghan is unexpected, Zhang Baichuan is petrified.

All the witnesses on the scene seemed to have been struck by thunder, but they couldn't react anyway.

The No. 1 judge, who is a special chef, said in a humble tone, "master, I kneel down not for you, but for the real kitchen way."

No one understood what the judge meant. Only Zhang Baichuan, a special chef, swallowed his saliva and looked at the No. 1 judge kneeling on the ground with an unbelievable surprise. He opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "kitchen way? How is that possible? How can he touch that level? Impossible, impossible at all

The rest of the judges were stunned, some of them knew the kitchen way, some of them didn't understand the meaning of the first judge's words, but none of them

All of them felt unacceptable and shocked by the kneeling behavior of No. 1 judge.

"Miss Liu, this is..." the second judge carefully wanted to help the first judge kneeling on the ground.

But the No.1 judge waved his hand and said softly, "I know what you're thinking. Do you think I'm crazy? Ah, you haven't eaten this dish before. Otherwise, it might not be as good as me. Ha ha. "

At the end of the day, the No. 1 judge named Liu burst into laughter. It seems that the problem that has plagued him for many years has been answered today. What he laughs at is that he is so happy and cheerful, with a kind of clear pleasure.

All of a sudden, the No. 4 judge, who has been silent all the time, rushed over. Without hesitation, he put a chopstick of fried rice with eggs in his mouth and hummed, "I'd like to see how big a gimmick it can be if it's just a dish of fried rice with eggs." No. 1 judge didn't pay attention to him at all, just humming a tune, kneeling in front of Ye Chen in a happy mood.

"You old Liu, kneeling on your knees, still kneeling so happy, it's really... Losing face and losing light!" Four judges disdain of cold voice said.

However, his voice did not fall. Under the gaze of the public, the No. 4 judge with an air of dizziness sat on the ground. He was in a daze for a long time, and then slowly trembled. His eyes were as empty as rotten wood, and he looked like crying and laughing. People could not guess what was wrong with him.

"Ha ha, ha ha." The first judge looked up at the sky and laughed. He looked at the fourth judge and said, "how about it? Do you know why I knelt down? "

His words completely aroused everyone's curiosity. The audience's screams of surprise came one after another, and every second could bring them an unimaginable visual shock.

As for Bai Menghan, she is numb. She blinks her big black eyes and looks at the performance of the two judges in disbelief. It's really hard to believe that such arrogant masters can be so easily convinced in a seemingly nothing special fried egg rice.

After a long time, the No. 4 judge finally opened his eyes, but he was already wet with tears and his eyes were blurred. He asked in a confused tone, "where am I? I'm on the March, aren't I? My wife is still waiting for me at home, I want to go back, I want to go back... "

Everyone didn't know what he was talking about. Only judge No. 1 looked at judge No. 4 sympathetically and sighed, "long life and death. I don't know who I am in my dream. Well, I saw everything you just saw. Maybe it's different, maybe it's the same. But what's the difference? We don't know what is true and what is a dream. Maybe we are still in a dream now. "

Ye Chen smile, he lightly patted the shoulder of No.1 judge and said, "yes, you have understood the real kitchen way, you stand up first."

The first judge widened his eyes and asked, "master, please accept me as an apprentice, please."

Ye Chen's head is black. He looks at the folds on the No.1 judge's face and says with a bitter smile, "this elder brother, let's get up and talk. The ground is cold. You old arm and old leg will be broken if you make rheumatism again."

No. 1 judge is very stubborn. He said with righteous words, "no, I won't get up if you don't accept me. Just now, I was blinded and offended you. It's my fault. I apologize to you. Please forgive me anyway."

"Er..." Ye Chen's words were blocked for a moment. He was stunned for a long time and said, "otherwise, you'd better get up first, old man. It's easy to forgive you, but you're always kneeling. It's really not good."

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