Kitchen way

"I..." the No.1 judge was determined not to get up. He just wanted to say something, but the No.4 judge knelt down straightly, knocked his head three times, and cried with tears in his eyes, "it's the kitchen way, it's the real kitchen way, master, master, please accept me as an apprentice!"

Everybody's dumbfounded. What's the rhythm? Is Ye Chen addicted to fried rice with eggs? Why as long as you eat fried rice with eggs, you will say something that no one can understand, and then kneel down to worship your teacher. What's the ghost rhythm.

Watching the two judges kneel down, the rest of the judges are not eating, not eating, watching the dish of fried rice with eggs, all of them have a tight throat and a sense of fear that they dare not taste.

For a moment, things got into a deadlock, the judges were stunned in the same place, you look at me, I look at you, dare not eat, for a long time, a relatively young female judge weak asked, "two teachers, we can talk about, what is the kitchen way?"

With this remark, the whole audience was silent. There were countless people taking pictures with mobile phones under the station. The TV station and network platform were still in the live broadcast. According to the pictures transmitted by the camera in real time, the whole Internet exploded.

On the live screen of a video website, bullet screens of various colors are flying all over the sky.

"How can it be?"

"I'm blind! I'm blind!! I'm blind! "

"Isn't that master Liu? National chef. "

"Yes, CCTV broadcast him. How did he kneel down?"

"The trough! He wants to worship ye Chen as his teacher

"Gee, I may have started a fake live broadcast!"

Circle of friends, QQ space, post bar microblog and so on, in just a few minutes, they were completely occupied by all kinds of versions of kitchen fight speech, and the pictures of judges kneeling down were successfully made into expression pack, ye Chen was also gloriously pasted with sunglasses and big gold chain, old foreign cigarettes, and became the expression pack boss of B industry.

Under the attention of tens of thousands of people in the gymnasium, the No.1 judge's eyes were as deep as water. He took a deep breath. "The so-called kitchen way is the way that chefs pursue all their lives. They use food materials and cooking skills to prove their own kitchen way. Unless they are super talents, otherwise, human beings will never really master the kitchen way."

Judge No. 4 nodded, and he added, "yes, the mark of mastering the kitchen way is that it can cause the mood fluctuation of diners, which makes people sad and excited. Lao Liu and I agreed to come here to do the judging just because we heard about the spring rain in Xiaolou all night. Originally, we thought that master Ye was just a liar to attract the public, But I... I never thought that I actually tasted the product of the kitchen dish today, because... Because I tasted this dish, I fell into a triple dream in a trance. "

"Dreams?" All the people present have been silly, but the rest of the jury are almost experts in the catering industry. Relatively speaking, they are all ignorant and have some understanding.

The first judge nodded and looked at Ye Chen with reverent eyes. He said in the tone of a pilgrim, "I first dreamt that I was a butterfly, and then I died on the withered flowers. I dreamt that I was a farmer, and I died on the hospital bed. When I died, I had a pair of children and the same old wife. I can't remember the rest, I only remember that after I died, I turned into a big fish in the sea and swam around. Until I woke up, I dreamed of three complete lives. "

The fourth judge nodded with the same dignified expression and said, "yes, I'm similar to Lao Liu. I have experienced three lives, and I vaguely remember that I spent a very long time, but when I wake up, I slowly forget all these things. They are so clear, as if they had happened. It's unbelievable. It's a dream, "It's like..." he looked at judge No. 1, and judge No. 4 said in a trembling voice, "it's like my past life, it's like the past life in reincarnation."

With this remark, all the people in the audience were chattering, most of them didn't believe it, and some even began to suspect that ye Chen could put Da hemp in the egg fried rice.

However, whether it is the voice of doubt or praise, ye Chen turned a deaf ear, he said with a smile, "then, do other assessment teachers want to taste it?"

The remaining ten judges look at me, I look at you, they are ready to move, but they are ambivalent, curious and afraid.

The first judge said with disdain and smile, "they are all a group of cowards. I don't know that when I hear about it, I can die in the evening. Even if I die, what can I do? If you really love the kitchen way, you should have no fear of the will

The fourth judge also shook his head and said, "no matter what you want, anyway, I bet on the name of super chef and judge master ye to win."

No. 1 judge also said, "and I, I think master Ye is far better than Master Zhang. This is not the gap between cooking skills, but the gap between cooking skills and cooking skills. Unless you master the same cooking skills, it is impossible to make up for it."

The judges looked at each other. Among the 12 judges, judge No. 1 and judge No. 4 are all state-level special chefs. Especially judge No. 1 is one of the chefs who once participated in the state banquet production, one of the chefs in the Imperial Hotel, and even the big boos of some military and political organs are diners in front of other people's tables. Who dares to stand in opposition to their two old stubbornness on the issue of species.

"Er..." people just don't know how to answer, a young judge suddenly stood up, he yelled and rushed up, picked up a chopstick of egg fried rice and put it into his mouth, he said in a high voice, "I'm the food judge, little squirrel, I believe the judgment of the two teachers."

See someone standing in line, the rest of the people are also scrambling to get busy, they symbolically taste an egg fried rice, however

After that, I wanted to say a few good words to set off the two masters, but unexpectedly, they were the same as the No. 1 judge. They were stupefied in the same place, and fell into a dream like reality.

Seeing that all the judges did not move, almost everyone guessed the development of the next thing, because after seeing the performance of No. 1 and No. 4 judges, even the idiot knew what these people were going through.

Qian Fanyu's face was blue. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this. What's more, all the judges seemed to be infected with evil. People couldn't believe it was true.

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