
Zhang Baichuan clenched his fist. He stared at the performance of the judges with unbelievable eyes and opened his mouth. He finally burst out and roared, "are you kidding?"?! I don't believe it! This is fake!! Fake

Gallop past, in everyone's astonished gaze, Zhang Baichuan did not wait for the tray staff to react, just grabbed a hand of fried rice with eggs, opened his mouth and swallowed it, blaring blaring, he said blatantly, "look, look, why didn't I dream? Fake! You lied to me!! You judges all took Ye Chen's money, you... "

Before Zhang Baichuan finished, he fell on the ground. He was as dull as a stone carving and his eyes were like rotten cloth. He opened his mouth and wanted to breathe, but he couldn't breathe for a long time.

"Ha ha, if you don't believe it, it doesn't exist? What a naive idea. " No.1 judge sarcastically said, "well, let you really experience this kind of kitchen way, then you can really realize what is the gap!"

The sentence of No.1 judge was very heartbreaking, and he looked down on Zhang Baichuan completely. But not long ago, he gave Zhang Baichuan a very high evaluation, and gave full marks to his entries.

But just ten minutes later, the situation turned around like a roller coaster, and the No.1 judge was just like a different person, and he didn't look up to Zhang Baichuan's cooking skills.

All the people present, including Bai Menghan, hold their breath and nervously look at those judges, especially Zhang Baichuan, who is also in a sluggish state. If Zhang Baichuan is really not affected, the result will surely be the formation of a large number of public opinions

For example, rumors like bribe review are a big blow to the program group and ye's fast food.

Lin Wan'er's palms are full of cold sweat. She peeps to see ye Chen. She sees Ye Chen standing in the same place silently, with a smile on his lips. She doesn't seem to be worried about accidents.

Before long, when the audience held their breath and the live platform was full of netizens, the ten judges suddenly regained their senses. They fell to the ground and gasped, their eyes were confused and full of vicissitudes, as if they had experienced three lives.

Ye Chen's mouth is smiling. He looks at Zhang Baichuan unawares. He sees the man who is very confident in himself kneels down on the ground. He looks at Ye Chen with complicated eyes. Every muscle in his body is shaking and hoarse. He is not reconciled to it. At the same time, he lowers his head and says in a trembling voice, "I lost..."

Just three words is enough for anyone who can't understand the situation to understand the result. Zhang Baichuan's eyes are full of scars, not only because of triple dreams, but also because of the collapse of his self-confidence. In his best cooking, he lost to the other party in the most ridiculous way, which is hard for anyone to accept.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "I'm not surprised by the result, because you didn't lose to me, but to the kitchen way."

"Kitchen way?" Zhang Baichuan shook his head slightly, his face bitter way, "maybe, but I always lost to you."

In the face of the chef who once dominated him for more than half a year, in the face of the bloody chef who once was beyond his reach, even when he met, he would be scolded. Ye Chen finally stood in front of him, but... The once invincible guy

But knelt at his feet.

How strong irony ah, ye Chen light said, "you leave Wujiang City, from now on, don't let me see you."

Zhang Baichuan's heart is tight, he has worked hard in Wujiang City for so many years, just because ye Chen's light words let him go, he is not reconciled, more do not want to go, but he knows why Ye Chen would say such words to him“ Is it because of a bet? I see Zhang Baichuan bowed his head and sighed. He slowly stood up from the ground and turned his head. He looked at the kitchen knife on his desk. His gray face was reflected on the sharp and smooth surface of the knife. With a sigh, he walked away and could not turn back.

Because he lost everything, honor and dignity, everything.

This stage, this competition and this city have taken away everything from him. The moment he knelt down to admit defeat, he was a lost dog.

Looking at Zhang Baichuan's lonely back, everyone has different ideas. Lin Waner looks happy, Qian Fanyu's face is livid, and Bai Menghan's heart is relaxed. She smiles and says, "since Master Zhang gives up and admits defeat, then the final result of this competition is Ye Chen's fast food..."

"Wait!" Just when Bai Menghan wanted to finish the game, Qian Fanyu suddenly stood up. He looked at Ye Chen with a bad face and said with a forced smile, "I don't think the result of this game can be so hasty."

White dream cold show eyebrow tiny Cu, can't help of ask a way, "that money boss's opinion?"

Qian Fanyu said calmly, "Master Zhang Baichuan, who represents Qian's restaurant, is a famous Hangzhou dish - west lake vinegar fish, which has been unanimously recognized by 12 judges and obtained full marks."

"Although this is true, but..." Bai Menghan wants to refute.

However, Qian Fanyu waved his hand and said, "I know what you mean, Miss Menghan, but what I want to say is that I don't think an egg fried rice can win the west lake vinegar fish. Moreover, according to the characteristics of this egg fried rice, I have reason to suspect that this egg fried rice contains hallucinogenic substances, so... I don't think the result of this competition should be decided hastily."

Many of the audience at the scene also supported Qian Fanyu's view. After all, they had never tasted the fried rice with eggs. It was not convincing enough to rely on the three or two sentences of the judges. Even if Zhang Baichuan abandoned the competition, it didn't mean much. After all, he might be fascinated by the hallucinogenic drugs in the fried rice with eggs, and he couldn't make a calm judgment.

Therefore, after Qian Fanyu said this, many audiences agree with him. After all, in this year, the credibility of authority is getting lower and lower, and there are more and more shady scenes. What people are more willing to believe is usually their own judgment.

Most people don't want to believe Ye Chen's dishes that violate human common sense. After all, no one wants to be defeated by his world outlook for decades.

Lin Wan'er's eyes sank. As soon as she wanted to speak, ye Chen stepped out and looked directly at Qian Fanyu with a smile. He said faintly, "boss Qian, you should know that as an adult, everyone should be responsible for his life

Are you sure you want to say that? "

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