Here comes Song Yang

Back in the dressing room, as soon as the door was pushed, there came the roar of the tsunami.

"The king's style is unstoppable!"

In Ye Chen's eyes, a group of young men and women are wearing Ye's fast-food work clothes. Li Bo is the leader.

"What's up, Qiangzi? This is your first professional fan group. Are you surprised? Is it exciting enough? " Li Bo said with flattering laughter.

Ye Chen eyelid son a turn, he white Li Bo one eye way, "Ao Ao call what, don't have to go to work?"? Go back to the shop. "

"Chef, we're off today." As soon as Li Bo waved his hand, the 20 young people laughed and said.

Ye Chen a clap forehead, distress of say, "really take you have no way."

In the crowd's laughter, Lin Wan'er, standing behind Ye Chen, covers her mouth. She chuckles, and no one notices. She looks at Ye Chen with an imperceptible tenderness.

Just as the people of Ye's fast food are celebrating their victory, they slowly drive into a remote street

It's a carbon black Audi A8.

In the opaque glass of the car, Qian Fanyu gasped for breath. He tried to suppress his anger. After half a day, he was relieved.

Sitting in the car, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gently lit them. He took a fidgety puff and growled, "Ye Chen... You have seed!"

For a long time, Qian Fanyu felt out his mobile phone and found out a number. He hesitated for a moment, but still called it.

After the bell rang for a long time, a young woman voice full of temptation came from the other end of the phone, "Hello, myfriend."

Qian Fanyu's English is very good. He said with a pale face, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I think I have a problem that only you can solve."

"Don't worry, my friend." The young girl's voice came from the receiver. Her English accent was a little East Asian, but she had a large vocabulary. She said with a smile, "all the troubles are not worth mentioning in front of your generosity."

Qian Fanyu took a deep breath and said, "maybe, flying weasel, I need your help."

"Of course, my friend." The young girl agreed without hesitation, "you just need to pay me a part of the deposit, and then tell me his name and as detailed information as possible. I'll find a way to spy on him and touch him

I can tell you how much he's worth until I know what he's worth. "

"His name is Ye Chen, chief chef of Ye's fast food in Wujiang City. I'll give you the money, but I can't wait for you to finish it right away." Qian Fanyu said in a cold voice.

"As you wish, sir." After that, the young girl hung up.

In Audi A8, Qian Fanyu's face was livid, his eyes were frosty, and he said to himself indignantly, "Ye Chen, if you live one more day in my eyes, my eyes will hurt one more day, so... Die..."

When ye Chen came back to Ye's fast food, it was already 3 p.m. and he rubbed his stomach. He had been busy for a long time, but he had no time to eat. Turning his lips, ye Chengang wants to order a takeout with his mobile phone, but suddenly he feels something is wrong.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly turned on guard. He clenched his hands to protect his head. His eyes were as cold as frost and iron.

"Ha ha." In the shadow of the corner of Ye Chen's office, Song Yang pushed his hat and shrugged, "Ye Chen, your vigilance is getting stronger and stronger."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders. He put down his fist and said, "now there are so many people who want to deal with me. I'm on guard

If not, I would have died long ago. "

"Oh, don't say so dejected words. Come on, give me a smile." Song Yang said with a smile.

Ye Chen looked at his cheap face, and wanted to swing his big mouth to smoke him 300 rounds. He gave him a white look and said, "what are you doing here? You're not looking for a cigarette, are you

Song Yang scratched his head and said, "well, I can't do that. I'm here to tell you something."

Walking to the water dispenser, ye Chen poured himself a cup of hot water. He sat down on the sofa, looked at Song Yang and said, "it's Feng Tao's business?"

Song Yang touched his nose and nodded solemnly, "yes, I think we need to have a good talk with Feng Tao. After all, this is Wujiang City. Feng Tao is a big shark. If we can solve it without fists, I think it's smart enough."

He took a cigarette out of his pocket and threw it to Song Yang. Ye Chen took one and lit it with a lighter. He took a deep breath and said, "it's not unreasonable for you to say this, but it's not the problem that I'm thinking about now."

"And what are you thinking?" Song Yang asks curiously.

He picked up the pen and paper on his desk. Ye Chen wrote several names on the white paper, and then pointed out“

As we know now, there are mainly two enemies. The first is Feng Tao. As an underground vassal of Wujiang City, he can make waves just by using his brain. As for the second, Qian Fanyu, I always think he is not so easy to defeat. "

"Qian Fanyu?" Song Yang frowned and said, "the boss of Qian's restaurant? The middle-aged man who laughs all day? I don't think he has any lethality. With our present ability, money alone can't kill us. "

Ye Chen shook his head slightly and said, "if you shoot a bullet face to face, a good shooter can always judge where the bullet will hit you, but if someone shoots a gun at the back of your head, you don't know where to hide."

"You mean... He'll meet us?" Song Yang rubbed his nose. After thinking about it, he said, "in this case, let's do it first and turn it over first, so that we won't be threatened."

Ye Chen pondered for a moment. In fact, he was quite moved by Song Yang's proposal. However, after thinking about it for a moment, he shook his head and said, "the most dangerous part of Qian Fanyu is his deep enough city. Every time I feel that he is about to explode, but he can swallow it. It's very terrible to keep himself calm at this moment, Because you never know which direction, how and when he will attack you. "

Song Yang puzzled said, "since it's so dangerous, we'll kill him. The best defense is to attack. If we knock down the enemy, we don't need to defend."

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