For strength

Slightly waved his hand, ye Chen rubbed his nose, calmly said, "in today's competition, there are more than 10000 people on the scene to see me and Qian Fanyu had a conflict, on the network, there are at least millions of people know that I and Qian Fanyu have a grudge, if Qian Fanyu died, who is the most suspect?"

"This..." Song Yang scratched his head, he asked irritably, "then we are so passive defense? Waiting for him to hit us first? "

Ye Chen's fingers beat on the table. He said calmly, "as I said just now, the reason why Qian Fanyu is dangerous is that he has a cool head all the time. Just because he is cool, and just because he has a brain, he and I all understand this principle."

Song Yang's eyes brightened, he said tentatively, "you mean to say..."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "yes, it's related to each other. People on earth all know that he's dead. I'm the most suspect. If I have an accident, the police will suspect him for the first time."

After hearing Ye Chen's analysis, Song Yang's whole life suddenly brightens up. He has a kind of sudden understanding of the situation in front of him.

Agreed to nod, he said to Ye Chen, "in other words, if he's not stupid, he won't do it now at least, then we are safe this time."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "I'm glad you've learned to use your brain, but I need your help with something."

Song Yang was stunned for a moment. He felt his nose and said, "is it a very troublesome thing? I don't want to do it if it's too much trouble. "

Ye chenbai glanced at Song Yang and said, "well, it's not too much trouble. I want you to bring a word to Feng Tao."

"Feng Tao?" Song Yang was stunned and said, "is it about meeting? He wants to see you. This is Shen Botao's words. As one of the four King Kong, Shen Botao has the right to agree to your request on behalf of Feng Tao. "

Ye Chen's mouth turned up and said, "it's because of the meeting. I've decided. At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, I'd like to meet Feng Tao. I hope he can arrive on time. I'll wait for him at Ye's fast food."

Song Yang slightly widened his eyes, some surprised said, "too hasty, really don't need to think about it? You're in such a hurry to see him, are you going to do something? "

"Don't be so suspicious. I just want to see him. After all, I don't want to fight with a guy I don't know. Besides, if I can do something, I won't miss this chance." Ye Chen cunning a smile way.

Song Yang hand Wu forehead, helpless smile way, "I know you this guy is no profit, don't get up early."

"Nonsense." First he turned his mouth, then he looked at Song Yang and said, "the current situation is more and more clear. The more we know, the more we know. But I don't know why. I know more and more, but there is a sense of unknown crisis. It's like someone staring at me in the dark, I don't like the feeling very much. "

"Intuition? Or an illusion? " Song Yang asked.

Shaking his head, ye Chen said solemnly, "whether it's intuition or illusion, I don't like this unknown fate. I can't really rest assured until I control the fate in my own hands."

"What do you want me to do?" Song asked.

Patting Song Yang on the shoulder, ye Chen said seriously, "I hope you can help me to watch Ye's fast food. I once promised Lin Wan'er that as long as I live for one day, Ye's fast food will not fall down. No matter what the man's promise is, I can't go back on it. I even promised her, so I must carry it out with my life."“ I hope that in my absence, you can be optimistic about Ye's fast food, Lin Wan'er and my very important friends and partners. "

Ye Chen's tone is unusually dignified. He has never talked to Song Yang like today, but Song Yang has never been so serious in his life.

He stares at Ye Chen's eyes, first nods, then smiles, pretends to be relaxed and says, "Hey, how do you like to explain

Like last words, are you going to die? "

"You're going to die." Ye Chen chucked Song Yang's chest and said, "I just want to take part in a training. In the future, the time in the store may be shortened a lot, so I hope you can stay here. If there is any accident, you can block it for the first time."

"Do you want me to be a shield here? You're such a guy. I don't charge you a low fee, Mr. Wang. " Song Yang squeezed his eyes and said.

Ye Chen slanted Song Yang one eye way, "I am just a poor ghost, you say this with me, I also can't give you."

"Then you want me to work for you? I think so, Wang Song Yang said half jokingly, "OK, you can give me a white note. You can give it to me when you have money."

"How much do you charge, pro?" Ye Chen also half jokingly asks a way.

"Not much, not much, a million a day." Song Yang's free talk.

Where does Ye Chen care about him? They give this thing to him. Ye Chen calls Li Bo in and gives Song Yang an employee card. When they take office, they become the director.

As a matter of fact, this director is a virtual position. He just gives the whole job to Ye Chen at will and has no authority. He just strolls around every day. Because ye Chen's prestige in the store is very high now, and everyone is passing on Ye Chen and Lin Wan

The relationship between children, so ye Chen recruit people to the position of what, even the front office director Chen Sen dare not say more.

After the arrangement of Song Yang, ye Chen really put down his heart. In the face of an opponent like Feng Tao, there is still a poisonous snake like Qian Fanyu hidden behind him. Ye Chen has no reason not to be cautious.

After dealing with his worries, ye Chen picks up his mobile phone and calls Jia Jiansheng.

"Hello, old man." Ye Chen said with respect, "do you have time now?"

For Jia Jiansheng, ye Chen is very respectful. If you don't say anything else, he has more than 1000 combat power, which is enough to look up to him.

On the other end of the phone, Jia Jiansheng's leisurely voice came, "boy, I've heard about your competition. It's good to pretend B. I'll give you 99 points. I'm afraid you'll be proud if I give you one less point."

Ye Chen full head of black line, he curled his lips way, "come on, old man, I really want to tell you something."

"I have guessed the purpose of your call." Jia Jiansheng said carelessly, "it's just for strength."

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