I broke out of prison

Ye Chen solemnly nodded and said, "yes, I want to ask you a question. If I follow you, can I achieve my goal?"

Jia Jiansheng thought about it, he said lightly, "if you have a strong heart, no matter who you follow, you can always achieve your goal. If you don't have a strong heart, no matter what you do, you can't make yourself strong."

"Is that so?" Ye Chen murmurs in a low voice, his canthus jump a way, "old man, although what you say is very reasonable, whether I have the heart of the strong or not, I want to become strong, because the more strength I have, I also feel how weak I am."

Jia Jiansheng suddenly became serious. He said seriously, "it's not a very accidental idea. People who climb high have low self-esteem. People who walk far away have self-esteem. The farther they see, the more they know, the more they feel small. But it's a good thing, isn't it? It's better to know that you are weak enough to be strong than to blindfold yourself and blindly think that you are the biggest. "

Jia Jiansheng's words are full of inexplicable philosophy. His tone is full of vicissitudes, and his tone is as deep as ink. When ye Chen hears it, he only feels that this elderly middle-aged man seems to have experienced half of his life's delay, and then he has developed his wisdom and understanding.

"Come to me, for strength." When Jia Jiansheng finished his last sentence, he gently hung up the phone.

Ye Chen put his mobile phone on the table and lowered his head. He was lost in thought.

At present, with the God of food system, he does have nearly unlimited development space, and less than anyone else. However, Taobao, which can make people evolve into gods, has an almost irreparable defect, that is, mental power.

In addition to completing tasks and getting rewards, it's equivalent to not opening for three years and not having any stability at all.

Because of this, ye Chen's advanced speed will be clamped down. If his spirit value is enough, his progress speed will be as unstoppable as a rocket, and he will be the first in the world every minute.

However, there is no perfect thing in the world. While ye Chen sighs, he is also considering the solution to the problem.

It's absolutely impossible to say that you don't envy longevity. Any life is eager to exist forever, and Jia Jiansheng's new world attracts Ye Chen all the time. In the face of such extreme temptation, ye Chen is impossible not to pursue. What's more, after seeing Jia Jiansheng's super strength, ye Chen also believes him from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Chen, who is deep in thought, is interrupted by the ringing of his mobile phone. He frowns and looks up at the screen of his mobile phone. The caller is Li Jiaying.

After a call, ye Chen asked softly, "Jiaying, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Not much." Li Jiaying said happily, "I heard that you won today's kitchen King competition. Congratulations."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "thank you. How's Meng Yan? How's the recovery going? "

Li Jiaying's mood was obviously stagnant. She pouted and said, "hum, you heartless guy, I'll call you specially. You don't ask me a few words, just come up and ask about sister mengyan. What's the matter? Don't I have any sense of being? "

The more you say it, the more you feel aggrieved. The more you think about it, the more you feel sad. Li Jiaying's words are sour, which makes Ye Chen the first two. He explains in a hurry, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

After hesitating for a long time, ye Chen didn't hold back a reason. Li Jiaying stamped her foot angrily and said, "forget it, you don't have to say it. I'll call you, and I have another thing to tell you, but you have to promise me first, don't worry." Ye Chen's brows are frowned together. It's certainly not a trivial matter that Li Jiaying can tell him. He is so nervous in his heart that he asks, "what's the matter?"

Indistinctly, he had a kind of foreboding, is it... Ye mengyan had an accident?

Li Jiaying took a deep breath and said carefully, "this matter has something to do with Li Muchen, he..."

"What happened to him?" Ye Chen is tiny a Leng, he opens mouth to ask a way.

Li Jiaying clenched her silver teeth and said angrily, "he... He broke out of prison!"

"What?" Ye Chen Eye Bead son a stare, he can't believe of ask a way, "how possible?"? Isn't he in the police station? With so many people watching him, where can he go as an ordinary man? No reason

"Someone has come to save him." Li Jiaying explained, "I heard from colleagues in the police station that a group similar to mercenaries rescued him. They were quick and professional. They robbed Li Muchen in less than five minutes."

Ye Chen slowly calms down, he opens a mouth to ask a way, "that now police have what clue?"

Li Jiaying pondered for a moment and said, "at present, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau and even the big boss of the provincial department have been shocked. All the available resources have been used. In just 30 minutes, our police have filtered the intelligence network of the whole Wujiang City. But strangely, those people seem to have evaporated, and we can't find them."

"Yes? That sounds like a headache. " Ye Chen says slowly.

Li Jiaying said apologetically, "I'm sorry, ye Chen. If you give the prisoner to me, I'll let him run away. It's my fault."

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "what did you say? How could I blame you? After all, none of us thought that such a group of Cheng Yaojin would come out on the way. Forget it, he ran away. It doesn't matter."

Although Ye Chen said so, Li Jiaying still shrunk her eyes. From ye Chen's tone, she heard that she was cautious and murderous. She opened her mouth, but she still didn't speak.

Ye Chen talked with her a few more words, then hung up the phone gently. He touched his nose and murmured, "sure enough, every opponent can't be despised. I thought Li Muchen was just an ordinary playboy, but I didn't expect that the power behind him was so huge that he didn't even pay attention to the state's violence organs? It's really bold and fat. However, if I were Li Muchen, I would not be willing to run away like this. So... Do you want to deal with me? Li Mu Chen... "

In an unknown house, Li Muchen with bare back sits on the stool. His thin body is as weak as a hemp pole.

Around the house, seven or eight strong men in black combat suits stood there calmly, while in front of Li Muchen, a doctor in a white coat was smiling and staring at Li Muchen.

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