
Jia Jiansheng's eyes brightened. He looked at Ye Chen admiringly and said, "it's true that you have such an understanding ability, which makes me appreciate very much. I once had a fight with Xiong Han's master. At that time, I was just like you. I couldn't open my eyes when I was beaten, but I had better use my secret skills to defeat him. Unlike you, you rely on your own inferior strength to turn defeat into victory, You are stronger than I was when I was young. "

Although he was praised by Jia Jiansheng, ye Chen got more attractive news from him. He widened his eyes and asked eagerly, "secret skill? You know the secret, don't you? What's the secret? Can you teach me? "

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "boy, if you want to learn my secret skills, you have to worship me as a teacher. First of all, you have to know that one day you are a teacher and one life you are a father. In the future, you have to treat me like your father. Do you have this heart?"

Ye Chen scratched his head, he suddenly said with a sly smile, "old man, it's not impossible to worship you as a teacher or recognize you as a godfather. But first of all, I need to know what your secret skill is like. We have to check the goods first, right?"

"Ha ha." Jia Jiansheng shook his head helplessly and said, "you stinky boy, you are still not willing to suffer at all."

Finish saying, Jia Jiansheng serious put away smiling face, his shoulder is in a flash, unexpectedly so strange disappear in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was surprised. He quickly looked around, but was shocked to find that Jia Jiansheng was on the roof 50 meters away.

"What kind of operation is this?" Ye Chen's mouth of disbelief asks a way, he is stunned, can't believe own eyes.

"Ha ha ha." With a light smile, Jia Jiansheng disappears in Ye Chen's eyes again. His body is in a flash. When he appears again, he is in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

Ye Chen is scared to even back two steps, he points to Jia Jiansheng way, "this... This..."

He hemmed and hawed for a long time, but he didn't come out. Jia Jiansheng waved his hand and said, "I'm surprised, young man."

Ye Chen repeatedly nods, he grabs an ear to scratch a cheek of urgently ask a way, "old man son, is this what you say of secret skill?"

Jia Jiansheng nodded seriously. He said seriously, "yes, for thousands of years, all kinds of strange secrets have been handed down from the ancient martial families, and instant step is the family secret of our Jia family."

"Instant step?" Ye Chen stares big eyes, his eyes surge with a touch of fire, quickly asked, "old man, this so-called instant step can not be blinked?"

Jia Jiansheng slightly jaw head, then slightly shook his head, noncommittal said, "you can also think so, but,

Even if it hasn't reached the level of blink, it's not far away. Of course, this is under the condition that your instant step cultivation is complete. "

"Perfect?" Ye Chen noticed this strange word, he frowned and asked, "what do you mean?"

Jia Jiansheng said slowly, "although there are not many ancient martial arts families in our country, there are hundreds of them. Compared with the population of more than one billion, they are not worth mentioning. However, each of them has its own cultivation system and major in martial arts. No matter what kind of martial arts he practices, he will never escape from the law of realm."

Ye Chen knows too much news today. He opens his mouth and listens attentively. He doesn't know these things. His eyes are shining and he feels very novel and yearning.

"The concept of the law of realm is handed down from the new world. I told you before that if you want to evolve and become stronger, you can only rely on two ways: one is to cultivate physical courage, the other is to cultivate spiritual soul. In China, cultivating courage mostly depends on martial arts. No matter what kind of martial arts it is, you can define its cultivation level according to the law of realm."“ Because most martial arts in our country are divided into many levels, such as the first level, the second level and the third level, just like Xiong Han who just met you, he reached the first peak in practicing Kaiyuan boxing classic. Below the peak, it can be divided into early stage, middle stage and later stage. Above the peak, it is called perfection. "

"If Xiong Han completed the first revision of Kaiyuan Quan Jing, I'm afraid you won't win so easily in this contest."

Jia Jiansheng tells us some basic knowledge. Ye Chen listens very carefully for fear of missing a little bit. He scratches his head and looks at Jia Jiansheng and says, "how can we tell the strength between the martial arts? After all, everyone's martial arts are different. Some people's martial arts have seven or eight weights, and some people's martial arts have 100 weights. How can we define that? "

"You are very smart. The most important point of the law of realm is the accurate division of warriors." Jia Jiansheng touched his nose and said, "from low to high, according to the different strength and forms of expression, there are seven levels of martial arts. They are the first to the seventh heaven. For example, the seven generals of the new world are all the strong ones of the sixth heaven. That kind of amazing power can compete with heaven and earth."

"Seven generals of the throne?" Ye Chen's eyes twinkled with a trace of fascination. He suddenly looked at Jia Jiansheng and asked, "old man, what's your realm?"

Jia Jiansheng was slightly stunned. He immediately waved his hand and said, "there's an old man. There's nothing wrong with him. He's just a smelly old man."

Where can ye Chen believe Jia Jiansheng's words? He turns his lips and says in his heart, "if more than 1000 combat power can only be regarded as smelly old man, then what am I?"

However, ye Chen didn't ask much about it. After all, if Jia Jiansheng didn't want to say it, he didn't have to ask.

"Boy, there are people outside the world. Never say you are the strongest. Put your fist under your eyes

To see the world with your eyes, not with your fists over your eyes and with your fists. " When Jia Jiansheng spoke, his eyes twinkled with some emotions, and his vicissitudes of words concealed indistinguishable philosophy.

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully and said, "master, I understand what you said, but anyway, I'm going to the new world. Can you tell me when I can enter the new world?"

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "when you enter the second day of martial arts, you can enter the new world."

"The second day? I don't think it's too hard. Do I belong to the first day now? " Ye Chen scratched to scratch a head to ask a way.

Rubbing his nose, Jia Jiansheng said without thinking, "it can be counted like this."

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