Pay homage to teachers

"As long as you don't master the courage, you are the warrior of the first heaven. So in my opinion, the strength gap of the first heaven is relatively large. As far as I know, some of the first heaven warriors who don't master the courage are even better than those of the second heaven Warriors in terms of comprehensive combat effectiveness. So, before the second heaven, The power gap between them is not so well defined. "

"What is courage?" Ye Chen looks at his palm, he can't help asking, "how can I do to master it?"

Jia Jiansheng shook his head slightly and said, "the so-called courage is just a kind of breath. It can be regarded as an indescribable energy or a very mysterious power. If you want to master it, everyone has different ways and experiences."

Ye Chen is a little stunned. He rubs his face hard, stares at Jia Jiansheng and asks, "no, old man, how can I not understand what you mean? Isn't this courage the same?"

"It's the same, it's not the same." With a slight shake of his head, Jia Jiansheng said slowly, "it's like everyone's eyes, ears or limbs. They look very similar, but they are not exactly the same. So is courage. If you want to understand what courage is, you must first understand how it comes into being."

Ye Chen suddenly came to the spirit, the reason why he will train with Jia Jiansheng, the biggest purpose is to master stronger strength, at present, this kind of mysterious and mysterious courage is the breakthrough point of his strength.

Jia Jiansheng explained to Ye Chen, "the so-called courage is more like something that we human beings have, such as you

A certain part of the body, it is born, and your eyes, your arms, from the time you were born, it has been in your body

Ye Chen blinked and said, "it's impossible. I've never felt its existence."

"It's normal." Jia Jiansheng said, "you can feel the existence of your arm because you use it all the time, and it's within your sight. You can see it, but you can't feel the existence of courage. It's because courage lurks in your body. You can't feel it, let alone see it."

Scratched to scratch a head, leaf Chen seem to know not to understand of ask a way, "that how can I see it."

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "just like your arm, if you don't eat for three days, can you still use your arm normally?"

"Well, I'm afraid I can't. then I'll have no strength." Ye Chen frowned and said, "does this have something to do with courage?"

"Of course." Jia Jiansheng nodded slightly and said, "if people don't eat, they will have no strength, and their courage also needs nutrition. You have to feed them first, then you can feel their existence, and use them like your own arms."

Ye Chen in front of a bright say, "you mean to say, I just want to eat more rice?"

Jia Jiansheng looked at Ye Chen and said, "do you think you can feel the courage when you become a bucket? It doesn't exist. It needs courage

You don't get the nourishment you can get with a meal. You need aura. "

"What kind of gas?" Ye Chen one stares at a way, "isn't this just in have of thing? Is it in the real world? "

Nodding slightly, Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "well, heaven and earth are full of aura of various attributes, and man's own courage is like a seed, which must be irrigated by aura to grow. Otherwise, a seed is absolutely impossible to provide you with any help. If you want to master the courage, you must first let the seeds of courage germinate in your body."

Ye Chen's eyes twinkled, and he nodded and said, "master, I understand what you said, but how can I absorb aura into my body? I'm sure I'm not breathing in my lungs with a big mouth." Jia Jiansheng said angrily, "suck a fart. From the doctor's point of view, you should suck like this every day. For half a month, you don't have to become emphysema. I told you so much just now. You should also understand that martial arts must have martial arts. For example, Xiong Han just practiced Kaiyuan boxing Sutra, which records the way of breathing aura, If his talent is OK, he can easily enter the second heaven if he practices in the above way. "

"Martial arts?" Ye Chen nodded slightly. He took a deep breath and stood up from the reclining chair. He walked to Jia Jiansheng with two steps. He grinned and said, "old man, I've talked so much. You just want me to worship you as a teacher."

"Ha ha ha." Jia Jiansheng smiles and doesn't speak. He looks at Ye Chen with an enigmatic look. He blinks, and ye Chen suddenly understands what he means.

After taking a deep breath, ye Chen's face became serious. With a serious fist, he knelt down straight in front of Jia Jiansheng. His eyes were deep and he said in a low voice, "today, heaven and earth are the evidence. I, ye Chen, worship Jia Jiansheng. From now on, I will be a teacher and father all my life. If I disobey my will, heaven will kill the earth!"

Jia Jiansheng was startled by Ye Chen's actions. He obviously didn't expect that ye Chen would be such a clean apprentice. What he didn't expect was Ye Chen's firm oath.

"You... Do you really have that determination?" Jia Jiansheng stares at Ye Chen and says with a slightly trembling voice.

Ye Chen's eyes are firm, and he said without hesitation, "since he has decided to worship his teacher, he must do it well. Otherwise, it's better not to. As for promises, ye Chen never promises easily, and will not allow himself to break his promise, because I'm a man. In my heart, the real man will always keep his word."

Jia Jiansheng looks at Ye Chen's eyes. From this young man's eyes, he doesn't see any perfunctory or hidden. He is as clear as a stream.

Slightly jaw head, Jia Jiansheng with the same serious tone said in a deep voice, "well, from then on, you and I will be master and apprentice."

"Master." Ye Chen knocks heavily.

"Well." Jia Jiansheng nodded heavily.

In the Dragon private club in the suburb of Wujiang City, Feng Tao wears rattan beetles and a long knife at his waist. Through the cracks of the rattan beetles, he has a sharp eye like an eagle and looks directly at the wooden man pile in front of him.

This wooden man pile is 1.8 meters high and made of poplar. It is marked with head, chest, leg and waist, representing the model of human body.

Not far away, takataro Kitai, wearing a black Samurai uniform, stood watching nervously. Next to him, a Samurai with a sword in a red Kendo uniform stood there indifferently. He was as still as a mountain, very silent.

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