
Although Chiba Zhengyu has returned to Japan with most of his disciples, several younger martial brothers of takataro Kitai and Feng Tao have stayed to show their ambition in China.

"Young master Chiba, in your opinion, can elder martial brother Feng Tao cut that wooden man post?" Kitai Kotaro nervously opens his mouth to ask the red warrior next to him.

The young warrior in the red Samurai uniform gently brushed his unruly long hair. He said with a smile, "listen to my father, Feng Tao is one of his favorite disciples. The achievement in kendo is not below me. If I use Juhe chop, I can't cut the wooden man pile. As long as my father doesn't mistake Feng taojun's strength, then, I think there should be no accident. "

In the sound of their conversation, Feng Tao had already bowed down. There was a cold light in his eyes. With a low roar, he stepped forward and ran out for seven steps. His speed was as fast as a galloping wild horse.

Just a moment when his body overlaps with the wooden man stake, Feng Tao suddenly draws his sword. Then, he has already stood behind the wooden man stake. Slowly, Feng Tao gently retracts the scabbard of the samurai sword.


Just at the moment Feng Tao received the knife, the hard poplar stake was gently broken into two sections, and a smooth incision was made on the manikin marked with shoulder to abdomen. With an angle of nearly 45 degrees, the knife easily cut the stake from the left side

The shoulder fell to the right waist.

"Good... So fast..." Kitai Kotaro could not help but exclaimed, "this speed of Juhe chop is amazing, I did not see his knife, just a moment, the wooden man pile has been cut off."

The red Samurai was also surprised. His name is Chiba Xiangchen, the son of Chiba Zhengyu, Feng Tao's master. Like his father, he also has a strong talent in kendo. Although he is only in his 20s, he is one of the few masters in kendo in Japan.

However, after witnessing Feng Tao's amazing act of cutting off the wooden man stake with Juhe chop, he felt a sense of crisis and self-confidence. If it was his own, it would not be a problem to cut off the wooden man stake with the same move. However, there are two questions about whether he can have such a fast speed.

Juhedao, also known as badaodao, was born in the late Warring States period in Japan.

The word Juhe symbolizes the two sides of confrontation, and the most important thing of Juhe Dao is to kill with one strike. If one's action is slower than the other's, one will surely die under the other's knife.

Chiba family's Kendo school mainly comes from Beichen yidaoliu, and Chiba family's juhecha also has a strong legacy of the Edo era. By quickly making and receiving moves, the opponent can't judge the source of the move, so as to kill the opponent.

Chiba Xiangchen rubs his long sword on his waist. His eyes are fixed. He has no confidence in Feng Tao's Juhe chop

It can be faster than Feng Tao, and Juhe will certainly die if he doesn't have the opponent's speed, which makes Chiba prime minister who has always regarded himself as the orthodox Chiba family very unwilling.

He stares at Feng Tao, but he doesn't like it.

However, Kitai Kotaro didn't have so much thought. He clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Feng taojun, your Juhe chop has come to the point where people doubt your eyes. It's really powerful."

Feng Tao took off his helmet and handed it to Wu Yanming. He laughed and said modestly in Japanese, "where, if it wasn't for the cultivation of Chiba teacher, I couldn't even grasp the samurai sword. What's more, in front of master Chiba, I'm so ashamed." Chiba Xiangchen's face turned red. He shook his head and stood up and said, "Feng taojun is serious. My father praised Feng taojun's swordsmanship in front of me more than once before he left. Today, he really beat me. I'm convinced."

Originally, Prime Minister Chiba was not prepared to come to Wujiang City. After Chiba Zhengyu left China, Prime Minister Chiba had no reason to stay in this country.

However, for Chiba prime minister, who has been longing for this ancient country since childhood, it is also a kind of long cherished wish to have a good tour of this land. Therefore, although Chiba is away, Chiba Prime Minister chose to stay.

Feng Tao waved his hand and said, "it's not only juhechan in kendo, but also Xiangchen. On the basis of Beichen yidaoliu, he learned Shinto wunianliu from Saito. I'm not as good as Xiangchen in kendo."

Chiba Xiangchen leaned over and said with a smile, "it's my great honor to get your praise. However, Xiangchen's talent and learning are shallow. You praise him falsely. Xiangchen sincerely admires your swordsmanship."

Seeing that they were modest to each other, takataro Kitai laughed and said, "you two, what's there to let them go? Are they all brothers

They looked at each other with a smile. They held each other's shoulders and went to a round table with some drinks and fruit plates on it. There was also a young waitress in a black dress.

Soon after they were seated, Wu Yanming, who was eating and drinking, answered a phone call. He put his mobile phone in his ear, but he didn't say a few words, but his face changed greatly.

"What?" Wu Yanming put down his mobile phone and trotted to Feng Tao's back. He pasted it in Feng Tao's ear and whispered carefully, "boss, the kuyu nightclub in the west side of the city has been swept. Someone has turned himself in to the Public Security Bureau. It's a minion of Tianyi chamber of Commerce."

Feng Tao nodded slightly. He motionless waved his hand, motioned Wu Yanming to step down, and then continued to drink and talk, as if he had not heard the news. However, no one on the scene noticed it. There was an imperceptible cold in Feng Tao's eyes.

Takataro Kitai asked in Japanese, "Feng taojun, is there any trouble?"

He shook his head slightly, and Feng Tao said, "no, it's just a little fuss. It's not worth mentioning at all."

"Oh, let's drink."

Feng Tao and his Japanese friends had a good time in this private club, but in the underground of Wujiang City, they had already exploded.

Xicheng District is the place where the black dragon club began to operate when it started. So far, there have been 20 or 30 shops and entertainment places. These are the main sources of income of the black dragon club. In the past, Xicheng District can be said to be the forbidden area of the black dragon club. The black dragon club will be more or less intimidated by the forces in the dark, and dare not make trouble in the West.

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