
However, just half an hour ago, kuyu nightclub, the largest nightclub in Xicheng District, was smashed, causing great losses. A drunk has turned himself in to the Public Security Bureau, but everyone knows that it can't be that simple.

In a building in Beicheng District, Shen Qiufeng sits behind a big table. In front of him, a dozen young people stand there, bowing to report the situation.

Shen Qiufeng has a high status in Tianyi chamber of Commerce. Apart from the president, he can ignore other people's words, and he also holds a very important voice in Tianyi chamber of Commerce.

"Kuyu nightclub is just the beginning, but you've done a good job, 20000 for each, 100000 for the top one." Shen Qiufeng said without blinking.

In a small room, ye Chen pressed his hand on the ground and raised his body with one hand. At the same time, his body kept doing strange and weak movements, which seemed to be slowly adjusting, and he was also breathing orderly with his own movements.

Sweat trickles down on the floor, forming a large water stain under Ye Chen's body. However, ye Chen doesn't mean to stop at all. His face is ferocious, his forehead is green and his muscles are shaking violently.

"Has... Reached the limit?" Ye Chen is unwilling to murmur a way, he hisses a, stopped the movement on the arm, put own body on the floor.

Lying on the ground, ye Chen can't help it at last. He gasps heavily. He can't even move a finger.

"Is that guidance? It's surprisingly effective. " Ye Chen murmurs. He can't help feeling his body. Although he is still in the stage of taking off strength, he can feel that every muscle in his body has been trained. Moreover, he has a premonition that if his strength comes back, it will be stronger than before.

Gently stroked the next arm on the hot muscle, ye Chen confidently closed his eyes, his mouth a Qiao way, "new world? Wait for me. I'm coming soon. "

The so-called Daoism is a way for a warrior to become stronger. It's similar to meditation. The difference is that compared with meditation, Daoism is more painful. It uses body movements and breathing to guide aura into the body, so as to make yourself stronger and wake up the soul. This is the beginning practice of a warrior.

If ye Chen didn't take Lido pill, he certainly couldn't have the strength to complete this kind of action. However, after he had twice the physical strength of ordinary people, ye Chen was still not very relaxed. This kind of strange guidance technique will exercise every muscle of the whole body, and the strength it will consume must not be underestimated.

Ye Chen's set of guiding techniques originated from the new world. It is the strongest guiding technique that Jia Jiansheng has mastered at present. It is called Ming Guang Liu Li Ti.

Ming Guang Liu Li Ti is not so much a guiding technique as a body refining technique. In the new world, this guiding technique is indeed classified into the category of body refining technique.

However, in the new world where the strong are like clouds, people who practice this so-called body refining technique are eager to do so. There is no other reason. It is because this body refining technique has great power after it is refined. For example, one of the seven generals of the throne is a strong man who practices Mingguang Liuti. He only relies on his body, You can kill the strong man of the fifth day with one punch.

As for the dregs like Ye Chen who didn't step in the second day, I'm afraid they will be stabbed to death with one finger.

But similarly, the more powerful the martial arts are, the more difficult it is to master, and so is Mingguang Liuli ti. Compared with other Daoyin techniques, this martial arts requires much more effort and hardship.

But it is. Ye Chen's evil drew to draw corners of mouth, he low call a, "big treasure."

A mechanical female voice came to Ye Chen's ear, "I'm here, my husband."

Ye Chen slightly recovered some strength, he supported the body half sat up, yawned and said, "I still have a lot of mental power."

Dabao replied without thinking, "5000 mental power, my husband."

Ye Chen tiny jaw first way, "I want to quickly enhance their combat effectiveness, do you have any good suggestions?"

Dabao pondered for a moment, "Sir, according to your current situation, I can provide you with some very suitable shopping plans."

Ye Chen nodded. He changed a more comfortable posture and asked, "before that, I have one thing to warn you. Don't talk about the so-called pill to increase the ability of the room. I don't need it."

"Yes, sir, but are you sure you don't want to think about it any more? That pill is the favorite of male creatures. " Dabao even used a seductive tone to persuade.

Ye Chen is full of the black line of the head, he waved a hand, angrily shout a way, "who can need that kind of thing, bastard."

Dabao said, "Sir, please don't be impulsive. Next, according to your needs, I will make a series of shopping plans for you."

"You'd better be smart for me, or I'll curse you to death." Ye Chen black a face way.

After a while, Dabao's voice said, "Sir, according to my calculation, you have three ways to get stronger quickly."

"First, you can buy the fighting experience of the strong, just like Tyson's boxing experience. You can buy other people

It's like the experience of the strong, so as to enhance their fighting skills. "

"The second is to buy pills, just like Lido pills. You can buy some other powerful pills to improve your physical fitness."

"The third way is to buy weapons or equipment. You can buy some powerful weapons through the God of food store to increase your combat capability."

After stating three shopping plans, Dabao doesn't speak any more. He leaves time for ye Chen to think about it. Ye Chen is silent. He rubs his chin, and the light of thinking in his eyes is looming.

After a long time, ye Chen slowly asked, "I don't think about weapons and equipment for the moment. If I'm not strong enough, no matter how powerful the weapons are, they are all external conditions. Sooner or later, they will be robbed. As for fighting experience, senior fighting experience, I'm sure I don't have enough mental strength to buy, and some junior fighting experience, I don't need other advanced fighting experience, It won't make me any better than I am now. "

"So?" Dabao asked, "Sir, are you going to buy pills?"

Ye Chen pondered for a moment, he nodded, "in addition to this method, other ways are not suitable for my present situation."

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