Waste pill

During working, Qian Fanyu never let Hu Feng call himself uncle, and Hu Feng never thought that he got to this position by relatives. He was very confident in his business mind.

Hearing Hu Feng's words, Qian Fanyu raised his eyebrows and said, "why do you say that?"

Hu Feng said without thinking, "Ye's fast food seems to be booming now. In fact, it all depends on Ye Chen's reputation. We have been fighting with Ye's fast food for so many years. We know exactly what they have to offer. After my investigation, we can't eat ye Chen's food at Ye's fast food now. There are no good famous chefs. We only depend on a few half baked chefs, You have to smash the sign of Ye's fast food. "

After listening to Hu Feng's analysis, Qian Fanyu nodded. He also agreed with this statement. Although Ye's fast food seems to be popular now, it depends on Ye Chen's temporary fame bonus. Ye Chen can't provide many famous dishes to customers every day. Ye's fast food, which has run out of fame, will soon decline, It's time for Qian's restaurant to fight back.

"About ye Chen, we don't think about that much for the time being. You are going to send Ye's fast food in person with 1 million cash. Remember, 1 million cash." Qian Fanyu said slowly with a little deep meaning.

Hu Feng's mouth slightly tilted. He nodded knowingly and said, "hum, I understand."

After Hu Feng left the office, Qian Fanyu was the only one left in the big room. Sitting behind the big table, Qian Fanyu narrowed his eyes slightly, licked his lips and said, "Ye Chen, Lao Tzu's money is not easy to take. Some people take it, do they spend it?"

In the secret room of Tongji clinic, ye Chen holds a black elixir in his hand. Different from Lido elixir, this elixir presents an irregular oval shape, with some dots on it. If you touch it with your hand, it has obvious concave and convex feeling. Ye Chen carefully observes the inscriptions on the surface, and the golden lines outline a symbol that doesn't know its meaning.

Different from the picture, when ye Chen put this elixir in his hand, the surging momentum made Ye Chen marvel. Although in Ye Chen's hand, this elixir is just a black elixir, but in Ye Chen's eyes, this elixir seems to be the incarnation of a fierce beast, just looking directly at it, And you can feel the roar and violence from ancient times.

"What a strong momentum." Ye Chen swallowed saliva, he secretly said, "just waste Dan has such a powerful power? If it was Cheng Dan, what would it look like? "

Dabao's voice came at the right time, "Sir, the finished pill of Yipin Tuotai pill needs 100000 mental strength."

This sentence, Dabao said quietly, but in yechen's ears, it was like thunder, which almost made him sit down and cry out, "100000? It's exaggerating

Dabao denied, "this price is not exaggeration. After taking yipintuotai pill, it can improve a person's root and bone, and make his cultivation talent nearly perfect. Sir, what you need to know is that from birth to death, man's talent is unchanged. As the name suggests, talent means that Heaven gives you, unless your Tao is higher than heaven, Otherwise, there is no way to change the rules of heaven. "

Ye Chen doesn't understand very much, but he suddenly feels very fierce appearance, quickly asks a way, "that according to what you say, this one grade birth pill is very fierce?"

Dabao confirmed, "you can understand that this kind of elixir that can change talent should not exist under the rule of heaven. Once it appears, it will lead to three or nine thunder robberies. If you carry it, it will be recognized by heaven. If you can't carry it, it will become a waste elixir, or it will be destroyed."

"Like this one?" Ye Chen holding the waste Dan in his hand, frowned and said, "it's really like a gamble. If the gamble loses, it may be that he ate an explosive in his stomach." Dabao said mechanically, "yes, sir, generally speaking, the power of waste pills is always unstable. Take this pill as an example, it may not lose the power of finished pills, or it may explode. It's all possible."

Ye Chen bit teeth, he suddenly grinned a way, "although very unwilling to give life to luck, but now also to the point can't go back."

With that, he opened his mouth without hesitation and threw the pill into his mouth.

Although Dabao didn't have any emotion, ye Chen could still hear the unusual voice in his voice, "you are too irrational, sir."

After taking the pill, ye Chen only feels that the golden streamer melts like water mist, which is different from all the expected results. This waste pill magically melts. The streamer penetrates into the bone marrow, goes deep into the blood, and slowly flows all over the body.

"This... What's the situation?" Ye Chen frowned, and he cried out, "am I going to explode?"

After a moment, a layer of transparent white light swept over Ye Chen's body, and Dabao's voice said, "Sir, according to my scanning results, you are in good health, and the pill seems to have disappeared."

"Disappear?" Ye Chen stares big eyes, he can't believe of say, "you say of disappear is what meaning?"? No more? It doesn't exist? "

Dabao patiently explained, "you are now in addition to luminescence, there is no abnormality, and pills are not in the scan results, so I think it is disappeared."

Ye Chen frowned, slowly, this kind of penetrating light also gradually dim up, and then also like no electricity, slowly disappeared.

When the vision disappeared, ye Chen touched his body and confirmed it again and again. Finally, he had a drooping face and a full face

I wiped it, and that's the end of it? I saw a light show for 2500? No pain, no itch, no effect, so it's gone? "

Ye Chen's complaint reverberated in the room. Listening to this guy's wailing, Dabao confirmed, "at present, it's like this, my husband."

After trying for a long time, ye Chen finally has to admit that he wasted 2500 mental energy in exchange for a pill that is useless and only makes his body shine.

Thinking of this, ye Chen can't help but feel a pain. What is the concept of 2500 mental power, which means that he and Tyson's fighting ability have been missed. After all, Tyson's fighting ability is only 2500.

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