
He pinched the sour bridge of his nose, whined twice in pain, and finally accepted the reality dejectedly. With a pick on his brow, he asked in a trembling voice, "Dabao, do you think my luck today is bad?"

Dabao thought for a while and replied seriously, "Sir, compared with the result of in-situ explosion, this is already very good, so I think it's good luck for you."

"Is it?" Ye Chen rubbed his face hard and put the matter behind him. At this time, it's better to look forward than spend time on self pity.

Waving his hand, ye Chen shook his head slightly and said, "forget it, anyway, no matter how distressed it is, it's also an irreparable thing."

Suddenly, just when ye Chen wanted to say something more, a rhythmic knock interrupted him.

"Who?" Ye Chen eyebrow tip a pick way.

A girl's clear voice came from the door, "it's me, Jia Yingying."

"Oh, come in." Ye Chen tidied up his mood, he stood up from the floor and said softly.

The door was opened with a creak. From behind the white wooden door, a graceful girl in blue came in.

Although has long been a variety of beauty washed with antibodies, but ye Chen is still in front of a bright, for Jia Yingying such beauty is still amazing.

Sipping a smile, Jia Yingying gently came over, she looked at Ye Chen way, "little younger martial brother, you are going to mix with me, don't be stupid Jiaying to abduct away."

Ye Chen full head of black line, he canthus a jump of say, "Miss Jia, what do you mean this?"

Jia Yingying white Ye Chen a way, "hum, I three years old to worship my father as a teacher, 16 years earlier than you, do you want to call me a elder martial sister."

"Er... This..." faltering, ye Chen a time some language plug, don't know what to say.

"Since I'm your elder martial sister, as a younger martial brother, do you want to listen to the elder martial sister? Then you should help the elder martial sister deal with the stupid Jia Ying in the future. I'm so angry with that stupid girl." Jia Yingying said.

Ye Chen just scratched his head. He blinked his eyes and suddenly grinned, "well, elder martial sister Jia, you started earlier than me, and Jiaying didn't start later than me, so... You are both a generation higher than me, don't you..."

"Then you won't?" Jia Yingying blinked her eyes and said with a bad smile, "if you don't want to, then I can't

I think you're the enemy. "

"The enemy?" Ye Chen only felt that he was two big. He quickly waved his hand and said, "Hey, elder sister, I just don't want to help you with Fu Jiaying, and I didn't say that I would unite with Jiaying to run you."

"Well, I don't care." Jia Yingying shook her head and said triumphantly.

"Hello, hello." Just when ye Chen was at a loss and didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing, a clear girl's voice came out of the door.

Ye Chen two people raise an eye to look, see a girl that wears red shirt suddenly at the door, it is Li Jiaying.

After coming in, Li Jiaying first gave Jia Yingying a white look, and then said angrily, "does stupid Yingying want to pull allies? It's really unfortunate that ye Chen is already my man. You're too late. "“ Well, what's wrong? "

Without waiting for Jia Yingying to say something, ye Chen opened his eyes first. He couldn't help saying, "Jiaying, when can I..."

Li Jiaying glared at him viciously and said leisurely, "don't talk nonsense. There's something wrong with you. Come with me."

Ye Chen's in the heart a tight, he also too late many contend for scene this, hurriedly stepped to walk past, quickly asked a way, "how to return a responsibility?"

Li Jiaying looked at Ye Chen's worried look, and suddenly there was a light flickering in her eyes. Her tone was a little low and she said, "you know when you see her."

"Well." Nodded, ye Chen is not nonsense, eager to go outside, leaving only a cloud mountain fog cover, don't know what happened Jia Yingying still standing in place.

With a sigh, Li Jiaying catches up with Ye Chen. They quickly go outside the clinic. Jia Yingying runs over and asks, "what's the matter? Who is the assailant? What's the matter

Ye Chen reluctantly said with a smile, "it's OK. After I've dealt with the matter, let's talk about the big battle of elder martial sister and younger martial brother."

Jia Yingying looks at Ye Chen's eyes, although this man is trying to cover up, but that kind of worry from the bottom of his heart can't be hidden in any case.

Li Jiaying on one side was a little unhappy for a moment. She said sullenly, "I'll drive you. Let's go."

They left Tongji clinic side by side. Jia Yingying suddenly flashed her beautiful eyes and stood at the door with some loss. She looked at Ye Chen's back and opened her mouth, but found that she didn't know this guy at all. Even though she was wounded, she could still play "Moonlight and sea of clouds" to care about him.

In the red Mazda cx-6, ye Chen sits on the co pilot. He looks at Li Jiaying and says, "what happened to Xiren?

Li Jiaying frowned. She thought about it and said, "it's hard for me to explain this. In short, someone has to deal with you, and this person knows you very well."

"What?" Ye Chen's brow was locked. He didn't understand Li Jiaying's meaning. He pondered for a moment and said, "someone wants to deal with me, but something happened to him? You mean someone kidnapped and assaulted someone? "

Thinking of such a possibility, ye Chen can't help but feel tight in his heart. No matter what, he can't accept that someone is plotting against his friends, Feng Tao or Qian Fanyu. If he wants to deal with himself, he won't flinch even if there are thousands of troops. But if someone wants to harm his family and friends, ye Chen can't stand it.

However, Li Jiaying shook her head slightly. She took out a note from her pocket and said in a soft voice, "don't worry. Xiren has nothing to do now. It was found by her pillow."

Ye Chen frowned. He was relieved at first, and then took the note over. He saw that there was a strange and twisted line of characters written on the scraps of paper in the book.

"Ye Chen, if you don't want to have an accident with the people around you, come to me like a man. I'll wait for you at pier 3 at ten o'clock tonight."

"Who left the note?" Ye Chen stares at the note in the hand, tone Sen cold ask a way.

Li Jiaying shook her head slightly and said, "I didn't see clearly. I was thrown in by a masked man with a dart, but I can see that the masked man just wanted to warn us that he didn't kill us. The knife was inserted into the wall and didn't hurt anyone


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