Like a child

Ye Chen pondered for a moment, "did you leave someone in the hospital? Just because the masked man didn't do it at that time doesn't mean he didn't do it after you left. "

Nodded, Li Jiaying confidently said, "team Chen is guarding the hospital. It's OK."

"Chen Jiang?" Ye Chen's mind flashed the figure of the strong youth, he slowly said, "if it's him, it should not be a big problem, I always think he is a reliable guy."

"Of course." Li Jiaying said with admiration, "team Chen is the elite of our police station. If he can't protect attacking people, there will be no safe place in Wujiang City."

Ye Chen's heart is a little calm, but he is still a little uneasy in his heart. A powerful opponent is not terrible. What's really terrible is that in the face of unknown enemies, this kind of hidden fangs is much more difficult to deal with than tigers.

In the intensive care ward of Wujiang people's Hospital, in the ward where Yan Xiren is located, Chen Jiang, dressed in casual clothes, stands in front of the window. In the small hut, there are two strong men in casual clothes.

They seem to be very casual, but if we analyze them carefully, we can see that they have occupied the whole room

The best position in the room.

"Damn Li Muchen." Chen Jiang eyebrows, he cold hum a way, "I hope you run far enough, otherwise, I will catch you back."

One side of the strong man frowned and said, "team Chen, you said that the guy who threatened Ye Chen and left a note in the ward is Li Muchen?"

Chen Jiang nodded slightly and said, "it's not impossible. Judging from the criminal motive, Li Muchen is the most likely suspect. Therefore, we should never take it lightly now. The provincial leaders are very concerned about Li Muchen's prison break. No matter what, we must not let go of any clues, and we must arrest Li Muchen."

Just as they were discussing in a low voice, Yan Xiren on the bed opened her eyes slightly. First she was sleepy, then she looked at Chen Jiang and asked, "officer Chen, why are you here? What about Jiaying? "

Chen Jiang thought about it and sighed, "Miss ye, what I'm going to say next may affect your mood, but please don't worry too much."

Yan Xi's heart was startled, she immediately had an ominous premonition.

"It happened two hours ago." Chen Jiang said slowly, "at that time, you were still sleeping, Li Jiaying..."

Just when Chen Jiang explained the whole story to Li Jiaying, on the snack street less than 10 kilometers away from the people's Hospital, in front of the humble dining table of a Chongqing noodle shop, a young girl wearing jeans shorts sat there, her upper body was wearing a white short sleeve shirt, which outlined an attractive curve, and the thin Jeans Shorts highlighted a strong hot flavor, A pair of straight legs that can't be covered is even more difficult for people to move their eyes.

She was wearing a light yellow hat on her long black hair, with light makeup on her face and a zipp lighter in her hand. She was playing around, her eyes flickering. She was staring at a bowl of fried noodles in front of her, speechless, and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Ding Dong."

The mobile phone screen on the desk flashed, and the voice of V letter interrupted the young girl's thoughts. She showed her eyebrows slightly and picked up the mobile phone on the desk.

The young girl who recovered from the confusion found that the restaurant was full of people. Ten or twenty men, including the boss, were staring at herself with a kind of blazing eyes, just like a group of wolves staring at a little sheep, eager and greedy. The young girl snorted with disdain. She didn't care about her eyes. She turned on the V-letter of her mobile phone. A series of characters appeared on the screen, not Chinese characters, but English: "flying weasel, how is the order finished?"

The young girl, who was called the flying weasel, picked her lips slightly and replied confidently in English, "don't worry, my friend,

Not everyone has to see the sun tomorrow, does he? "

Soon after the ferret's message was sent out, there was a reply, "of course, I believe in your ability to work."

The ferret replied, "just as I believe in your wallet, my friend, please be patient."

After sending these messages, feimustel pinched her white nose. She thought about it and left slowly after throwing a bill on the table. From the beginning to the end, she didn't eat a mouthful of fried noodles and didn't look at the people next to her.

People's hospital intensive care ward, ye Chen knocked on the door, and Li Jiaying into the ward.

"Ye Chen!" As soon as you enter the door, ye Chen hasn't had time to see how many people are in the room. With a cry, the voice comes over. In front of you, a flower, a soft boneless body is hanging around your neck.

"Attacking people?" Ye Chen saw that Yan Xiren's two lotus like white and mellow arms held his neck, and her two round and long legs wrapped around her waist. She held herself in a very ambiguous posture, just like a koala, tightly hanging on her body.

"How did you come back?" Yan Xiren's eyes turned red with a reproachful fury, and even sobbed in a low voice. Although Yan Xiren tried his best to endure, the big tears rolled down one after another involuntarily, and the white little face was covered with pear blossom and rain,

There is a layer of tenderness in the grievance.

Ye Chen's body is as stiff as iron. He looks at Yan Xiren's delicate face and the angel like beautiful girl in tears. He can't help himself even though ye Chen's heart is like steel. A trace of remorse flashed in his heart. If he had been guarding her here, maybe it would not have been an opportunity. With a sigh, ye Chen raised his hand, Carefully to wipe the tears on Yan Xiren's cheek, he whispered, "I'm not here? It's OK. It's OK. Everything will be fine. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. "

Yan Xiren stares at Ye Chen through her hazy tears, and asks sadly with an uncontrollable cry, "will you protect me?"

Ye Chen gently hugged Yan Xi Ren's delicate body, lying in her ear, whispered, "fool, I will protect you."

Ye Chen's voice seemed to have some special magic power. Yan Xiren, who was still emotional, immediately calmed down. She took a deep breath and quietly lay on Ye Chen's broad shoulder and asked in a low voice, "really? Are you lying to me? "

"Fool, how can it be?" Ye Chen slightly shook his head and said seriously, "you look like a child now."

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