The same choice

Even ye Chen himself did not notice, in his eyes, there is a flickering doting, there is a trace of imperceptible pity.

However, Li Jiaying, who has been standing beside Ye Chen, clearly captures the faint emotion. She bites her lips and looks at Ye Chen and Yan Xiren embracing each other tightly in front of her eyes. She suddenly feels that everything seems to have lost its original color, and the whole world in her eyes has become a silent dead gray.

"Cough." Chen Jiang coughed two times and interrupted the strange atmosphere in the room. His eyes swept Li Jiaying who was lost beside him. Then he turned his deep eyes to Ye Chen and said slowly, "that, ye Chen, about this incident, you are the object of being threatened. In your opinion, who is the suspect?"

Hearing Chen Jiang's voice, Yan Xiren's delicate body trembles. She suddenly remembers that this is in full view of the public. She jumps down from ye Chen's body and runs out quickly. Everyone, including Ye Chen, sees the little girl in sick clothes. Her pretty face is red and her jade face is as shy as fire.

"Oh, don't run around!" Ye Chen steps up and opens her mouth to stop her, but Li Jiaying takes the lead in walking out of the room. Without looking back, she whispers, "I'll go after her. Don't worry."

Ye Chen subconsciously nodded, in his mind, although Li Jiaying's Kung Fu is very good, but since the enemy has chosen to fight with a note, it is unlikely to move Yan Xi before the appointed time, so now his friends are relatively safe.

After Li Jiaying chased her out, Chen Jiang's eyebrows stirred slightly. After thinking about it, he seemed to be a little worried. He waved his hand and said, "you two should go out and have a look. If you have anything, don't forget to send a signal."

The two men in plain clothes nodded. They looked at each other and walked out of the ward side by side. Ye Chen felt a very strong temperament from the two men. From their pace and straight waist, they should be the elite of the police force.

Chen Jiang took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, gently shook out one and threw it to Ye Chen. He said with a smile, "these two guys are my good brothers and good hands of the criminal police team. Now that Li Muchen has escaped from prison, our police station, as the unit to arrest Li Muchen, has been specially approved by the leaders of the Municipal Bureau. I immediately seconded several brothers of the criminal police team, otherwise, It's really hard to investigate. "

Ye Chen took Chen Jiang's cigarette, he subconsciously looked at the cigarette handle, the above trademark shows that this is just a ten yuan packet of civilian cigarettes, grinning, "team Chen, you are really cool."

"Ha ha." Chen Jiang waved his hand again and again and said, "it's not easy to talk about two sleeves. A month's salary is enough to support his wife and children. It's really poor. How about my cigarette? Are you used to it?"

Ye Chen grinned, "I can smoke as long as I smoke, but now in the hospital, I'll confiscate your cigarette. Let's smoke later."

With that, ye Chen pinned his cigarette to his ear door and looked at Chen jiangdao with a smile, "team Chen, you give me a clue. How did Li Muchen run?"

Chen Jiang smacked his lips. He took back the cigarette in his hand and thought about it for a while. He said, "according to the confidentiality regulations, this kind of thing can't be spread. But I can tell you one thing, Li Muchen didn't run by himself, he was robbed."

"Take it away?" Ye Chen stares big eyes, he can't believe of say, "how possible? I'm afraid it's not easy to snatch prisoners from detention centers, is it

Chen Jiang shrugged and said, "who says it's not? If it's easy to go to the detention center to rob people, it's not on the land of the Republic. But you can rest assured that as long as you dare to commit crimes in China, you can't escape the punishment of the law. Now the police of the whole new Qi province are mobilized, including other brother units of the united defense and joint action. Nearly a million pairs of eyes are looking for Li Muchen. If he can hide, That's the hell. " Ye Chen nodded heavily. He trusted the police very much, especially Li Muchen, who escaped from prison. He was beating the Public Security Bureau in the face. If he could not be caught, the pressure on the whole public security department would be huge.

"What do you think of that note?" Chen Jiang asked.

Ye Chen scratched his head and grinned, "what can I think? How to look at it. "

Chen Jiang shook his head and sighed, "Ye Chen, I can understand your current mood, but you have to believe in the law and our public security organs."

"What do you want me to do?" Ye Chen the corner of the mouth a hook of smile way.

Looking at Ye Chen's slightly deep eyes, Chen Jiang said seriously, "I think this time you must cooperate with our public security organs. I need you to make a punctual appointment to pier three at ten tonight. When there will be someone in the special police department responsible for catching up, and so on, we can catch up with the suspect, and we will find more partners and behind the scenes. All the black and evil forces involved will be caught. "

"Ha ha ha." Ye Chen burst into laughter and shook his head slightly. "Team Chen is really upright. He speaks with dignity, which makes me feel ashamed. However, although I agree with your way of handling it, I still don't want the public security department to step in. It doesn't matter whether I live or die. If the enemy in the dark is angered by this incident, he reaches out his dirty hand to my friend, That's something I absolutely don't want to see. "

Chen Jiang frowned. He had expected the result from the beginning. Many kidnapping victims would rather pay ransom than report to the police. In fact, they were afraid that their relatives would have an accident, and they were even more afraid that they would be retaliated. He thought about it and said, "Ye Chen, none of us want to see anyone hurt, but..."

"No, but." Ye Chen resolutely waved his hand. He stood up from his seat, went to the window and turned his back to Chen jiangdao. "As a man, I have to deal with this matter in a safe way. Similarly, as a man, I absolutely can't expose my relatives and friends to danger."

Ye Chen's voice is like steel, heavy and hard, word by word hit the ground, he took a deep breath, turned to look behind Chen jiangdao, "team Chen, I think if you were me, I'm afraid you would make the same choice as me?"

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