
Chen Jiang was shocked at first, and then he could not help thinking about this question. After thinking for half a day, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. If it happened to him, he would probably give the same answer.

"I have to admit, from a man's point of view, I should not stop you, but as a policeman, I must stop you from doing stupid things." Chen Jiang shook his head.

Ye Chen shrugged and said, "it's useless. No one can stop what I want to do."

Chen Jiang said with a smile, "is that right?"

When the two men in the ward were arguing endlessly, in the backyard of the people's Hospital, under a lush black locust tree, Yan Xiren's pretty face was still red and dizzy. Her slender white fingers were entangled together, and her two deer like clear eyes were spinning around. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Behind Yan Xiren, Li Jiaying walks to a place three meters away from her, but suddenly stops. She stands there stupidly, but she doesn't dare to step forward for a moment.

long time.

"Are you... Are you ok?" Li Jiaying asked softly.

Yan Xiren's delicate body trembles. She turns her head quickly, but when her eyes touch Li Jiaying, she turns to the other side and lowers her eyes. She is silent, her lips are open, but she is silent for a long time.


"I'm... I'm fine." Yan Xiren looked at Li Jiaying with complicated eyes. She bit her lip gently and said, "you like him too, don't you?"

Li Jiaying shivered all over her body, just like thunder and lightning hit her soul. She looked at Yan Xiren in amazement. She did not admit it or deny it. She stayed in the same place, as if she were stupid.

They have an unexpected tacit understanding on this issue. They have not mentioned the name of "he". Perhaps they know better than anyone which "he" is.

Yan Xiren looked at Li Jiaying for a long time. At last, Zhan Yan laughed. She walked step by step, gently stretched out her little hand and said with a smile, "Hey, what's the matter with you?"

Li Jiaying shook her head slightly. She said in a lonely voice, "it's OK."

Although Li Jiaying's loss in her eyes is not so obvious, it is still clear in Yan Xiren's eyes. She twinkled her bright eyes like stars and said with a smile, "Nah, you like him, and I like him too. I always think that excellent things do not lack competitors. Although you are strong, let me be your opponent."

"What?" This remark completely overturned Li Jiaying's expectation. She raised her head in amazement and looked at Yan Xiren with unbelievable eyes. She was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Yan Xiren looked at Li Jiaying's surprised expression. She raised her hand and said with a smile, "although it may be difficult for you to understand what I'm doing now, I grew up in the United States. In my childhood experience, this kind of fair competition is a very normal behavior. Come on, don't you want to declare war on me?"

The luster in Li Jiaying's eyes became very complicated, but soon, an irreducible stubborn strong emerged. She raised her hand, gently grasped Yan Xiren's little hand, and said in a way close to oath, "then you have to be careful, I will never be merciful."

"Hee hee, come on." Yan Xiren holds Li Jiaying's palm. They look at each other and smile, which seems to resolve all the contradictions.

The No. 3 Wharf in Wujiang City is one of the transportation hubs of river transportation. It is about five or six kilometers away from the river beach where ye Chen once fought fiercely with Wu Yanming and others. Before liberation, it was directly under the jurisdiction of the water transport yamen of the Qing Dynasty, and the number of merchant ships is a frightening number every year. However, after the founding of the people's Republic of China, with the change of the mode of transportation and the erection of Railways and expressways, the once popular river transport industry also went into decline. Similarly, as a symbol of that era, the No. 3 wharf gradually lost its value of existence and turned into an abandoned area with weeds.

On the wharf, which covers an area of several tens of acres, several old boats are tied to the bridge. The rusty iron house and the old house with green tiles and red bricks are connected with each other. There is no one around. The empty wharf building is like a ghost house. From time to time, there are wild cats howling.

In the distance, the wind blows reeds, rolling up dead leaves and flying.

A young girl came by boat from a distance. She was wearing a white short sleeve on her upper body and a light blue denim shorts on her lower body, showing her two long legs. She was very hot and eye-catching.

"Ah Xi." It was the flying weasel. Wearing a pair of desert combat boots, she stopped the boat at the end of the bridge, jumped onto the dock, shook her hand and said to herself, "is it OK to choose the place here? If he calls the police, there is no way. I have to work harder to complete this order. "

Flying weasel doesn't speak Chinese, but Korean. She carries a backpack on her shoulder. After looking up at the surrounding environment, she walks to the tall building without saying a word.

"I have arrived at the mission site, please give instructions." As he walked, the weasel said to the earphone hanging from his ear.

Soon, the special rustle of the walkie talkie came from the earphone in her ear, and then a deep man's voice replied, "flying weasel, I'm Bai Ji. Now I'm your support hand for this single task. Now you have to go to area A. according to the satellite, it's the best ambush location. I've sent the specific location to your smart watch."

The weasel yawned and complained in English, "Why are you supporting me again? I prefer snow girl. Her voice is much better than yours. "

Bai jileng snorted and replied in English, "shesa is responsible for supporting wild dogs today, and do you think I'm willing to be your support hand? Don't complain about useless things here. I want you to go to area a now. Don't forget the regulations of our "demon soldier" organization. The field must listen to the suggestions of support hands. "

“okok。” "Don't talk to me so much, and your English with Thai northern accent also makes me feel bad, you know? What's more, the regulation says that we should consider carefully, not listen to it. The gap is too big. Please don't change the concept

Hear fly weasel's reply, Bai Ji angry voice way, "whatever you like, wait until a area to contact me, that's it."

Baiji hung up the real-time call. Feimuster shrugged and said, "it's a guy with poor psychological quality. However, Zone A is really the most suitable place for me to fight. I must prepare in advance to ambush the prey in Zone A and strive to complete this order in the shortest time."

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