Act separately

After making up his mind, the weasel walked in the direction indicated by the smart watch.

However, flying weasel, who has always been highly alert, did not notice that in a shabby house on the roadside, a pair of deep eyes were staring at her coldly in the small pavilion on the second floor.

The river is surging, and a small boat is sailing fast in the wind. On the bow of the boat, ye Chen in black sports clothes is standing there. Behind him, Song Yang, also wearing black clothes, is playing with the dagger in his hand.

Raised his hand to see the watch on the wrist, ye Chen said with a smile, "Song Yang, if you hang up this time, will you blame me?"

"Don't do that." Song Yang also said without raising his head, "don't think I don't have to give money when I die. Remember, I have a million dollars a day."

Ye Chen laughs and pats Song Yang on the shoulder. Behind them, Chen Jiang, dressed in camouflage clothes, quietly supports the boat. He sighs and recalls the dispute with Ye Chen this afternoon.

Because ye Chen insists on not letting the police interfere, Chen Jiang has no choice. If ye Chen doesn't cooperate, it's not easy to bring out the behind the scenes. After thinking about it, Chen Jiang decides to go alone, if he can catch the curtain

After the black hand is the best, even if you can't catch the suspect, you should try to keep Ye Chen safe, which is also the result of Chen Jiang's strong sense of justice.

Although Ye Chen is still reluctant to involve Chen Jiang in the water, after thinking about it, he agrees to Chen Jiang's idea. After all, this is the biggest concession of the police. It is obviously impossible for the police to completely pretend to be deaf and dumb.

As for Song Yang, ye Chen specially called him, in order to support himself anytime and anywhere, and to face any unexpected situation to the maximum extent.

Song Yang, who got Ye Chen's phone call, came to the beach without saying a word. The three of them took a boat and left without asking for detailed reasons. After ye Chen repeatedly stressed the danger of this action, Song Yang was still a Shaobao expression who was in charge of him, very calm.

The boat broke through the water and gradually sailed into the reeds, which means that ye Chen and others have entered the shallow water area, not far away from the river bank.

"It's almost 9:35 now, team Chen. You can still turn back now. This guy is obviously looking for revenge. Although you are a policeman, you don't have to risk yourself because of me." Ye Chen turns head to say.

Chen Jiang shook his head, he firmly said, "Ye Chen, I'll tell you again, I'm a policeman, I'll take care of all the behaviors that violate the law and discipline, and I'll take care of them to the end."

In Chen Jiang's mind, he has already made up his mind. If the situation is urgent and uncontrollable, he will report it to the leaders of the Municipal Bureau for the first time, because Yan Xiren and ye Chen are both involved in Li Muchen's prison break. I believe that the rapid reaction forces on standby will arrive at the scene in a very short time, At that time, it's not something Ye Chen is willing to resist.

With this card in his hand, Chen Jiang naturally has a lot of confidence. He doesn't believe that in the territory of China, who can fight with the public security organs of China.

As the boat gently leans to the shore, ye Chen and the three of them get on the dock one by one. The dilapidated buildings show a sense of history. Ye Chen looks at the surrounding environment and wants to get familiar with the scene quickly. He hopes that when they fight, they will not suffer from the disadvantage of being unfamiliar with the site.

"Well?" Chen Jianghu's eyes brightened. He pointed to a trace on the tin house in front of him and said, "look, is that a sign to show the way?"

Ye Chen and his wife looked at the old yellow tin house and saw a bright red arrow painted on it. According to the surface color of the paint, it can be judged that the painting time of this mark is not more than one day. Chen Jiang rubbed his chin and thought, "according to the direction indicated by the arrow, it should go deep into the center of the wharf. It is the residential area of the wharf management, where the officials in charge of wharf work lived before the Republic of China."

"Oh." Ye Chen said with a smile, "I didn't expect that team Chen still has a lot of information. I don't know if I can share it


With a wry smile and a wave of his hand, Chen jiangdao said, "what information is just some old news. For fear of frightening the snake, the police didn't send people to investigate directly. Instead, they seconded a number of records about this place, including a map. Although the map is old, in my opinion, this ghost place hasn't been touched for many years, So it should be more accurate. "

Ye Chen slightly nods a way, "this time take Chen team, also seem to be a more wise choice indeed."

Song Yang, who has been silent, looks at the pale moonlight. He looks up at Ye Chen and asks, "what do we do now? Follow the arrow? "

Chen Jiang said without thinking, "I don't think it's right. If we follow the route set by the other party, it's undoubtedly drilling into the traps set by others. This is too stupid. I don't think it's necessary at all."

"Oh, really?" Song Yang nodded, he looked at Ye Chen, waiting for the man's reply.

Ye Chen pondered for a moment and said, "although team Chen is right, as far as I'm concerned, if we want to find the guy hiding in the dark, I'm afraid we can only play according to his rules of the game. Otherwise, we can't find him at all, let alone kill him."

Chen Jiang frowned and said, "do you have to be led by the nose? Isn't that a lack of initiative

Do you have any

Ye Chen thought about it. He looked at the arrow on the tin house, and then at Song Yang and Chen Jiang. He said with a smile, "if you want to take back the initiative, there is no way."

In the night sky, the stars are scattered like pieces of chess, the moonlight is dim and dusky, there are wild ducks chirping in the reed marshes in the distance, on the empty wharf, in the cool night wind, the three people are standing outside the buildings covered with weeds, facing such bright red arrows, what should they do?

Hear ye Chen say so, Chen Jiang frowns to ask a way, "what good method do you have?"

Ye Chen rubbed his chin and said, "according to the situation we have now, we can't judge how many opponents there are. However, in my opinion, the number should not be too much, and we don't need to be together."

"What do you mean?" Chen Jiang eyebrow tip a to pick a way, "we separately act?"

"So to speak." Ye Chen nodded slightly.

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