
As soon as his voice fell, Song Yang, dressed in black, walked out without hesitation. The way forward was just the direction indicated by the paint arrow. Ye Chen was stunned, and he said, "Song Yang, what are you going to do?"

Song Yang head also don't return of say, "since is separately act, that I choose this road."

"You don't know which road is the most dangerous, do you? If you follow his sign, you'll probably get into his ambush trap. " Chen Jiang can't help but ask.

"A trap? Of course I know. " Slightly nodded, Song Yang light said, "just because I know, so I want to go."

Song Yang's answer made Chen Jiang not understand his idea. Ye Chen stepped forward two steps, grabbed Song Yang's shoulder and said with a smile, "you have no reason to die for me. This road is mine."

"Oh." Song Yang waved his hand and said, "I didn't mean to die at all. Before I met you, I was just a weapon to kill people with money. But after I met you, you told me in the simplest way what a man is. In other words, I had never really lived before. If you died in front of me, it would be so boring, It's better for me to die for you. Anyway, there's no loss. After all, I've lived for half a month. "

Ye Chen was affected by the determination and sincerity in Song Yang's eyes. He was slightly moved, but he also firmly shook his head and said, "you are less heroic in front of me, and you have robbed me of the limelight. You're the hardest bone, of course

Use the sharpest teeth to bite. "

With that, ye Chen pulls Song Yang aside and walks alone to the direction indicated by the arrow. He says without hesitation, "the goal of these people is me. If they can't see me, they won't stick out that ugly head from the shadow."

"But..." Song Yang wants to argue again, but ye Chen says without any doubt, "well, according to what I said, I'm responsible for pulling their heads out of the shadows, and your task is to beat their smelly faces. This is a technical job, can you do it?"

Song Yang took a deep breath. He understood that no one could change what ye Chen had decided, so he gritted his teeth and said in a firm tone, "don't worry, I'm a professional."

"Ha ha, that's good." Hearty smile, ye Chen along the arrow pointing to the night away.

Behind him, Song Yang's voice came, "Hey, don't die."

Ye Chen waved his hand and said with a smile, "I can't die."

Looking at Ye Chen's back disappearing in the vast dark night, Chen Jiang patted Song Yang on the shoulder, looked at Song Yang with a strange look, and said, "brother, no, no, that... Comrade, I can understand your current mood, but..."

"Wait, wait, wait." The corner of Song Yang's eye jumped. He was all hairy with Chen Jiang's strange eyes. He said quickly“

What do you mean? With what ambition, come on! "

Chen Jiang said with a strange smile, "Oh, don't be embarrassed. We are all people in the society. Your elder brother and I are well-informed. I really know many people like you. Don't worry, in our country, this same surname love is not against the law, but you must be careful. Most AIDS are passed through..."

"Shut up The more Song Yang listens, the more wrong he is. He jumps around the corner of his eyes, pulls out his knife and pours on it. One hand grabs Chen Jiang's throat, and the other hand mercilessly sticks into Chen Jiang's eye. When he gets angry, Song Yang subconsciously uses all his strength. The assassination training he receives from the dragon soldier organization makes him kill. If he hits Chen Jiang this time, Chen Jiang will never live“ I'll wipe it Chen Jiang was startled by Song Yang's posture. He quickly jumped back to avoid Song Yang's attack distance. By the way, he raised his right foot and kicked Song Yang's dagger with a tricky angle.

Song Yang could see it with his eyes, but it was too late for him to react. Fortunately, he deflected the blade and cut Chen Jiang's foot with a knife.


Different from the expected result of the attack, Song Yang's blade struck Chen Jiang's foot, causing a series of sparks. He frowned and resisted the numbness of his wrist. As he stepped back, he looked at Chen Jiang's right foot.

"Iron shoes?" Song Yang disdained to curl his lips and said, "if it wasn't for your shoe, I would have cut off half of your foot at least.

There was a trace of fear in Chen Jiang's eyes. What he was wearing was police combat boots, which belonged to the latest equipment of the city garrison. The outside was cow hide, and the head of the shoes was clamped with steel sheet, mainly to improve the protective ability of the shoes and protect his feet more effectively.

But now, the cowhide of the combat boots has been cut a long and thin scratch, revealing the iron gray steel sheet inside. Song Yang's chopping power was great just now. If it wasn't for the protection of the steel sheet, he would be disabled now.

"Boy, you are very angry. You are very tough." Chen Jiang snorted coldly.

Song Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's you who are cheap first. I hope you won't have a second time, otherwise..."

Although Song Yang left half of his words and didn't finish it completely, Chen Jiang could still hear moriran's murdering opportunity from his tone.

"Or what?" Chen Jiang is on guard. His fingers gently grasp the retractable baton around his waist, and without flinching, he looks directly into Song Yang's eyes.

Song Yang didn't pay attention to him. He took the knife back into the scabbard and said, "now I don't have time to fight with you. Ye Chen has chosen the right way. Now I'm going to the left. I don't care where you go, but you'd better not get in the way. Otherwise, I'll let you know what pain is."

Chen Jiang touched his nose and said with disdain, "do you think I'm willing to talk to you? Is a fellow like a beast going to kill even if he's joking? "

"Whatever you think." Song Yang turned his head and left. In a flash, he disappeared into the night.

Looking at Song Yang's back, Chen Jiang frowned. He took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. He murmured to himself, "tut tut Tut, how can I say that? Ye Chen, you are really an unpredictable guy. You can make such a powerful man work for you. How many secrets do you have?"

Every 20 or 30 meters away, on the surface of the dilapidated houses or buildings next to the road, there will be a bright red paint mark, on which the blood red arrow points to the more distant night.

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