
Although the moonlight is dim, ye Chen can still see the mark clearly. Following the arrow all the way, ye Chen is getting closer to the center of the wharf.

"Oh, is it here?" Finally, the direction of the arrow disappears at the door of a building. Ye Chen looks at the shabby building. He picks his eyebrows and whispers to himself.

This building was built at the beginning of the last century. It has an old Soviet style. It is big and old. On the mottled wall, every inch of it has the flavor of that era.

The night wind howled, and the trees beside the building made a crashing sound like the sound of waves.

Ye Chen looked up at the top of the building. Because of the dim night, he could not accurately distinguish the number of floors of the building, but at a glance, it was at least ten stories high.

Clenched fist, ye Chen adjusted his own state, he took a deep breath, walked to the building.

Now that we have reached the end of the arrow, there is no reason to retreat.

"Whether it's a tiger's den or a haunted house or a wolf's nest, I'm here anyway." Ye Chen said in a low voice, he walked into the door without hesitation.

On the top floor of the building, feiweasel grins slightly. In front of her is a laptop computer. On the computer screen, three pictures show high-definition images of Ye Chen and others.

Holding the headset, the weasel chewed the gum and said, "Hey, Baiji, are you sure there are only three people here?"

Soon, Becky's confirmed reply came from the headset, "yes, although your way of killing is very stupid, I still think their way of dealing with it is more stupid."

Flying weasel heartless smile way, "who said no, if they really come to a lot of police, maybe I will really have a headache."

Baiji replied casually, "I have to remind you again, flying weasel, if you don't change your way of killing, you will never get a higher score. It's related to your income. I hope you can seriously consider it."

"Does that need to be considered?" Flying weasel stood up and said, "Baiji, you are really a man who doesn't know much. You know, there are many things in the world that are much more important than money, such as the pleasure of hunting."

"... you're a crazy woman." Although we had expected the answer from the weasel, when the woman said this, Baiji said with a headache, "well, I don't want to argue with you about these meaningless questions now. According to the surveillance camera of the UAV, the three men are moving from different directions to your building, if there is no accident, They'll all be outside your building in five minutes, and your mission has been completed

Into the building. "

Flying weasel licked his lips and said excitedly, "well, I've seen it. He seems to be very confident in his own strength. He looks like he's not afraid of anything. It makes me feel bad. I really want to pinch that confident face."

Bai Ji sighed, "flying weasel, because they are scattered, now the UAV can only choose one monitoring target, you..."

Flying weasel waved her hand, she impolitely interrupted Baiji's words, casually said, "it doesn't matter, since the number of them has been determined, then I'll start harvesting them one by one. Well, you just tell me where they are hiding."


Their conversation was interrupted by a violent roar. It was the explosion of gunpowder. The sound was huge and shocking. Especially in this silent night, the sudden explosion was like thunder, which directly spread to more than ten miles away“ Hey, hey, kill one. " Flying weasel said with a smile, "the goal of two million is no longer there."

Baiji was also startled by the violent explosion. He quickly asked, "flying weasel, what are you doing?"

Flying weasel said with a smile, "nothing. It's just that the mine I put on the stairway exploded. The target of the mission should have been blown up. Now the mission has been completed. I'll take the remaining two guys as customers. I'll kill them later."

"What? You used mines in the city, you... "Baiji's voice was rapid and sharp, but he was soon cut off by the weasel.

"It's noisy like a girl. It's a real unpleasant guy." Flying weasel turned off the headset and walked downstairs with a smile.

When the mine exploded just now, the whole building was shaking violently, as if it had experienced an earthquake, which made the ferret worry that it would collapse the old building.

However, the construction technology of this building is very good. Although it is in danger, it is obviously not too late.

Go down the stairs, and soon the weasel comes to the fifth floor where the explosion happened.

The scene was in a mess, with broken stones and deformed steel bars flying everywhere. Soil ash and smoke filled the whole corridor. The wall on one side was also cracked by the explosion. The road was like a spider web with ugly cracks.

"Tut tut." Feimustel said with a smile, "the power of this mine is not bad. It's the latest product of the engineering department,

I like it. "

Self praise, flying weasel smart eyes four scan, looking for the shadow of Ye Chen.

"Blown up? Why didn't you find anyone? " Flying weasel murmured, her eyes suddenly brightened, and she jumped from the broken stairs to the fourth floor.

In the dust, a figure covered with earth and stone was lying on the ground, surrounded by gravel, which seemed to have been killed on the spot.

Flying weasel said with a smile, "I didn't expect to finish the task so easily. It's easy to blow up this guy. Tut tut."

Squatting down, the flying weasel poked Ye Chen's stiff body and said with a smile, "it's really a useless man. I just started to play, and you were killed by me. It's so boring."

"Tough enough." A man's voice suddenly came, flying weasel scared all over a spirit, she quickly stood up, just want to retreat to avoid, but a hand has been dead grasp her ankle.


With a scream, feimuster found that ye Chen, who was already dead, moved. Without saying a word, he pulled his arm. Feimuster only felt that his ankle was tight, and the whole person was overturned to the ground!

Ye Chen gets up quickly with a successful move. The whole person is like a big lizard. He lands on all fours and pounces on the flying weasel. He grabs the flying weasel's neck with his hands raised and smashes his fist on her frightened face.

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