Feign death

"Go to hell, asshole!" Suddenly drink a, leaf Chen this fist condensed the whole body strength, pierce the air in front of, have no pity to cherish jade of blow out.


Just listen to a bang, ye Chen's back suddenly appeared a blood flower, he called a pain, quickly took back his fist, subconsciously protect his head, quickly hit a roll, to the direction of his attack.

"Remote control aircraft?"

The target is an iron gray UAV, which is different from what ye Chen usually sees. There is a finger thick metal barrel under the fuselage of the UAV, and it is still curling with smoke.

He subconsciously touched his back and frowned. He thought that the attack on his back came from the metal barrel, but it was obviously not the bullet fired by the gun, otherwise, he would not only hurt.

"Damn it." Flying weasel jumped up from a carp on the ground. She rubbed the back of her head, frowned and asked, "why didn't you die?"

Flying weasel spoke English. Ye Chen didn't understand what she meant. He frowned and growled impatiently, "Shao te, you've talked so much with me. I can't understand a word. Little girl, you've got to be poisonous. You've used all the explosives directly. If I hadn't been lucky, I would have been killed by you now!"

The ferret thought for a moment, then turned to Mandarin with a strange pronunciation and said, "I don't quite understand. Why are you still alive when you are blown up by a mine?"

"Wipe, how can I tell you?" Ye Chen disdains of a shake head, hate voice says.

In fact, ye Chen is still alive now, relying on more than luck.

Two minutes ago.

In the dark corridor, ye Chen's eyes slowly adapted to such a dark environment. He groped for the upstairs step by step with the same dark moonlight.

"It's really dark." Ye Chen takes out his mobile phone and turns on the flashlight. The white LED lights illuminate a small area. Although the place you can see is still very limited, it is much better than before.

"Attention, sir." Just as ye Chen turned from the fourth floor to the fifth floor, Dabao's voice suddenly came.

Ye Chen frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

Dabao machinery's voice clearly spread to Ye Chen's mind, "Sir, I have detected the fluctuation of dangerous goods within three meters of you."

"Dangerous goods?" Ye Chen will be back soon. Nervous, he raised his eyes and looked around, but found nothing suspicious.

But Dabao quickly went on to say, "Sir, according to the test results, I apply to use 50 mental power for detailed detection. Do you agree?"

“50?” Ye Chen thinks about it. He can't help hesitating. You know, now he doesn't have a fixed source of mental strength. He uses less mental strength by luck. He doesn't want to spend money wrongly. Buying a luminous pill with 2500 mental strength has made him crazy. If he throws 50 casually, it will make ye Chen feel like a dog.

"Dabao, how dangerous is this dangerous material?" Ye Chen considered carefully for a while, he opens a mouth to ask a way.

Dabao said without hesitation, "the death rate is very high. If you don't try to avoid it, you may die."

This sentence can frighten Ye Chen a jump, if the person died, that has again many mental strength to also have no use, he clenched teeth, nodded to say, "that detection." With Ye Chen's approval, a layer of visible infrared light waves circled Ye Chen within three meters. Just a moment later, all the infrared light waves were locked at one point.

Ye Chen looks along the light spot. It's a black metal block the size of a mobile phone battery. It's lying quietly on the stairs. It doesn't seem to have any special place.

Frowned, the leaf Chen doubts of ask a way, "big treasure, this is what ghost thing?"? I look like a cell phone battery. "

A moment later, Dabao replied, "Sir, according to my analysis, this should be an anti infantry induction mine, or it should have a certain level of science and technology. When someone approaches within half a meter of the mine, the gravity field originally sensed by the mine will change, and then its processor will detonate the explosive inside."

Ye Chen listens to the whole body cold sweat straight to come out, he shocked of say, "that I don't will die of very miserably?"

Dabao replied negatively, "not necessarily, sir. Please don't forget that your God of food system has an emergency plan. According to my conjecture, at the moment of a mine explosion, your God of food system will hold up a protective cover to block the explosion damage for you, but it will certainly consume a lot of mental energy. For you, It must be an irreparable loss. "

Ye Chen gas teeth itch, he hate voice said, "it seems that this is to kill me, ah, hum, I want to see, who in the end, I have such a big hatred blood hate."

Pondering for a moment, ye Chen looks up at the higher level leading to the stairs. He can't guarantee that there are no more mines waiting for him on those stairs.

After thinking about it, ye Chen said to Dabao, "Dabao, is there any way to detonate this mine?"

Dabao said without thinking, "although this kind of induction mine adds gravity induction, the technology is not mature. Any large gravity change will make it explode. I suggest you smash it with a stone outside the safe distance."

Ye Chen nodded slightly. He agreed to Dabao's suggestion. He stepped back a few steps. He pulled a piece of cement from the old wall, aimed at the mine, and confirmed again, "Dabao, in your judgment, is my distance safe now?"

Dabao replied, "please step back another meter, otherwise, you may be hit by the rubble raised by the explosion."

Ye Chen looked at the room next to the stairway. He raised his foot and kicked open the door. At the same time, he forced his arms. With a low roar, he threw the cement block in his hand in the direction of the mine, and then jumped into the hut without looking back.

Although the distance is not close, but under Ye Chen's two arms of brute force, the 20 jin cement block hit the mine in a classic parabola trajectory. Although it only hit the corner of the mine, it still easily detonated the mine.


The violent roar was like the loudest thunder tonight, which broke the stairs, blew up the gravel, and made a powerful opening.

After detonating the mine, ye Chen takes the opportunity to create his own signs of being killed. He lies in the ruins, just for the sake of safety

Wait for the enemy to relax.

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