Take advantage

However, although Ye Chen is not sure to take on such an attack, he still looks confident and says coldly, "you can try. If your steel needle doesn't kill me, then I will let you taste the pain brought by my fist, which may not make you very comfortable, but don't worry, the pain is very short, Because you won't last long under my fist. "

Locked by Ye Chen's eyes, feimuster Xiumei frowns slightly. She was confident that she could kill Ye Chen with one blow, but now, she gradually loses her confidence. With a cold hum, she says, "don't think that you can disturb my mind with a few hard words. No one can escape from my steel needle."

Ye Chen curled his lips, he said with disdain, "since you don't care what I say, then you just try."

"If you tell me to try, I'll try. I'll lose face." Flying weasel suddenly Jiao smile, she smile at Ye Chen said, "how about this, I tell you a secret, you come to kiss me, how?"

"Well?" In the face of this sudden change of painting style, ye Chen is a little at a loss. He widens his eyes. He just wants to say something, but his face suddenly changes. He roars, "mean!"

It turned out that when feimuster was suddenly coy and laughing, she threw out five steel needles in her hands in the moment when ye Chen's spirit was relaxed!

The steel needle easily tears the air, so fast that the sharp sound of breaking the air can't keep up with the speed of the steel needle

At this moment, the five steel needles had exceeded the speed of sound, but in the blink of an eye, they shot in front of Ye Chen.

The impact of the acceleration of any object beyond the speed of sound can not be underestimated. What's more, if this sharp steel needle is hit into the body, it will not be as simple as injury.

"Damn it Suddenly, ye Chen didn't have time to react. He growled, slipped sideways, and fell to the ground with his body beside him. He held his head in both hands and rolled aside in a very embarrassed position.


The steel needle was inserted into the wall and penetrated deep into the wall. If ye Chen hadn't been able to escape just now, he would have died on the spot, because the places where these steel needles were aimed were all heads and important internal organs. Once they were punctured, they would not be spared.

"What a vicious girl." Ye Chen quickly gets up from the ground and gasps slightly. His eyes are fixed on the flying weasel, and his body is trembling slightly. Nervous, he doesn't dare to beat the dust on his body. His eyes are blinking at the enemy, for fear that he will be attacked by the terrible flying needle in the next second.

Looking at Ye Chen, the weasel's mouth was tickled and smacked. "Tut tut Tut, I didn't expect you to dodge my flying needle, but it's a pity that the same way of dodging doesn't work the second time."

As soon as the voice fell, seven or eight cold stars shot out again. The flying weasel waved his hands, just like a lady in the sky

What's more, these seven or eight steel needles didn't shoot at the same time, but they were all separated by about half a second. What's more terrible is that these flying needles shot at different angles, blocking all the directions Ye Chen could avoid.

"Damn it Ye Chen yells angrily. He rushes to the concrete floor on the right side, and the action is similar to that just now. But this time, he is not so lucky as that just now. He sees a flying needle shot at Ye Chen. Ye Chen screams and falls heavily on the ground.

Flying weasel eyebrows pick, slowly walk to Ye Chen, her hands and pinch two flying needles, said with a smile, "it's really a headache IQ, clearly know that I have sealed that direction, but still want to escape there?"“ So it is Suddenly, the weasel said with a smile, "what if you don't run away? Still get shot! So, are you going to gamble in this way? But it's a pity that you lost the bet. Take your pathetic luck and go to hell to reflect on it slowly. "

"Lost?" Suddenly, ye Chen, who couldn't stand on the ground, suddenly jumped up. He jumped out like a dormant rattlesnake. He rushed to the flying weasel fiercely and quickly. He raised his hand. He held a blue half head brick in his hand, and called to the flying weasel's face with his strength.

Flying weasel pretty face is full of panic, she quickly back, but panic, she was behind the stone stumbling a foot, directly fell on the ground, scream, ye Chen has rushed to her body, the brick with full of anger and hate in the hand of life!


Just listen to the roar of mechanical operation from the back of the brain, ye Chen quickly turns to see that it is the iron gray UAV that plays a suicidal charge. It comes straight to Ye Chen's head, and the speed is extremely fast. With the strength of diving down from the mid air, if it is hit, ye Chen will definitely be shot.

"Asshole!" Ye Chen fiercely bows his head. He avoids the impact of the plane. Then he throws away his hand and smashes the bricks into the flying UAV. After he takes off the bricks, he doesn't look at the result of the attack. He just hits the flying weasel with his fist.

Flying weasel is worthy of being a professional killer who has been fighting for a long time. She skillfully seizes the precious opportunity Bai Ji has won for her. She pinches a steel needle and directly inserts it into Ye Chen's abdomen. Ye Chen's face changes greatly. He doesn't want to be injured at this time. After a curse, he knows that he has lost the best opportunity, so he has to stand up and roll back to distance.

Flying weasel quickly gets up from the ground. Before she stands still, a dusty iron fist appears in front of her. This is exactly Ye Chen's counterattack. Ye Chen knows better than anyone that in the face of such a long-range opponent, she can only be killed by others with a flying needle in addition to the close combat.

"Bang!" As ye Chen expected, the flying weasel's melee ability is not the same level as the concealed weapon ability. After shaking his body, ye Chen squats down. He steps forward and hits the flying weasel's stomach with a left hook!

"Ah The weasel screamed and retreated. Ye Chen was powerful and fought harder and harder. His fists fell on the weasel like raindrops. Within a few breaths, the weasel could not open his eyes and could only raise his hands in vain,

Protect your head.

Just when ye Chen got the overwhelming advantage, in a room hundreds of kilometers away, a young man with orange hair was sweating. In front of him was a 29 inch LCD, showing high-definition pictures of the abandoned building of pier 3.

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