
Although he was the only one in the room, there were five or six computers alone, all with the main computer on, and all kinds of pictures were displayed on the screen.

"It's over!" He is Baiji, a computer expert from Thailand, who is the long-distance support hand of flying weasel. He licks his lips. He pushes the floor, and the seat moves to the front of a computer at a high speed. He slaps on the keyboard at a high speed, and the instructions are encrypted and sent out quickly.

After sweating, Bai Ji slowly breathed a sigh of relief and murmured, "fortunately, there is an emergency plan to implement. The failure of the task is a small matter. If the flying weasel is caught, the whole organization will cause a big earthquake."

Calm down, Bai Ji shouts to the earphone, "flying weasel, please insist for another ten minutes. Within ten minutes, the Reserve Combat members of Wujiang City will arrive at the scene to help you."

In the dilapidated building, feimuster's mouth is bleeding. She even steps back, trying to open the distance between her and ye Chen, but ye Chen clings to him. They both know that the importance of fighting distance is even more important than less injury.

“shit!” Flying weasel roared, "you bastard, don't let me seize the opportunity, or I will nail you to the ground needle by needle."

Ye chenmo doesn't say a word. He just tries his best to fight. If he can't beat his opponent in the close combat, the next battle will be more difficult. He is still afraid of the flying weasel's flying needle. Just now, he was fighting to avoid it

In fact, it all depends on the half brick in hand.

At the time of just jumping up, ye Chen picked up the green brick at his feet and used it as a shield to block the flying weasel's flying needle, which gave him the chance to attack the flying weasel. Otherwise, he had to be shot through by the steel needle and lose his fighting ability.

But even so, the flying needle still penetrated through the green brick, and then inserted into Ye Chen's chest. Although it didn't go deep into the flesh, ye Chen was still amazed at the terrible penetrating ability of the flying needle. You know, the big green brick of the last century is hard and heavy, much stronger than the red brick of today, but it still can't hold the penetrating power of a needle. It's so frightening, If you hit me directly, I'm afraid I'll lose my life.

Therefore, no matter how much effort Ye Chen makes, he is not willing to distance himself from the flying weasel. In the face of such a flying needle, no one can ignore it.

Just as ye Chen gradually suppresses the flying weasel in the melee, a figure suddenly comes out. Both sides in the fierce battle are surprised, but they dare not be distracted, and they still fight.

"Ye Chen, I'll help you!" Although the night is dim, but under the starlight, you can still see Song Yang's face. When he saw that the stairs were blown up like a beehive, he was also shocked: the sound of the explosion just now should be the sound of dynamite blowing up the stairs. I can't believe that ye Chen provoked such an opponent.

When he pulls out his knife, Song Yang does not dare to delay too much and jumps up. He chooses the back of the flying weasel as the entry point to help Ye Chen.

However, Song Yang was shot in the back with the sound of firecrackers. Suddenly, he fell to the ground and fell on the concrete floor from mid air. He was full of meat and vegetables, bleeding from his gums and nose. He turned his head to look at it, only to find that an iron gray UAV stretched out a metal gun barrel and emitted curling smoke, Hover over yourself.

Song Yang is also a tough guy who climbs out of the dead. He shakes his head. He clenches the knife, raises his hand and buckles his back. He buckles a small iron ball from the wound, shakes the blood on his fingers, and throws the small iron ball aside. He hums, "steel ball, gas grab? Is that all? Then you really can't see enough. "

In front of the monitoring screen, Bai Jihen's teeth itch. Although his UAV is equipped with an attack system, considering the flexibility and the load of the UAV, only a steel ball air grab is installed. And because the pressure tank used as the power must inhale and compress again after being excited once, and this program will last for about one minute, so during this period, He can't do it again. What's more unbearable is that the power and accuracy of this steel ball air grab installed on the UAV are very maddening. It's OK to hit a bird. If you hit a person, you can't put it down unless you hit the key.

"Song Yang, kill that drone!" Ye Chen sees his reinforcements coming, and suddenly comes to the spirit. He suppresses the flying weasel and yells.

Song Yang picked up two pieces of gravel from the ground, light reply way, "don't worry, can't run him."

Seeing that her side has completely fallen into the disadvantage, feimuster can't help but be shocked. Her eyes are turning around and she thinks about the way to deal with it. But ye Chen doesn't let her go at all. Her fist is like a raindrop and doesn't give her a chance to get away.

Song Yang shakes his hand and throws a piece of gravel. Bai Ji, who controls the UAV, shakes the mouse and presses the direction key on the keyboard to make evasive action. The UAV quickly gets up and flashes over the gravel under Bai Ji's operation. But then Song Yang throws another piece. Bai Ji is busy slapping the keyboard and does not dare to distract himself from other things.

Just as the battle in the abandoned building was in full swing, a dark shadow boarded the dock. He was dressed in black and had an axe on his waist. His hand axe was smeared with a layer of bright red paint, giving off a strange luster. Looking up at the abandoned building not far away, he grinned and held the golden glasses on his nose, "It's a wonderful night scene. Unfortunately, someone will never see it again."

"You say who can't see it?" Stepping out of the weeds, it was Chen Jiang in camouflage clothes. He looked at the man in black with playful eyes, and then said impolitely, "if I were you, I would put down my weapon, because you know, in front of me, arrest is meaningless."

Slightly deflected a vision, black dress man evil evil smile, he does not care to say, "is it? Are you a policeman? That's a coincidence. My nickname is similar to yours. Please remember my name. It will make me feel more successful when I kill you. After all, it's a great pleasure to let the king of hell know my name in advance. Ha ha, in the name of "Blood Axe captor" - Xia houtie, you're arrested! "

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