Justice and law

Chen Jiang doesn't know what to say when he hears Xia houtie's saying this. Generally speaking, this kind of lines belong to him. Now it's strange to hear others say this to him. What's more, the guy who says this to himself still looks like a criminal.

After a long silence, Chen Jiang frowned and said, "don't talk about those useless things. Let's be frank. Who are you and what's the relationship between you and Li Muchen?"

Chen Jiang's tone was very sharp, but Xia houtie didn't take him seriously at all. He shrugged and said, "it's none of your business?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if you have a hard mouth. I'll make you feel the power of the law." With a low roar, Chen Jiang jumped up, grabbed his right hand behind him, pulled out the telescopic baton behind his waist, threw away the baton without hesitation.

Xia Hou iron eyebrow pick, he also step forward, pull out the bloody red hand axe, and Chen Jiang's baton hard collision together.


With Mars flying around, Chen Jiang and Xia houtie both stepped into the eyebrows. They all felt great trouble from the strength of their opponents. But soon, they quickly adjusted their state and launched the attack again almost at the same time.


The sound of a series of metal crossfire is like firecrackers. You come and I go, and they attack each other ten or twenty times every minute.

"I have to admit that you are an opponent worthy of respect, but it's a pity that everyone doesn't have to see the sun tomorrow." Xiahou iron retreated half a step, he said slowly in a cold voice.

The sound of the explosion just now made Chen Jiang feel uncertain. If ye Chen died because of this action, he would never forgive himself. He looked at the abandoned building not far away anxiously. Chen Jiang gradually strengthened his eyes. He looked coldly at Xia houtie and said in a cold voice, "what you said is right, if you don't fall down, It seems that I can't go on

Xia houtie shrugged and said, "whatever you think, but if I cut off your head and hang it on my belt, when I go forward, you can also see the place you want to go."

Chen Jiang laughed angrily. He pointed to the Xiahou railway with a retractable baton. "Ha, I'm not ashamed. With a thief like you, I can catch you 100 times when I just graduated from the police academy."

"Is it?" Xia houtie didn't take it seriously. He seemed to be indifferent to everything and said with a smile, "in that case, the graduates of our country's police academy are really frightening."

"I don't know if it's scary or not." Chen Jiang shakes his head slightly. He clenches the telescopic baton in his hand and hums coldly, "but lawbreakers like you must not try to escape the punishment of the law!"

"The law?" Xia houtie said with disdain, "it's a ridiculous word. I haven't heard these two words for a long time. After all, the law has no meaning to me."

Chen Jiang gave a low roar. He shook his baton and jumped up with an arrow. He swung his arm round and hit it with a stick. "Justice and law, I will never allow anyone to despise them!"

"Justice? Does it still exist? " Xia Hou tie shook his head slightly, his eyes twinkled with a layer of demonic luster, looked at the fierce Chen Jiang, clenched his fist, and said faintly, "since you have such a sense of justice, then you will die together with your justice in this historical dump."

"The secret skill of demon soldier - bear arm!"

"What?" In Chen Jiang's astonished eyes, Xia houtie's arms suddenly expanded, and the blue tendons on them jumped wildly. It seemed that there was a strong force like a bear in his exaggerated muscles“ Bang Holding the bloody hand axe, Xia houtie waved it at will, and the blade of the hand axe directly hit Chen Jiang's baton.


With a scream, Chen Jiang's arms hurt. He didn't have time to take care of his arms. He looked at the baton in his hand in horror,

The telescopic baton made of hard alloy was bent by the bloody hand axe under the blow just now.

"How could it be?" Chen Jiang's two arms still can't lift now, he looks at Xia Hou tie with frightened eyes, unbelievable ask a way, "is this how to return a responsibility?"

Xia Hou tie shook his head slightly, and his two arms shrunk from the original expansion state to the normal thickness after the attack. He gave Chen Jiang a pitiful look, smacked his mouth and said, "tut Tut, my favorite look is your present state, helpless, desperate and unbelievable."

"Ha ha ha ha." Xia Hou tie burst out laughing. He glanced at Chen Jiang and said, "the world you see is not the world you live in. In other words, what you see is not everything. Although compared with ordinary people, you are already excellent, but it's a pity that you met me."

"Who are you?" Chen Jiang's arms trembled like chaff. He took a deep breath, looked directly at Xia Hou tie and asked, "how can this power be exerted by human beings?"

Just now, when Chen Jiang was hit by Xia Hou tie, he felt like he was hit by a car. This feeling was also experienced in his previous duties, but at that time, the vicious suspect drove away and hit himself.

"Human?" Xia houtie's eyes were full of sympathy. He looked at Chen Jiang and couldn't help laughing. "In your eyes, is the so-called human being just like you? As I said, the world you see is not a world

It's a complete world. We live in the shadow. Although we are hidden in the eyes of ordinary people, we have different flesh and blood under the same skin. "

Chen Jiang just feels that his previous world outlook is constantly being overturned. He wants to stop Xia houtie from saying this kind of words that destroy the three outlooks. However, he can't help but want to continue to listen.

No matter what Xia Hou tie said now, or the sense of power he had experienced just now, Chen Jiang realized that all the things he had been familiar with had become strange.

In the abandoned building, ye Chen and others fight more and more fiercely.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Flying weasel has never been hit like this. Although she is not good at close combat, as a professional killer, her combat ability is very comprehensive.

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