Secret Art

However, in the hand to hand combat with Ye Chen, he was surprised to find that the man in front of him not only had excellent boxing skills, but also had double the physical strength and strength of ordinary people, which made the flying weasel more and more unbearable.

The night was dim, and everyone's eyes seemed to be covered with a thin layer of black yarn.

Ye Chen gasps slightly. The high-frequency attack consumes a lot of physical strength. However, the flying weasel, who is not good at close combat, has been injured all over. It seems that ye Chen will be the one who can laugh to the end.

"Ha ha ha." Suddenly, the weasel suddenly laughed wildly. Her face was covered with purplish bruises and bloodstains. Ye Chen didn't show any mercy because she was a woman.

After all, in Ye Chen's opinion, the woman in front of her is more terrible than any other man. She is also a dynamite and a flying needle. She is dealing with herself with the idea of killing herself. People are trying to kill herself. If she is a woman again, she is not worthy to live and sorry for her life.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Chen stares at the flying weasel. For this dangerous opponent, he doesn't dare to slack off at all. Just now, he was caught by his opponent for a moment, and almost died under the flying needle.

While continuing to attack, ye Chen roared at the same time, "if you are not going to arrest now, I can promise to spare your life."

"Not to be caught? Do you want me to surrender? " Flying weasel cold hum, she said with a wild smile, "the people of demon soldiers organization, killing is instinct, in order to kill, we will do anything, but we will not surrender."

As soon as ye Chenhu's face changed, he quickly asked, "do you say demon soldier organization? Isn't it the dragon soldier? "

Now it's the turn of feiweasel to be shocked. She stares at Ye Chen and says, "do you know the dragon soldier organization? Who the hell are you? "

Ye Chen nodded slightly, and he said thoughtfully, "no wonder I feel that you are very familiar with me. It turns out that you are also a member of the killer organization."

"Stop farting there." Flying weasel face ugly cold hum a way, "hum, dragon soldier is dragon soldier, demon soldier is demon soldier, we are two different organizations, sooner or later, one day, we will kill all the Dragon soldiers."

Noting the slight change of song Yanghu's face in the conversation, he turned to skilled English and disdained to say, "I really admire your courage, but many things can't be done bravely enough. If you want to destroy the dragon soldier organization, it's not enough to rely on you bereaved dogs."

"Who are you? How do you know... How do you know... "This time, flying weasel completely out of proportion, she said in a daze," you... Who are you? "

Instead of using gravel to hit the flexible UAV, Song Yang rubbed his nose and said, "don't you even investigate your mission objectives? Sure enough, it's a lost dog who has been expelled. "

His face changed again and again, and his face was livid. The weasel finally gritted his teeth and said, "are you a dragon soldier?"

Song Yang nodded slightly. He looked at the ferret with strange eyes and said, "are you different from me? Have you forgotten? Being a dragon soldier one day and being a dragon soldier all your life is a life-long career. Can you change your face and get warm together, and then you can change the fact that you are a lost dog? "

"Don't say any more!" Blood red eyes, flying weasel roared, "since I came out of the dragon soldier, I have drawn a clear line with that organization in my whole life. I am a demon soldier, not a dragon soldier. One day, I will prove to those who expel me that I can do better than they want me to do. I will prove that they expel me, It's the worst decision I've ever made in my life! " Song Yang pitifully looked at the flying weasel. He shook his head slightly and sighed softly. "Ha, don't you think it's ironic? Since we have decided to draw a clear line with the dragon soldier organization, why do you want to show it to him? Then why do you have to prove yourself right? You're just complaining about the unfairness of the people at the trial, aren't you? Ha, he is really a lost dog. Even the biggest goal of his life is to gain the recognition of his master? "

Flying weasel's heart is as messy as waste paper. She covers her head and sits down on the ground powerlessly. She shakes her head slightly and wants to refute, but suddenly finds that all her reasons are so pale.

Ye Chen takes back his fist. It's not hard for him to guess the whole story from the conversation between Song Yang and feimuster.

There are two types of delisting personnel in the dragon soldier organization. One is the expeller, because he has violated a certain rule or failed to finish

Into the arrangement of the task, so was found unqualified, expelled from the organization, which is similar to Song Yang this person..

One is a defector who, because he is dissatisfied with the rules or arrangements of the organization, or for various reasons, is unwilling to obey the orders of the dragon soldier organization any more and separate himself from the organization. This is like a jackal.

The so-called demon soldier organization in the mouth of flying weasel is a group formed by the defectors of dragon soldiers. What they do is to be hired to kill people, just like the dragon soldier organization. Maybe most people just want to surpass their previous organization.

"From the beginning of its birth, this so-called demon soldier organization is just a tragedy. Even its own dream is only based on the recognition of others. How ridiculous it is." Ye Chen shakes his head slightly, he says with a smile.

The flying weasel stares at eyes, she angrily stares at Ye Chen, hysterically roars a way, "what do you know? You have no right to question my dream! "

With that, she clenched her fist, clenched her silver teeth, and her muscles tightened. Her muscles and skin crackled, and an explosive force slowly gushed out of her body.

"Secret skill - Ghost burning!"

"What?" Ye Chen is stunned. He looks at the ferret with unbelievable eyes. He sees that this woman's feet are cracked. The hard concrete ground is easily torn open. Her body trembles slightly. The whole person seems to be burning. It seems that she is suffering from endless pain, but at the same time, it seems that she will burst out with terrible power.

"Is it the secret art of dragon soldiers?" Song Yang's face changed greatly. He quickly stepped forward, grabbed Ye Chen's shoulder and pulled Ye Chen aside without hesitation.

Ye Chen looked at Song Yang's dead father's expression, and asked, "why do you look like a dog? What is the secret art of dragon soldiers? "

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