GUI Shao

Song Yang frowned. He gave a bitter smile and said in a low voice, "now is not the time to explain these things, but I'm sure that someone will die here tonight."

In the dark corridor, ye Chen and Song Yang stand side by side, watching the weasel with alert eyes.

At this time, the flying weasel has completely become a terrible look. Her hair is growing wildly, and her body is twisted in all kinds of strange postures. In a moment, the thick white hair has covered her whole body, and her body is constantly growing, and the flesh and blood are constantly expanding. In a short time, it is huge.

"What the... What's going on?" Ye Chen unbelievably looks at the state of flying weasel at this time, he turns to look at Song Yang, and asks anxiously.

Song Yang's face was solemn. He looked at the flying weasel without blinking. He sighed and replied, "this is the secret skill of the dragon soldier. Only the S-level members of the organization can have access to this secret skill. Generally speaking, as long as they are the S-level members of the dragon soldier organization, they are the strong ones who master the secret skill."

"But how do I feel that she is now like... Er... How to describe it? I feel that she is now like a werewolf." Ye Chen scratched his head, he suddenly thought of a movie he saw when he was a child, said with a fierce slap on the forehead.

Song Yang first nodded, then slightly shook his head and said, "it's a little similar, but it's totally different. These two concepts are different because

I'm far from the s level, so I haven't had the chance to get in touch with the dragon soldier's secret arts. But as far as I know, there are 13 kinds of dragon soldier's secret arts, and what you can see now is the most ferocious ghost burning in the legend. "

"Ghost burning?" Ye Chen repeats these two words in a low voice. He looks at the terrible shape of the flying weasel at the moment, and immediately smacks his mouth and says, "if the so-called secret skill of dragon soldier is to turn man into a beast, it's really nothing."

Song Yang was slightly stunned. He explained, "of course not. Most of the dragon soldier's secret arts are powerful secret arts that can quickly enhance the user's combat power in a short time, but at the same time of enhancing the combat power, they will never become like an orc like now. The secret arts that this woman is using now are the ones that are forced to lose both sides."

"Lose both?" Ye Chen eyebrow tip a to pick a way, "you mean to say..."

Nodding, Song Yang said positively, "well, ghost burning will burn the user's life potential and make him gain indescribable power in a short period of time. However, once this secret skill is used, it can't stop. It will only fall into a violent walk and die of exhaustion."

Ye Chen stares big eyes, he slowly clenches his fist, stares at the fast expanding flying weasel and says, "it seems that we are busy tonight."

Song Yang nodded slightly. He pulled out his sword. The sharp dagger trembled in his palm and said with a bitter smile, "who said no, just like what I said just now, no matter what happens tonight, someone will never see the sun tomorrow. Whether we die or live is unknown, but whether this woman will die is inevitable."

While they were still talking, the battle outside the abandoned building was drawing to a close.

"Ha ha." With a roar of laughter, Xia houtie hit Chen Jiang's chin with a random fist. This blow was like a hammer. Chen Jiang subconsciously wanted to raise his arm to block, but his painful arm couldn't be lifted at all. He couldn't help but was extremely unwilling to watch his fist hit.


After this crisp punch, Chen Jiang was knocked down to the ground. He struggled to get up, but in front of his eyes, Venus appeared everywhere. His mouth was full of salt, and he vomited a big piece of blood. His arm was weak and collapsed on the ground. Xia Hou tie shook his head slightly. He said with a smile, "how can a human living like a mole ant understand this level of power?"

With that, Xia houtie will no longer be in charge of Chen Jiang. He turns around and walks away, gently playing with the bloody hand axe in his hand. In his eyes, Chen Jiang is like a dead dog that has been knocked down, and has no value to pay more attention to.

In the abandoned building, in the dark corridor, the flying weasel finally stopped changing and distorting. Her present appearance is much bigger than the normal shape just now. She is like a wild animal walking upright. Her whole body is covered with white animal hair. A pair of human eyes have become as red as blood. Her eyes are full of violence and ferocity. There is no human nature to speak of.

"Hoo." Slowly spit out a breath, ye Chen slightly shakes his head way, "in hundreds of thousands of years or even more ago, the human race

In order to evolve into the present appearance, our ancestors shed their fur and made tools with flexible hands. Step by step, they got rid of the beast's identity. But look at your present appearance, ha ha. "

"Ah!" With a loud roar, the ferocious flying weasel pounces on her. She kicks her feet on the ground, and the cracked concrete floor collapses. The huge flying weasel, like a flexible kangaroo, pounces on Ye Chen and Song Yang.

Song Yang was shocked and took the lead in taking a step. He put his knife straight in and got it. His arms were full of blue tendons. Obviously, he did his best.

"Kill you! Kill Flying weasel is like a crazy bear. She doesn't pay attention to Song Yang's knife at all. She raises her hand and pats Song Yang's head. She tears the air in her palm and makes a fierce wind.

As soon as ye Chen's face changes, he glides close to the ferret, drinks a low voice, and punches the ferret in the stomach. The huge ferret obviously loses a lot of flexibility, and her attention is now focused on Song Yang. Ye Chen's fist easily hits her.


"What?" Ye Chen can't believe it. Although the weasel was hit by her own fist, it seemed that nothing happened. She didn't even take a step back or stop. Ye Chen's power, double that of an ordinary adult, was in vain in front of her.

"Ah With a loud roar, the flying weasel's palm hit song yang on the top of his head without hesitation. Song Yang let out a low drink. He sank down and waved a knife to meet him.

"Danger Ye Chen yells. He wants to stop Song Yang. Only after fighting with feimuster can he understand how strong this guy is and how powerful Ye Chen's fist is. He knows better than anyone. If he were an ordinary man, he would be beaten to death directly under this fist. But after hitting feimuster head-on, he didn't play any role.

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