It's not over yet!

Song Yang has no chance to dodge now. At the moment of feimuster's hand, the doubled palm hits Song Yang's head. From the moment he chooses to fight hard, Song Yang has lost the chance to dodge.


As ye Chen expected, the flying weasel's palm directly patted Chen Jiang to one side. The knife in Song Yang's hand was directly bent off, and his two arms were like a broken fracture. Fortunately, when he was hit, his legs were bent down and a lot of strength was removed, and he took the opportunity to roll back, Escaped from the point of maximum force.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." Song Yang panted heavily, his forehead and arms all had skin burst open, blood gurgled out along the split skin, the whole person was like a broken blood gourd, miserable to bleeding everywhere.

"How are you?" Ye Chen with his butterfly slide, quickly moved to Song Yang's side, he patted his partner's shoulder, tone dignified asked.

Song Yang shakes his head slightly. He raises his trembling arm and wipes the blood on his face. He opens his eyes and stares at the flying weasel in front of him, hoarse his throat. He says difficultly, "this guy... Is not human now, she is a monster."

"It's so special, you have to say it!" Ye chenbai glanced at him, slowly clenched his fist, and looked at the weasel without blinking,

"It's incredible to have such a terrible power, but if we want to survive, we have to kill her."

Song Yang nodded heavily and said, "it's not impossible to kill her, but with our current strength, if we want to do it, we must find a way."

"Well." Ye Chen agreed and nodded, "how about flying a kite? We use the advantage of speed to attack her and let her quickly consume her strength. Didn't you say that he would fall into a violent walk and die of exhaustion? Then we'll kill her. "

Looking at the giant with white hair who is more than two meters tall in front of him, their hearts are a little empty. Especially Song Yang, who has carried a flying weasel's hand hard, has no chance of winning if he uses his body to resist the force like an excavator.

Ye Chen looked at his fist. The iron fist, which had never been disadvantageous before, seemed so weak and weak when facing the opponent of this level. He could not help regretting that if he had not spent so much mental energy to buy a waste pill that could only shine before, he would choose to buy a weapon or weapon fighting skill, and now he would not be so passive.

"Kill The flying weasel who has a successful attack rushes over. This time, she stares at Ye Chen, roars and claps her hand.

The sound of this palm is like a tsunami, rolling up the air in this corridor, no matter the speed or the strength, it has reached an appalling level.

Ye Chen's eyes jump wildly. He doesn't want to fight like that. If he is hit by a flying weasel, it's no less than being hit by a flying weasel

If a car running at high speed hits you directly, you have to peel your skin even if you don't die.

"Get out of the way!" Suddenly, ye Chen and Song Yang went to the side to hide. As soon as they left the ground, their palms were already on their footholds.


The strong roar is as loud as thunder. With the huge power of flying weasel's palm slapping on the old corridor, the whole abandoned building gives out a deafening echo. Ye Chen and his wife only feel that their feet are buzzing and trembling. It seems that in the next moment, the building will collapse.

"Damn, how can it be so strong?" Ye Chen successively three or four sliding steps, far away from the attack distance of the flying weasel, he looked at the huge white monster, a heart kept sinking. Song Yang suffered a lot of injuries in the battle of feimuster. He rolled several times on the ground in a mess, which barely opened the distance between himself and feimuster. But even so, he still didn't escape the crisis of being crushed.

Although flying weasel is not conscious now, she seems to have the instinct to fight. She can feel that Song Yang is weak now, and subconsciously wants to kill him first.

After roaring, the flying weasel pounces on Song Yang. Song Yang's face changes greatly. Now he has no hands to fight back. If he is attacked by the flying weasel a few more times, I'm afraid the whole person will be ruined.

"Asshole!" Ye Chen's heart is very anxious. He rushes up without thinking. Feimuster now rushes straight at Song Yang, leaving Ye Chen a back. This is not only a great opportunity for ye Chen to attack, but also a time to attack. If ye Chen turns around and runs now, he may have a great chance to survive, Song Yang will be killed alive by the crazy flying weasel who turns into a beast.

"Don't worry about me. Let's go. If he can't find a target, he will go crazy and die of self abuse." Song Yang's face changed again and again. When he saw Ye Chen's figure, he immediately roared.

"Cut the crap!" Ye Chen doesn't want to talk more with him. He rushes over without hesitation and hugs feimuster's waist. Now feimuster's whole body has expanded a circle, and his slim and graceful body has become five big and three thick. Ye Chen can barely hold feimuster with his two hands in the past.

"Kill!" The flying weasel that is suddenly hugged roars. She grabs Ye Chen's wrist and pinches it hard. The sound of crushing comes from ye Chen's wrist.

"Ah Scream, ye Chen just feel a sharp pain like electric current, strongly stimulate every nerve in his brain, he clenched his teeth, in Song Yang can't believe the eyes, ye Chen arms taut, blue tendons jump on his arms, he roared, holding the two arms of flying weasel suddenly used the whole body strength!

With a bend in his back, ye Chen just like holding up a huge stone, picked up the flying weasel and drew a circle. With a beautiful fall on his back, ye Chen slammed the huge flying weasel on the concrete floor!

"Bang!" Violent sound earth shaking, ye Chen heavy breathing, but he did not dare to stop his attack, for fear

The weasel killed itself with a backhand.

"What a lot of... Strength!" Song Yang stammered.

In fact, ye Chen's own strength is not bad. After taking Lidao pill, his strength is doubled. Although the strength of the flying weasel is infinite, his weight is only more than 300 Jin. Ye Chen's brute force is enough to cope with this situation.

"It's not over, asshole!" Ye Chen pounces on it directly. He rides on his opponent and clenches his fist while the weasel doesn't get up.

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