
"Bang bang"

One after another, the heavy fists were like hammers, banging down. However, the ferret had already fallen into a violent state and could not feel the pain at all. With a roar, the ferret grabbed Ye Chen's neck and threw it out.

Ye Chen is like a garbage bag full of garbage. He is thrown out ten meters by the flying weasel, slapped on the wall, and then smashed on the ground.

Ye Chen's mouth and nose are bleeding. He struggles to get up on the ground, but it's dark in front of him. He's so confused that he can't even control his body. He opens his mouth unconsciously and spits out a big mouthful of blood.

"Damn it." Hoarse throat, ye Chen angrily scolded a, "Lao Tzu's viscera are all blown up by you, damn NIMA, how come so big strength."

Seeing ye Chen's miserable appearance, Song Yang suddenly asks, "are you ok?"

Ye Chen raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face. He blinked hard. Finally, he regained his vision slowly. Staring at the bloodshot eyes, ye Chen shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "ha, it's OK. I just have some backache. It's really comfortable for me to fall down like this."

Hear ye Chen can joke, song yang side down, he did not have good humor way, "comfortable on the line, if not comfortable, you let her fall you again, you can rest assured, she will not ask you for money."

Ye Chen waved his hand and stood up from the ground, biting his teeth, suppressing the unbearable pain, and said with a strong smile, "such a comfortable thing, we can't just enjoy it. How can I say that I have to return it, otherwise, I'm not comfortable."

"Is it?" Song Yang shrugged, he suddenly also whispered with a smile, "you said so, my heart is not comfortable, said not to let this monster also refreshing."

Ye Chen stepped forward, he looked directly at the flying weasel, his eyes filled with a trace of murderous, clenched his fist, he resisted the pain of falling apart, growled, and yelled at the white haired monster, "come on!"

Song Yang also took the opportunity to move his arms, although his arms are still painful, but in this case, there is no time and opportunity to slowly recuperate, biting his teeth, he also clenched his fist, staring at the flying weasel fiercely, looking for the opportunity to attack.

"Tut tut." At this time, a rustle of footsteps came slowly from downstairs. In the dark corridor, a black figure came up step by step. The comer smacked his lips and said with a smile, "it's really an interesting duel. It can add a little interest to see such a farce of a little bit of grade in such a boring night."


Ye Chen and his wife quickly turn to look at the corridor. Even the flying weasel, who lost his mind and got into a rage, turns his blood red eyes and explores new living creatures with fierce eyes. In the current consciousness of the flying weasel, as long as they are still alive, they can all be regarded as their own enemies.

In the room hundreds of kilometers away, Baiji, as a long-distance support hand of flying weasel, is wide eyed. His UAV has been hovering in the corridor, and the monitor with infrared night vision probe clearly transmits all the scenes within the visual range in the dark corridor back to Baiji's computer.

At this moment, in Baiji's 29 inch HD display, a man's figure is clearly visible.

"Unexpectedly... Unexpectedly is he..." matchless startled Bai Ji murmurs with trembling voice.

Step by step out of the dark corridor, ye Chen also saw clearly the appearance of the comer. He was dressed in black and looked very handsome. He was about 1.8 meters tall, with a pair of gold glasses on his high nose, but it didn't add much refined temperament to him. The transparent lenses couldn't cover the coldness in his eyes, although he just looked at you faintly, But it seems to contain endless murderous. With such a pair of terrible eyes, he also has an axe in his waist. It's a hand axe with blood red coating. The edge of the axe is sharp and cold.

However, compared with this man's eyes, the cold light of the axe blade is not worth mentioning.

And he, it is outside the abandoned building, a move to kill Chen Jiang's Blood Axe captor - xiahoutie.

If nothing happened to scan the scene, Xia Hou iron said with a smile, "ha ha, you don't have to worry about me, just think I don't exist, continue to fight, I'm still waiting to see."

"Who are you?" Song Yang can't take the lead in calming down. He looks up and down at Xiahou iron and asks coldly.

Xia Hou tie shook his head, and exclaimed, "you know my name, but it will kill you. Do you want to hear it?"

Song Yanggang wants to say something more. Ye Chen raises his hand and holds his shoulder. He shakes his head slightly. He stops Song Yang.

"Now is not the time to provoke so many problems. The biggest enemy in front of us has not yet been solved." Ye Chen is already powerless now, he sighed a tone, say like this.

Song Yang bit his teeth. He stepped forward, felt his right hand into his trouser pocket, and squeezed out two pills from it. His face changed again and again. Finally, he said in a hurry, "Ye Chen, if we want to live tonight, we have to go all out."

Looking at Song Yang's resolute eyes, ye Chen has a kind of guess in his heart. He quickly shakes his head, frowns and scolds, "you guy, if you do something stupid, I can't spare you."

"Hey, hey." Song Yang suddenly smile, he said as if nothing had happened, "it's all up to this, do stupid things and do smart things, there is no big difference."

Ye Chen opens his mouth. He just wants to say something more. Song Yang suddenly waves his hand and interrupts him. He opens his mouth quickly and says, "we don't have time now. Look!"

With Song Yang's words, ye Chen quickly turns to see that the beast like flying weasel covers his head, and seems to be in a very painful state. She roars repeatedly, and the whole person's momentum becomes more and more violent.

Feeling the frantic flying weasel's sense of crisis, ye Chen can't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart. After being patted by the flying weasel just now, he has only one idea in his mind, that is, to become stronger, he must become strong enough, otherwise, not to say to protect the people he wants to protect, he can't even save his own life.

"Kill Flying weasel becomes very manic, she roars and rushes to Ye Chen, waving her hands ceaselessly, and the huge power spills out aimlessly from her palm. The surrounding corridors and walls are easily broken into cracks and loopholes by her.

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