Longbing pill

Ye Chen's eyes shrink. She can't help but raise the strength and menace of the flying weasel to a higher level in her heart. Such fierce and violent power has surpassed the limit of human beings.

"Dabao, how much is this man's comprehensive combat power?" Ye Chen's heart silently read for a while, he is extremely curious now, fly weasel's fighting power now, exactly has reached what kind of degree.

Looking at the fierce flying weasel, Song Yang raised his hand and put two light red pills into his mouth.

He turned his head to Ye Chen and said, "is it life or death? In this fight, we should act according to our original plan. The destructive power of this crazy big guy is amazing. The corridor where we are now may collapse at any time. It's not safe here. We must leave immediately."

Ye Chen nodded, he agreed to say, "deal with this guy, absolutely can't positive force enemy, in short, we first escape."

"Well." Song Yang nodded after taking the pills. A flush appeared on his face, just like the fire cloud at dusk. His whole skin was slightly red.

"Ah With a loud roar, Song Yang's arms suddenly expanded. He jumped forward to meet the flying weasel. With a low drink, he hit the flying weasel's face with a fist.

"Strength enhanced!" Song Yang shouts. He swings his right arm to expand his muscles and smashes it on the face of feimuster fiercely. Although the biggest feimuster has amazing strength, its speed is obviously much slower. Song Yang's fist is very tricky in the angle he chooses, which makes him hit feimuster successfully.

The strength of this fist is very big, completely breaking through the limit of Song Yang, because the distance is very close, so ye Chen can see the attack effect of Song Yang very clearly.

With this punch, the feiweasel with amazing defensive power even stepped back half a step, which is very inconceivable to Ye Chen. You know, the punch that he just tried his best just now is just like tickling this guy, which can't cause any degree of damage at all.

"Sir, the results of the force detection have come out."

Ye Chen heart move, his consciousness rang out the big treasure's hint sound, can't wait, ye Chen quickly said, "tell me quickly."

The female voice of Dabao machinery said, "my husband, the orc's comprehensive combat power over there is about 800, while your friend has nearly 500 combat power now. As for the spectator outside the battlefield, according to the preliminary detection results, he should have more than 600 combat power."

Ye Chen is not surprised to get the news. The only thing that makes him surprised is the fighting power of Song Yang. You should know that he once fought with Song Yang. He knows how many skills Song Yang has, but now, what song yang plays

The combat effectiveness is far higher than the previous level. There must be some reasons for this.

A little thought, ye Chen thought of the key to the problem, he quickly asked, "Song Yang, what's the matter with the medicine you just took?"

With his soaring fighting ability, Song Yang uses his movement speed and agility to fight with the flying weasel. However, Song Yang doesn't mean to fight with the flying weasel head-on. He just consumes the strength of the flying weasel with his very flexible dodging ability and harassing attack.

"Is it longbing pill? You're desperate. " One side of the Xiahou iron chuckled, not the same thing said with a smile.

Song Yang, who had been exposed, was obviously a little flustered. He dodged a heavy blow from feiyuan, took two steps on the ground, and quickly asked, "who are you?" Xia Hou tie laughed and said without thinking, "I remember I told you just now. If you know my name, you will be dead. Even if it is like this, are you going to ask?"

As soon as Song Yang's face changes, he doesn't want to provoke more opponents. Just a flying weasel is enough for him to drink. Fortunately, Xia houtie didn't do it. Otherwise, as long as he helps the flying weasel, the pressure Song Yang and ye Chen will face will double.

Although Xia houtie is interested in watching the opera again, he doesn't talk about longbing pill any more, but ye Chen is also interested in Song Yang's performance

You can make a guess.

This so-called longbing pill should be an emergency medicine that can temporarily improve the combat effectiveness of users. Generally, the sequelae of this kind of medicine are very serious, but Song Yang still took it without hesitation, which proves that Song Yang has been working hard.

Ye Chen takes a deep breath. He looks at the flying weasel with his scared eyes, and scans Xia Hou tie with his uncertain eyes. In Ye Chen's opinion, the battle tonight is far from over. With Xia Hou tie's admission, today's night is destined to be a carnival full of blood and violence.

"Dabao, I need a weapon fighting skill." Ye Chen bit to bite a tooth, a word of a meal in the heart say.

With Ye Chen's order, Dabao quickly gave a response. It mechanically replied, "as you wish, my husband, according to your current mental situation, I have sorted out 3972 items for you. Please choose at will."

With Dabao's voice falling, in front of Ye Chen's eyes, a series of pictures and text introductions glide by. Ye Chen pays attention to the development of the war situation while browsing the contents of the goods quickly.

Suddenly, ye Chen in front of a bright, he excited in the heart silently read a way, "on this."

Ye Chen's eyes were fixed on a powerful general in red armor. He was holding a halberd painted by Fang Tian. He was as handsome as a mountain. His eyes were like stars, and his face was like crown jade. But when he looked at it, he could see the wind of the king

It's not to be underestimated.

The text below the image is as follows: Lu Bu, a native of Jiuyuan County, Wuyuan County, is famous for his bravery and is known as "flying general". It is sometimes said that "Lu Bu is among the people, and red rabbit is among the horses". He was once the first general in the Three Kingdoms period.

Lu Bu's entry level halberd: 700.

After a brief introduction, the price of weapon fighting was directly given. Ye Chen was frightened by the price. You know, Ali's introduction to boxing is only 300 mental strength, and the introduction to God of food is only 500.

But Lu Bu, an entry-level weapon fighting skill, is more expensive than the immortal's experience. He is also an entry-level one, and the gap is self-evident.

"Dabao, is combat capability more expensive than non combat capability?" Ye Chen thought of the key point of the problem, so he quickly asked.

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