Why hit me instead of you?

Dabao machinery replied, "well, my husband, non combat skills are generally abilities that can be easily given, but combat skills are related to the evolution of gene chain, which is a very mental process."


Ye Chen asked thoughtfully, "what's the cost of mental energy? Isn't mental power the currency of trade? "

Dabao said without thinking, "Sir, if you just regard mental power as money, it's OK. The information in it can't tell you for the time being. You have to wait until you upgrade the God of food system."

"You mean the esophagus system?" Ye Chen eyebrow tip a to pick a way, "can upgrade the spirit power that the God of food system needs is simply astronomical number, I gather up not enough at all now."

Dabao said mechanically, "there is no way to do this. You won't get more information before you get the Xuan level permission."

"All right." Ye Chen frowned, and then said firmly, "now is not the time to think about those things, I have to close this in front of me."

"Yes, my husband, do you need to buy Lvbu's entry-level halberd of Fangtian painting?" Dabao asked obediently.

Ye Chen nodded and said, "buy."

"Ding Dong, the halberd you bought has been delivered. Please check it."

Just after ye Chen ordered to buy it, a restless force suddenly emerged from his body. With a low roar, he only felt that his courage was greatly increased. It seemed that it was because of the influence of Lu Bu's skills that he only felt that the momentum of being arrogant and arrogant broke out suddenly from his heart.

"Ha ha!" With a laugh, ye Chen grabs at the side, but he is stunned, and then the expression of the whole face is frozen.

"Nani!" Ye Chen's eyes jump wildly. He just remembers that he just bought the ability to use Fang Tianhua halberd, but he didn't buy weapons. Now he's empty. How can he play his weapon skills.

"Ah Just at the moment when ye Chen lost his mind, Song Yang was accidentally hit on the chest by a flying weasel. Immediately, a mouthful of blood gushed out. After falling five or six meters away, he hit the wall hard.

"Song Yang!" Yell, ye Chen quickly step forward, because Song Yang was angry fly weasel straight to the fallen Song Yang, seems to want to kill Song Yang directly to vent his anger.

Looking at the roaring, ferocious white haired monster, ye Chen looks at Song Yang, who is bleeding and seriously injured. He does not dare to delay for another moment. With a roar, he runs up and locks the flying weasel with his eyes.


Just listen to a huge explosion, ye Chen's shoulder is ruthlessly installed on the huge flying weasel. This collision uses the whole body's strength. The left side of the flying weasel's body is slightly deformed by his direct collision. She roars, and the huge body staggers and shakes several steps to the right side, which stabilizes the body.

Staring at Ye Chen, feimuster drinks and pours directly at Ye Chen. Ye Chen is shocked. He quickly takes a half step back, clenches his fist, and aims at feimuster's soft abdomen. That is to say, he punches up.

"Kill!" The flying weasel roared wildly, and her huge body burst out with surging and terrible power. She waved her hand and hit Ye Chen's ear. This hand not only had infinite power, but also swung a semicircle, which made her strong!

Tearing open the air, the flying weasel's palm is about to be patted on Ye Chen's head. Ye Chen's eyes are fixed. He suddenly glides. In the moment when the flying weasel has no time to change his moves, he suddenly advances to the flying weasel's body and swings his right fist“ Bang

The powerful force acts on the softest part of the flying weasel's body. When it makes a dull strike, ye Chen quickly slides backward to withdraw. Facing such a powerful enemy, he does not dare to have the slightest love fight. It is the best choice to fight and go.

"Ah! Damn it Roaring, the weasel suddenly took a big step forward. She waved her hands wildly, though there was no sign of it

But no matter how flexible Ye Chen is, he can't avoid all of them.

His face changed greatly. Ye Chen was frightened. He clenched his fists and raised his arms high. While protecting his head, he continued to slide back.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Keep roaring, flying weasel crazy beating his fist, she step by step pressed Ye Chen, rain like attack, although just touched Ye Chen's arm was Ye Chen opened the distance, but a moment later, that kind of explosive power is still to hit Ye Chen black and blue.

His arms ache, needle like pain, a burst of stimulation of Ye Chen, he bared his teeth and looked at the fierce flying weasel, break big curse way, "bastard, you this damned monster, where come so big strength?"

"Ha ha." Xia Hou tie, who was watching the battle, said with a smile, "where's the strength? It's ridiculous. She used up her life to get such a little power. Don't you think it's a very sad exchange? "

Ye Chen is speechless for a while. Just as he wants to say something, a dark shadow suddenly rushes over, pulls out a meter long machete and cuts Ye Chen straight away.

"Who?" Ye Chen yelled. He slipped one by one and rolled back one by one. He got up from the ground in a hurry. He saw a young man wearing light blue clothes attacking him. He was holding a samurai sword in his hand. He was tall, thin, with a flat nose and a ferocious scar on his waxy face. He looked very fierce.

Did not wait for ye Chen to have other movements, the young swordsman rushed over, he did not leave any breathing opportunities for ye Chen, a knife to Ye Chen's face.

And the crazy flying weasel also rushes forward, pressing Ye Chen forward and backward.

"Damn it Ye Chen roared violently. He slipped away from the attack of the young swordsman, and then stepped forward. He immediately got close to the young swordsman, and his ready fist smashed out without saying a word!

"Nani!" The young swordsman's eyes shrink slightly. He quickly withdraws to the left, and at the same time, the long knife cuts horizontally, forcing back Ye Chen.

"Shit With an angry scold, ye Chen has to withdraw. He just wants to adjust his state, but the feimuster behind the young swordsman suddenly rushes over. Relying on the powerful force, she directly slaps it!

Ye Chen looks pale and dying. He keeps sliding along the back. He wants to open his distance from the enemy. He glares at the expressionless young knife man and can't help but loudly Tucao. "Is it a good thing to make complaints about her bad ball? Why does she only attack me instead of you? "

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