
"Ha ha." "Summer Hou iron leisurely smile way," want to know? If you want to know, you'd better lay down the boy with the knife. As long as you kill this annoying guy, I'll tell you the answer. "

Xia Hou tie's words make ye Chen immediately confused. He takes a look at the young swordsman, and then he can't help asking, "aren't you a group?"

"With him? It doesn't exist. " Slightly shaking his head, Xia Hou iron curled his mouth and said, "he's just a stupid monkey in my eyes. He's ugly and greedy. He doesn't deserve to be my companion at all."

The young swordsman grinned and showed his white teeth. He sneered and said, "Xia houtie, you will die in my hands sooner or later."

Ye Chen noticed that when the young swordsman spoke, his tone was very strange, and his pronunciation had a very strange flavor, which made Ye Chen unable to distinguish his native place.

"You are not Chinese?" Ye Chen frowns to ask a way.

The young swordsman replied with a sneer, "of course I'm not Chinese. My name is Miyamoto kawaki. I'm Japanese."

Xia Hou iron disdain of smile way, "ridiculous, Japanese also be regarded as a person?"

Miyamoto was furious. His eyes projected a fierce killing opportunity, and he looked at Xiahou iron. He said in a cold voice, "Xiahou iron, don't deceive people too much, otherwise, the knife in my hand won't treat you as a friend."

"Ha ha." Xia Hou tie smiles and shakes his head and says, "are you threatening me?"

Eyes dignified looking at Xiahou iron, Miyamoto Chuanshu cold hum said, "is not a threat to you, you can try."

Just as they were fighting each other, ye Chen saw a rusty iron bar on the ground not far away. He didn't know how long it had been there. Ye Chen stepped forward and picked up the iron bar from the ground without hesitation. He weighed the weight and felt a little heavy. But in this case, there was one more thing in his hand, There is also a sense of security in my heart.

Don't take care of the yellow rust on the iron bar, ye Chen waves a few times and locks his eyes on the most threatening flying weasel.

"Hum." Miyamoto looked at yechen with a sneer on his face. He shook his head and sighed, "if you pick up a stick, you'll get two more points of confidence? It's ridiculous and pathetic. "

Ye Chen does not flinch straight at Miyamoto kawashi, he without thinking with each other's words retort back to the way, "is not ridiculous, you can try."

"Ha ha, you're a arrogant boy. Your face is so angry." Miyamoto's cold voice


Just when yechen and Miyamoto look at each other, the already manic stoat pounces on her. She smashes a stone pillar in front of her and rushes towards yechen.

Miyamoto Chuanshu holds his arm to one side, but feimuster doesn't seem to see him. His fierce eyes lock on yechen, but he turns a blind eye to Miyamoto Chuanshu.

"Shit With a big scold, ye Chen waves the iron bar in his hand twice, and an arrow steps to meet him. He sinks down and dismounts, and the iron bar stabs the flying weasel's abdomen.

The heavy iron bar is about two meters long. It's rusty and seems to have a very long history. But in Ye Chen's hands, the iron bar is very powerful.


The iron stick is like a clever poisonous snake. It easily avoids the flying weasel's palm and stabs the flying weasel's abdomen. Although the flying weasel doesn't feel any pain, it is still half stepped back by Ye Chen's iron stick“ Good Ye Chen is very happy. He can feel it. Just after he has acquired Lv Bu's ability to draw halberds, this kind of long weapon is like having life in his own hands. It's easy for him to strike like clouds and flowing water.

"Watch it, asshole!" Ye Chen is more and more smooth, his foot glides ceaselessly, quickly moves to the side of the flying weasel, and then clenches the iron bar with both hands, without saying a word, smashes it hard.

With Ye Chen's full strength, the power of the iron stick is simply shocking. The rusty stick tears open the air in front of it and makes a piercing sound. Ye Chen takes aim at the head of the flying weasel. The iron stick is like a meteorite and smashes it mercilessly.

Flying weasel's blood red eyes keep flashing ferocious light, she stares at Ye Chen, and then grabs the iron bar that ye Chen comes to.

"Hey, hey." With a sneer, ye Chen's iron bar suddenly changed its direction when it was only ten centimeters away from the flying weasel. The flying weasel grabbed the air, and then the iron bar swung directly on the shoulder of the flying weasel with more rapid momentum.


The rusty heavy iron bar seemed to hit a face pocket, making a dull sound. Feimuster's shoulder sank, and he could not help but stagger a few steps, almost knocked down by Ye Chen's stick.

"He's a real no hitter." Ye Chen frowned. Ye Chen knew how powerful the stick was. Even if it hit the stone, it would not be as effective as it is now.

Don't take care of the injury on the shoulder, flying weasel doesn't hesitate to jump at Ye Chen, she seems to be angry to the extreme, to Ye Chen is a punch down.

"Damn it Angrily scold a, leaf Chen a slippery step dodged to fly the attack of the weasel, followed by is a stick to sweep, fiercely swung on the knee of the fly weasel.

"As long as you are used to your attack rhythm, for me, you are just a slow-moving tank." Ye Chen opens his mouth and sneers.

From the beginning to now, ye Chen has gradually found out the attack way of the flying weasel, and fully adapted to her speed. Now, with the long iron bar that can open the distance to fight back, ye Chen has gradually grasped the initiative of the battle.

"Bang bang!"

With two tight sounds, ye Chen hit the stoat's right knee with two sticks. After three strokes from ye Chen, the stoat's knee was obviously hurt. However, the stoat, more than two meters high, didn't mean to fall down.

"Kill you!" Roar a, fly weasel a punch to hit to leaf Chen's head, leaf Chen Mou son a shrink, he don't want to with fly weasel this kind of a body strange force of guy hard to meet.

After two or three sliding steps, ye Chen successfully opened the distance between himself and feimuster, but his face suddenly changed. He suddenly looked up and saw Miyamoto suddenly jump down from above,

The Japanese swordsman, holding a one meter long samurai sword, without hesitation, cuts to Ye Chen. He seizes the right time and decides that ye Chen has no time to slide again, so he directly uses his full strength to attack Ye Chen.

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