I think too much

"Damn son of a bitch!" Ye Chen roared. He squatted slightly, lowered his center of gravity, stretched his muscles on his arms, and held an iron bar. He directly held up Miyamoto's attack knife.

"It's a tough guy, but that's it!" Miyamoto kawaki sneers. He suddenly takes back the long knife held by the iron bar, and then stabs it directly into yechen's chest!

"Don't talk big here!" Ye Chen's pupil shrinks slightly, and the iron bar presses down. He presses the long knife to the ground, and then the iron bar sweeps across and takes Miyamoto's head.

"Baga!" Miyamoto murmured in surprise. With a bend in his back, he dodged Ye Chen's iron bar with an iron bridge. But without waiting for him to be more fortunate, ye Chen swung the iron bar and directly chopped down to Miyamoto.

"What?" Miyamoto is shocked. He is still bending backward. He has no ability to do other actions. He sees that ye Chen's fierce stick is about to hit Miyamoto. A dark shadow suddenly hits him. The sharp air breaking sound is hard to bear.

Ye Chen stamped his feet, angrily rolled to the side, dodged the shadow, only heard a loud noise, saw Ye Chen's foothold had more than a hundred kilograms of cement.

In the tumbling dust, ye Chen looks at the flying weasel not far away with resentful eyes, and at this time, the flying weasel is still alive

In the posture of throwing things, it is obvious that this piece of cement about 100 kg was thrown by the flying weasel.

"It's such a disgusting combination, you two guys, damn it!" Ye Chen glanced at the flying weasel and locked his eyes on Miyamoto kawashi, who was closest to him.

"Baga road." Miyamoto's yellow complexion was pale. He stood up, holding his samurai sword tightly in his hand. At this moment, he found that the clothes on his back had been soaked by cold sweat. If it wasn't for the flying weasel's attack, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Staring at yechen tightly, Miyamoto said with gnashing teeth, "it's really hard to imagine what kind of person you are? It's impossible to be an ordinary person with such excellent combat effectiveness. "

Xia houtie, who was watching the battle, slowly gathered up his funny smile. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Ye Chen. He murmured in a low voice, "Oh, funny guy, can you use an iron bar to deal with that silly B samurai sword of Miyamoto? Is it a member of the guwu family?"

Hearing the question of Miyagi Chuanshu, ye Chen shook his head disdainfully. He wiped the sweat on his head and adjusted his state slightly. After taking a few deep breaths, he said with a sneer, "if I tell you who I am, will you let us go?"

Miyamoto kawaki first slightly stunned, and then said without thinking, "less dreams, you will die today."

Ye chenbai, like Miyamoto, shrugs and says, "are you stupid B? Since all of them are doomed to die, what am I going to do

Why should I tell you? "

"Hum." Miyamoto said with a sneer, "I didn't want to pry something useful out of your mouth. Anyway, you are going to die today. It doesn't make any difference for me to say more or less last words."

Ye Chen turned his lips and said, "can you only show off your hero in your mouth? If you have the ability, come and fight with me

Miyamoto Shu Mou son a shrink, recall just now and ye Chen fight scene, he can't help but in the heart some fear, cold voice said, "with jijiangfa?"? It's useless. I have to admit that I'm surprised by your weapon fighting ability. Although I can still beat you, I can't guarantee that I will be very relaxed. But now is obviously not a good time to drag on. Next, let's show you what the real hell is. "“ Hell? " Ye Chen slowly clenched the iron bar in his hand. He stared at Miyamoto kawaki coldly and said impolitely, "come on, people who want to take my life will never come to a good end. It's the same before, it's the same after, and it's the same now!"

"Is it?" Miyamoto kawaki stepped forward, and he yelled in a solemn tone, "arrogant boy, today I will let you die here!"

With a roar, Miyamoto took the lead in launching the attack. He moved quickly under his feet and quickly approached yechen. He murmured, "cut the cassock!"

Miyamoto's samurai sword slashed from yechen's left shoulder to his right abdomen. His expression was as ferocious as a ghost, and on his waxy face

The crooked scar has a dark red luster, just like a big scorpion crawling on it. It is extremely terrible and tyrannical.

"Well done!" Although Ye Chen is not flustered, in the face of Miyamoto's attack, he calmly drinks suddenly, withdraw half step at the same time, he is a stick to poke directly.

The power of this stick is very strong. Ye Chen, who has obtained Lv Bu's entry-level ability of painting halberd by Fang Tian, can concentrate his strength on the tip of the weapon in his hand and give full play to his amazing stabbing strength.

Although Miyamoto's samurai sword is about one meter long, it is much shorter than the two meter long iron stick. Ye Chen's half step action cleverly avoids Miyamoto's attack distance, while the long stick of stab easily hits Miyamoto's heart.


This stick's stab almost condenses all the strength of yechen's body. Under one blow, Miyamoto's blood is sprayed out. He looks pale and sweats three steps backward. His hand covers his heart. Miyamoto looks at yechen incredulously. He is like a wounded beast, roaring violently, "how can it be?! How can you beat me? "

"Hum." Ye Chen disdained to see a Miyamoto tree, sneer, "frog in the well, think that will play a few pieces of knife, can be compared to the inheritance of the famous general?"

When ye Chen said this, he didn't hide it too much. Miyamoto's eyes widened. He didn't understand the meaning of the so-called famous general's inheritance in Ye Chen's mouth, while Xia Hou tie, who was beside him, looked at Ye Chen with great interest and said, "Hey, boy, are you the descendant of which famous general?"

With a frown, ye Chen didn't want to entangle too much in this aspect. He was afraid that because of a small mistake, he exposed the existence of the God of food system, so he said decidedly, "you care about me?"

Xiahou Tiexie glanced at the gasping Miyamoto kawaki, he waved his hand and said, "if you don't want to say it, I won't force you. However, if you think you have defeated the Japanese, you may think too much."

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