Please... Wait

"What?" Ye Chen unknowingly frowned. Miyamoto's condition at the moment was obviously very bad. After he got a blow, even if he didn't lose his fighting ability, he had no chance to win.

See ye Chen's doubts, Xiahou iron smile but not language, just quietly watching.

"Ha ha ha." Suddenly, Miyamoto, who is covering his heart, suddenly laughs. His snake like eyes stare at yechen, and his cold voice says slowly, "xiahoutie is right. If you think you have won me, you are wrong."

"Oh?" Ye Chen eyebrow tip a pick, noncommittal say, "but I still don't see you have any sign to win me now."

Miyamoto kawaki laughs. He suddenly steps forward and points to yechen with his long knife. "I'll let you see it. I'll let you see with your own eyes how you were torn to pieces by me."

"The tone is not small, you can try it." Ye Chen cold drinks a, he slightly clenched the iron bar in the hand, although he on the surface a pair of careless appearance, but in the heart still vigilant.

Miyamoto kawaki roars. He quickly approaches Ye Chen and cuts his cassock with a knife. He uses all his strength when he is hateful. The level of this knife is much better than just now.

However, ye Chen doesn't like it. Like just now, he still retreats half a step. At the same time, he sweeps the whole army with an iron bar and sweeps directly to Miyamoto.

"Ha ha." I thought Miyamoto would retreat to avoid. Unexpectedly, he didn't dodge. Instead, he took another step forward and immediately approached Ye Chen again.

However, the distance between Ye Chen's iron rod and him is less than 10 cm. In this distance, he has lost the possibility of avoiding. Once he is hit by Ye Chen, the huge power will burst out, and he may be seriously injured and fall to the ground.

"Ha ha ha" sneers repeatedly. Miyamoto Chuanshu puts up his long sword and blocks yechen's iron bar with his great power. But he doesn't panic. He turns around. He turns around in the same place and unloads the power of yechen's iron bar in a strange way.

"Do you really think that I will suffer twice for the same trick?" Laughing, Miyamoto turns around in the same place, and then he splits with a knife. The centrifugal force of his body rotation completely acts on the sharp samurai sword. The power and speed of this sword are amazing.

Ye Chen only feels that his face is cool. Although Miyamoto's long knife hasn't arrived in front of him, a dense and cold breath has rushed to his face ahead of time.

"Damn it Seeing that the sharp long knife was about to cut him in half, ye Chen angrily scolded him. He raised his foot and kicked Miyamoto in his stomach. However, although he took the hand in time, he successfully beat Miyamoto back,

However, the sharp samurai sword has never come back.

The indomitable blade easily cut off Ye Chen's skin. Although Ye Chen deflected his head at the last moment, raised his neck backward and tried every means to avoid his own vital point, the samurai sword still cut a long crack in Ye Chen's chest.

Blood gushes out along the scar, and ye Chen's black clothes are dyed dark red. He is pale. Instead of retreating, he shouts. Taking advantage of the moment that Miyamoto is out of balance and unable to recover the samurai sword immediately, the iron bar swings high and swings fiercely on Miyamoto's face.


At the same time, Miyamoto, who was hit in the head by an iron bar, covered his face. He retreated one after another, reached out and wiped the blood on his face, and opened his eyes in the blood“ Poof He spits out two broken teeth in his mouth, covers his head with his left hand, and only feels that his head is buzzing. The severe blow makes him have a slight concussion, headache and dizziness, and he can't see what's in front of him. Subconsciously, he holds the knife with his right hand and waves it in front of him to prevent Ye Chen from chasing him.

Ye Chen of course wants to take advantage of his illness to kill him, but he just stepped forward, the chest wound was violently pulled, Morian pain let him take a breath, clenched his teeth, he checked his wound, found no injury to the internal organs, this was a long sigh of relief.

However, although the wound on yechen's chest didn't go deep into his internal organs, his skin and flesh were still open, and the blood was surging like a gushing spring. If he didn't stop bleeding, he might not have to attack himself again with Miyamoto or stoat, because he would probably die of excessive blood loss.

"Warning, sir, your current situation is not optimistic. If you don't stop bleeding, your life may be threatened."

Dabao's voice resounds clearly in yechen's mind. Yechen stares at Miyamoto and the flying weasel who is eager to try. His heart sinks violently and sighs, "help me find a way. I have more headache to deal with now."

"Yes, sir. I suggest you start the emergency plan." Dabao's voice is mechanical and rapid, because with the continuous passage of blood, ye Chen's life function is gradually disappearing.

Ye Chen can also feel the change of his body. His original blood boiling body gradually becomes cold and stiff. With the continuous bleeding of the chest wound, he begins to feel dizzy and can't see clearly. Even standing there, his feet are soft.

At this moment, where can he manage so much? He opened his mouth and said to Dabao, "if I die, I need to do something with my mental strength. Now I can use whatever method I have."

Dabao, who was authorized by Ye Chen, immediately replied, "OK, sir, let's start the emergency plan now,

Please wait

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen eyebrow tip a pick, in this kind of oneself take out blood like spring of time, still wait for what etc?

But without waiting for him to ask Dabao, he just felt that his body had changed a lot.

A layer of golden streamer is like smoke with hallucinogenic color, slowly covering Ye Chen's body. It is not from a spotlight or a luminous body, but from ye Chen's body.

The golden light slowly swam on yechen mountain, a warm feeling like sunshine wrapped yechen.

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