
"In that case..." Ye Chen weighs the iron bar in his hand. He doesn't want to waste time here.

Just when ye Chen wants to let go, Xia houtie's voice suddenly comes. He opens his mouth and says, "your name is Ye Chen, right? I want to make a deal with you. "

"Deal?" Ye Chen tightly frowned, he never thought, at this juncture, has always been a wait-and-see state of Xiahou iron, why will suddenly come up with such a sentence.

However, ye Chen also wants to fight for time to make his wound heal better. He says, "there are only two kinds of transactions in the world, fair or unfair. I don't know what kind of transaction Mr. Xia Hou wants to make for me."

Xia Hou tie is slightly stunned. Ye Chen's calm makes his eyes more appreciative, but he quickly says, "I can give you what Mr. Wang wants. However, in this world, there are always some things that are hard to have the best of both worlds, some of which you are satisfied with, and some of which I am satisfied with."

"Oh?" Ye Chen brow tip a pick, he says with a smile, "that according to the meaning of Mr. Xia Hou, is saying this trade, can't have the best of both worlds?"

"So to speak." Xia Hou tie shook his head noncommittally and said, "if you don't trade with me, you may even lose your life."

Mou son a cold, leaf Chen cold voice laughs a way, "summer Hou Sir's meaning is threatening me?"

"No threat, I'm just telling the truth." Xia Hou iron shrugged his shoulders.

"To be honest? Ridiculous excuse. " Ye Chen sneers a way, "have words you say straight, do you want how?"

Just between yechen and xiahoutie, Miyamoto can't stand when you come and I go. He shakes the blood on his face and stares at yechen with the eyes of hatred. He says, "xiahoutie, if you like to chat with him so much, you might as well catch him back and have a good chat. But before that, I hope you don't forget the iron law in the organization."

Xiahou iron smile, he looked at Miyamoto Kawa tree, disdain smile way, "as a dog, you have to have the consciousness as a dog, Miyamoto Kawa tree, I only tell you this sentence for the last time, if you have to provoke me when I'm in a bad mood, I think you don't want to know what the consequences are."

Moriran's murderous air seemed to condense into essence. In the dark corridor, the temperature of the air dropped a lot because of the murderous air.

Ye Chen's eyes shrink, and he looks at Xia Hou tie with extremely scared eyes. In this person, he can feel a kind of oppression like Taishan, which is like he is facing Jia Jiansheng.

"Damn... So strong?" Relying on his own intuition, Xia Hou tie gives Ye Chen an incomparable feeling at this moment. He scolds secretly, and immediately becomes extremely alert in his heart.

In the messy abandoned building, the damaged corridor, the overall situation fell into a strange silence.

Suddenly, the restless flying weasel broke the calm, she roared, the skin covered by the white animal hair suddenly opened, Yan red blood splashed out, she issued a painful howl, it seemed that the pain was unbearable.

As if a force is erupting from her body, the skin is destroyed, at the same time, she widened a pair of blood red eyes, glared at Ye Chen, pounced on her.

Ye Chen was surprised. He was on guard and ready to fight. He yelled at Xia Hou tie, "what's the matter? Why does this madman only hit me? "

Xiahou tieyou said, "that's because we have the same blood, but you are different, so she naturally regards you as the enemy."“ Blood? " Ye Chen doesn't know where he is, but it's not the right time to get to the bottom of the matter now. With a low roar, ye Chen's muscles are tense, and he sweeps across with an iron bar, aiming at the flying weasel's knee, and then cuts it across.


The heavy iron bar is in close contact with the fragile knee again. The weasel falters and shakes his body forward, but finally he stands up as if nothing had happened, and throws his hand angrily. His strong arm smashes against Ye Chen's head.

"Damn it With a fury, ye Chen marvels at the strong defensive power of the flying weasel. He slides back and gives way to most of the attacking momentum of the flying weasel. At the same time, he throws the iron bar into the air and aims at the elbow joint of the flying weasel.

"Baga, don't look down on me!" Miyamoto Chuanshu rushed out at this time. With blood on his face, he rushed to yechen's face, holding the knife in his hand and slashing it on yechen's iron bar.


Benlai's inevitable strike is blocked by Miyamoto's sudden samurai sword. Ye Chen's eyebrows are picked, and he whispers. The iron bar in his hand is like a raindrop, poking at Miyamoto crazily.

Miyamoto faced with such a range of attacks, there is no time to block, had to retreat two steps, the leaf Chen to the flying weasel behind.

Flying weasel has been irritable for a long time. At this moment, seeing Miyamoto kawashi get out of the way of attack, he immediately pours on him. Regardless, he catches him.

As soon as ye Chen's face changed, he quickly slipped back to avoid the flying weasel's palm. At the same time, he grasped the end of the iron bar with one hand and aimed at the position in front of the lower part. Aiming at the flying weasel's knee, he smashed it down.


This is the fourth time that ye Chen has hit the flying weasel, and all of them are in the same position. Even though the flying weasel doesn't know the pain, his knee is soft and his joints are damaged to a great extent.

"Kill Although injured, but flying weasel is more furious, she did not mean to shrink back, a punch to Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen slipped away from the direction of the direct attack, and his body ran to the outside of the flying weasel's arm like water. At the same time, he took a big breath and roared. At the same time, the rusty iron stick slashed the flying weasel's arm with the momentum of splitting Huashan.


The power of this blow was like a volcanic eruption, which gathered the strength of Ye Chen's whole body. With a dull sound and a weasel's wailing, her right arm was so soft that it drooped down, and the forearm bone also had a very strange bend, which must have been broken by a stick.

"Son of a bitch, die Ye Chen roars. With a long stick, he strokes an arc in mid air and smashes it on the ferret's knee. At last, the attacked kneecap makes a brittle sound. The ferret's right leg is soft and falls heavily on the ground.

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