Dare not look directly at

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen sneers, raises the iron bar and pours on it. He wants to take advantage of the opportunity of feiweasel's serious injury to completely solve the threat with the strongest blow.

The iron bar is raised high, and the green tendons on Ye Chen's arms burst up. He roared, just like the yellow scarf strongman who moved mountains and unloaded mountains in ancient times. He smashed it down with a fierce stick!

At the moment of Ye Chen's full effort, suddenly, Miyamoto Chuanshu rushed out and stabbed directly at Ye Chen's throat.

In Ye Chen's eyes, the cold light flashed, and his lips turned to a sneer. The iron bar suddenly changed direction, whirled like a windmill in his hand, waved a few times, like the fan leaf of a fan, jingle, and easily opened Miyamoto's stab.

"Nani?" Miyamoto was slightly stunned, and then his face changed greatly. He looked at yechen with unbelievable eyes and couldn't help shouting, "you..."

Ye Chen hateful hand, He Sen ran a smile way, "do you think my goal is this silly big man?"? It's you from the beginning! "

Roaring, ye Chen in the moment of pulling away Miyamoto's long knife, the iron bar in his hand is like a poisonous snake, with a kind of tricky and vicious posture, fiercely swung on Miyamoto's cheek.

This stick is so powerful that Miyamoto seems to have been hit by a speeding car. In the pitiful wail, Miyamoto throws his face and falls to the ground.

The explosive force on the heavy iron bar acted on Miyamoto's body. After he fell to the ground, he slipped all the way to stop.


With his hands on the ground, Miyamoto's eyes were dark. When he was hit hard on the head, his nervous system was damaged to a great extent, which made him lose his vision for a short time. Although he could not see anything at this time, the viciousness and ferocity in his eyes did not change at all.

Spitting out a big piece of blood, he opened his mouth to spit out two broken teeth, cold voice roared, "eight GA ah road!"

Ye Chen's eyes shrink, but he has no impulse. He glances at the flying weasel who also falls on the ground. Ye Chen's lips evoke a smile of sarcasm. He ignores the real murderous opportunity in the blood red eyes of the flying weasel, smashes his head down with a stick, and immediately cracks the skull of the flying weasel who has no resistance ability, and the blood flows.

The rusty iron stick doesn't have the slightest pity at all. Ye Chen doesn't hesitate to lift the stick, just like a fierce tiger pouncing on food. Ye Chen wildly waves his iron stick. The rusty and heavy stick is like a fierce tiger's tusk in his hand.

Flying weasel in vain with his intact arm to protect his head, but soon, ye Chen stormy blow let it completely lost the signs of life, blood and brain flying, broken flesh and blood stained on the iron bar in Ye Chen's hand.

"Hey, hey." In the face of such a bloody scene, if ordinary people are scared to death, but ye Chen is silent and sneers at the flying weasel who is beating himself like a broken sack.

"Kill..." although his throat is as hoarse as a drum, and his body is scarred, he can hardly move, but the flying weasel is murderous, and his eyes are as red as blood, so he can't extricate himself from the rage.

Ye Chen no longer pays attention to the flying weasel who completely loses the threat to himself. He turns his eyes to Miyamoto kawaki, who has recovered from his temporary blindness at this moment.

He and ye Chen look at each other, always boasting of a man like steel. In Ye Chen's eyes, he faintly feels that there is a chilling killing opportunity, which makes him shudder and shiver involuntarily.

But ye Chen didn't plan to let him go like this. Step by step, he came to Miyamoto kawashi. He raised the iron bar in his hand“ Bang

Without hesitation, even his hands did not tremble, just like a skilled surgeon in a classic surgery, ye Chen's calmness was beyond everyone's expectation. Of course, his ferocity was beyond everyone's expectation.

The iron bar with a weight of more than 30 kg is absolutely explosive with the strength of Ye Chen's arm. Such a powerful blow to Miyamoto's body is just like an unbearable disaster to Miyamoto.

He wanted to fight back and block, but under the rusty iron bar, everything was in vain. Finally, he gave a scream and cut off his voice completely.

"Dead?" Ye Chen murmurs. He glances at Miyamoto kawaki. Different from the flying weasel who has used secret skills to get into a rage and strengthened his muscles, Miyamoto kawaki is an ordinary man's body after all. Under Ye Chen's crazy iron bar, his body is already skin and flesh.

On his bloody face, Miyamoto murmured painstakingly, and his body was shaking unconsciously. This indirect convulsion was because his nervous system had been devastated, and his brain could not control his body's movements, so it would cause this degree of unconscious spasm.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, shrugged his shoulders, and finally looked at Xia houtie who had been watching the battle in the distance. His nose shrugged and he said softly, "Mr. Xia Hou, I think we can continue to talk about the deal you just said."

Xia houtie was suddenly stunned by Ye Chen's eyes. He licked his lips. He was inexplicably frightened. This kind of feeling was like being stared at by a beast. Although he didn't rush at you, you already shudder.

"I thought you were going to die." Xiahou iron smile, he did not trace of hide his inner feelings, indifferent to Ye Chen said so.

Ye Chen threw the flesh and blood on the iron stick and said as if nothing had happened, "what you said is right. In such a moment, I even thought I would die. Unfortunately, I didn't die. However, since I can't die, the person who wants me to die will die."

As ye Chen's voice falls, Xia Hou iron's heart is cold for no reason, because he notices that when ye Chen finishes these words, his cold eyes add two points of chill.

"What do you... What do you mean?" Xia houtie, who has always been confident in his own strength, suddenly felt a strong threat in such an instant.

From ye Chen's body, he can smell a very strong smell of danger.

However, no matter from ye Chen's fighting power just now or from all aspects, Xia houtie doesn't think ye Chen can defeat himself. However, under Ye Chen's eyes, he doesn't dare to face Ye Chen's eyes.

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