No business

In the shadow of the abandoned building, no one noticed, no one saw, a pair of vicissitudes and wise eyes to yechen and xiahoutie direction, his pupil slightly shrunk, whispered, "overlord pupil? Oh, what an interesting young man... "

In the face of Xiahou iron, ye Chen is still very scared, and Miyamoto kawashi is different, Xiahou iron to his feeling is more like a deep well.

"It doesn't matter what I mean. The only thing that matters now is that I want to live." Ye Chen light says.

Xia Hou iron eyebrow tip a pick, suddenly of smile way, "who say not, everyone wants to live."

Ye Chen said, "there are too many people who want to live, but there are also many people who don't want to live."

Xiahou iron pretended not to understand, said with a smile, "I just want to do a deal for you, don't worry, it's not a difficult thing for you."

"Ha ha." Ye Chen sneered without thinking, "since it's a trade, it must be something you love and I want to do. It's not in line with the spirit of the contract to buy and sell."

Xia Hou tie smile, he is not worried, just light said, "I give you this deal, is definitely a very good thing for you and me, if you are not stupid, you have no reason to refuse."

"Oh? Is that right? " Ye Chen lips a hook, the face draws out a cold smile, he stares at Xia Hou iron, skin smile meat don't smile of say, "I am very surprised at your self-confidence, however, I don't want to do business with a person who don't like."

"You may not like me, but I'm sure you'll like the deal." Xia Hou tie said with a smile, "there will always be something attractive in this world, right?"

"Attractive?" Ye Chen touched his nose, noncommittal said, "maybe there will be, but I don't think you have something that can attract me."

Xiahou Railway said, "you and I are really like each other. You are very powerful, ambitious, self righteous and arrogant. I think you are like me in the mirror. Therefore, there are only two things that people like us pursue."

Ye Chen gently shook his head. He said with a smile, "ha ha, I never think I'm very similar to a dog."

Facing Ye Chen's sarcasm, Xia Hou's iron pupil shrinks. He says in a cold voice, "are you looking for death?"

"What? Did you touch your pain point? " Ye Chen spread out a hand way, "but I say you said wrong?"? You're a bird, isn't it a dog? Dare you say you're not here to kill me? Don't you follow orders? What's the difference between you and that Japanese, and this hairy monster? "

Ye Chen's words are light, as if to say something worthless, but listen to the ear of Xia Hou tie

, but it seems to be like the red iron thorn, mercilessly in Xiahou iron's ears, also mercilessly in Xiahou iron's heart.

Xia Hou tie's hand slowly touched the axe on his back waist. His voice was as cold as the Arctic river. It was so cold that he didn't have the slightest emotional temperature. He said in a low voice, "I don't think your way of speaking is very wise. If you insist on treating me with such an attitude, I don't mind that you have a corpse in front of me."

"Ha ha." Ye Chen's eyes slightly narrowed, he sneered a way, "I want to use what kind of attitude to treat you is my business, you want to use what kind of way to treat me is your business, but, just like I said just now, if I can't die, people who want to kill me will die."

Xia houtie stares at Ye Chen. He holds a bloody hand axe, but he has doubts. It's clear that ye Chen's fighting power is not in his eyes. However, ye Chen's eyes seem to have a kind of domineering power. This makes him want to deal with Ye Chen at the same time, but also always determined to come.


With a long breath, Xia Hou tie slowly clenched his fist, and then said coldly, "I admit that you are really a very brave person. I admire your courage, but now I don't want to kill you, but I don't want to. It doesn't mean I can't. If you choose to provoke me next, I'm afraid I can't control my axe."

Ye Chen sneered and said, "you can't control your axe, and I can't control my iron stick

If I don't attack you now, it doesn't mean I can't attack you. If you are still like Laozi, I don't mind teaching you how to be a man. "

"What a big tone!" Xia houtie can't help it any more. He is ridiculed by Ye Chen again and again. His heart is full of anger and roars. He immediately disappears in the same place. In the next moment, he suddenly appears in front of Ye Chen, holding a bloody hand axe and fiercely cleaves to Ye Chen's face.

Ye Chen's pupil shrinks. He never thought that Xia houtie would do it without saying a word. Moreover, his hand is so fierce. If he was struck by this axe, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

However, although Ye Chen has always been indifferent to Xiahou iron on the surface, he has been on guard for a long time. At the moment of his opponent's move, ye Chen roars violently, and his iron bar spins like a wheel. He retreats half a step, bends down, lowers his body's center of gravity, and pushes his feet on the ground. All his strength is concentrated in his hands.

The iron bar convolutes the whirring wind, and instantly blocks Xia houtie's hand axe. However, to Ye Chen's surprise, the seemingly simple hand axe has infinite power. At the moment when the iron bar and the hand axe contact, the huge power is like a bomb explosion, which immediately explodes in front of them.

Ye Chen stepped back four or five steps in succession. He looked at Xia Hou tie with astonished eyes. His hands were numb, and his arms were also greatly impacted. His muscles and bones were extremely sore.

"What a power Ye Chen can't help murmuring.

Xia Hou iron shrugged his shoulders, he has been standing in situ did not move, in the split Ye Chen at the same time, his lips smile, eyebrows slightly pick, not without sarcastic said, "how? Is it true that, as you say, you can't control your iron bar? Tut Tut, I'm so good at it. It turns out that I'm just a soft guy who can brag about B

In the hands of Xia Hou tie, ye Chen takes a deep breath. His eyes are clear, and his pupils are like hawks. He stares at Xia Hou tie tightly. His mouth turns up and says with a cold smile, "Mr. Xia Hou, your axe is good, but does it mean that there is no business between us?"

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