Hand in hand

Xia houtie hit it well and took advantage of it. Now his confidence is greatly increased, and his eyes are sharp and he says slowly, "Hey, I suddenly find that it's a headache to deal with a bad person, so... My little axe may make a bad person become good... Don't you think?"

Ye Chen hears Xia Hou tie's words, his eyes are slightly narrowed, and his heart is slightly sinking. Although he has overestimated Xia Hou tie's strength as much as possible, he has tried his best to fight just now, but he is still under pressure in an instant.

If this is all the strength of Xiahou iron, it's better to say, but if it's a casual attack, it's definitely a terrible enemy for itself.

"I think it's better for us to have a good talk now." Ye Chen grins and says shamelessly.

Xia Hou tie touches his nose and sneers at Ye Chen step by step. He weighs the bloody hatchet on his hand and looks directly at Ye Chen, fierce and violent.

Ye Chen can't help holding the iron bar in his hand. Facing Xia Hou tie, who has more than 600 combat effectiveness, he has almost no chance of winning. Judging from the numbers, the gap between himself and Xia Hou tie is not too big. However, through the fight just now, ye Chen can almost conclude that if there is no accident, he is definitely not his opponent.

However, although he couldn't fight, ye Chen was not a man who made compromises at will. He chuckled and said, "if I raise my hand to surrender now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face? Although I'm thick skinned, I'm also a man who wants face

But if you want to fight, I have to fight for you. "

Xia Hou iron feet a pedal, the whole person suddenly disappeared from the original place, then suddenly appeared in the left of Ye Chen, ferocious is an axe to chop down, at the same time the breach big shout a way, "then come to try, you son of a bitch!"

Ye Chen's heart is slightly surprised. He knows that Xia houtie doesn't move in a flash, but because the speed is too fast, his eyes can't keep up with his moving speed, which leads to his visual error.

However, although Ye Chen can't catch the action track of Xiahou iron, no matter how fast Xiahou iron is, it will still attack Ye Chen's body in the end, so as long as ye Chen defends well, he can still ensure his temporary safety.


With the sound of metal strike, ye Chen's iron bar blocked Xia Hou's axe. However, the great power of the axe made Ye Chen unable to resist. He just felt that it was a car that hit him head-on, and he was immediately hit out.


The huge impact throws Ye Chen's body far away and falls heavily on the ground. Ye Chen stares at Xia houtie in disbelief. He doesn't know how powerful this burly man is, but he knows more about his own strength than anyone else.

Double the physical strength of ordinary people, let him have extremely terrible physical quality, but even so, he still can't bear an attack of Xiahou iron, which makes Ye Chen depressed and want to vomit blood.

"Hey, hey." Xia Hou iron sneered, "what's the matter? Is that the only skill? Isn't that ridiculous? "

Ye Chen wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, his gums were broken, and his body was also painful, but he didn't shrink back, and looked directly at Xia houtie without dodging. He just wanted to speak, but in front of him, Xia houtie appeared.

"You Ye Chen's face changed greatly. He opened his mouth. Before he finished his sentence, Xia Hou tie sneered coldly.

"If I were you, I would choose to beg for mercy. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll die." Xia Hou iron eyes indifference, coldly said. Ye Chen lay on the ground, he endured the pain on his body, looked at Xia Hou tie, and suddenly said with a smile, "ha ha, beg for mercy? Give me a break. I don't know that skill. "

Xia Hou tie's eyes were slightly cold. He weighed the hatchet in his hand and said in a low voice, "you are looking for death!"

As soon as the words are heard, Xia houtie cuts down with an axe. Ye Chen's face changes, because he finds that under Xia houtie's axe, the target is his neck. If he is hit, he is afraid that he has no chance to live.

"It won't do any good to leave a disobedient person behind. You might as well die for me instead of that." summer

Hou tie didn't expect that ye Chen's bone was so hard. He didn't mean to be soft. If he let Ye Chen go, he was not sure that he could control him.

So, this time, Xiahou iron really moved to kill, he roared, the bloody hand axe in his hand was like a meteor without hesitation. Yechen raised his hand to block Xiahou iron's axe, but he stepped on the ground, just like killing a pig. Xiahou iron moved his hand without any hesitation, and directly wanted to take yechen's life.


With a crisp sound, in Ye Chen's and Xiahou iron's surprised eyes, Xiahou iron's will to kill an axe stretched out a long sword, easily blocked Xiahou iron's axe chop.

Although Ye Chen's face was pale, he didn't have too much fear. He turned to look at it and was overjoyed. He exclaimed, "master?"

It was Jia Jiansheng who came out to save Ye Chen. He was dressed in black with a smile on his lips. He was wearing a pair of gold glasses. His temperament was as elegant as a professor of literature department. He squinted at Ye Chen. Jia Jiansheng asked as if nothing had happened, "is everything ok?"

Ye Chen's long sigh of relief, no good spirit of white, Jia Jiansheng one eye, casually said, "come on, you say I have something to do?"

Jia Jian looks at Ye Chen with a smile. His eyes stop for a moment,

Then he said with a smile, "I thought you had a backhand. After watching here for a long time, I found that the axe was still ten centimeters away from you. You still looked the same. I endured it again and again, but I still didn't resist it."

Ye Chen's heart suddenly, he didn't expect that Jia Jiansheng had been staring at himself in the dark, and the reason why he had the strength to not change his color under Xia houtie's axe was that he only relied on his God of food system. There was an emergency plan for the God of food system. Even if he had to carry Xia houtie's axe, it wasn't a big deal.

However, the God of food system is too shocking after all. If it is exposed in the eyes of ordinary people, it's OK to say. But in the eyes of far more than ordinary people such as Xia houtie and Jia Jiansheng, the attraction of the God of food system is infinite.

Once the secret of the God of food system is revealed, he is no different from the world's Superman fighters. No matter the Dragon soldiers, demon soldiers, or even the new world's strongmen, they will pick up the knife, bite their teeth, fiercely rush at Ye Chen, break him into pieces, and then look for the God of food system from their own flesh and blood.

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