How high can you fly

Thinking of this, ye Chen can't help sweating. He takes a look at Jia Jiansheng and Xia houtie. His mood is as complicated as a cobweb. The situation at this moment gives him a feeling of being besieged and surrounded by wolves.

However, ye Chen doesn't have the time to be sentimental now. Since he didn't expose it by chance, the secret of the God of food system is still hidden.

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen chuckles to Jia Jiansheng, "who says I'm not afraid? I'm afraid I'm going to pee my pants, but when I think that my great and handsome master will avenge me after my death, I have courage in an instant. "

Jia Jiansheng gives Ye Chen a white look and says, "I don't care about you now. When you die, I'll take revenge for you."

Ye Chen cheap swish of silly smile, one side of summer Hou iron is eyebrow frown up, he stare at Jia Jiansheng to see for a long time, the axe in the hand slowly clench, a word of cold voice way, "you don't see me?"

Jia Jiansheng glanced at Xia Hou tie and said with disdain, "you have the same strength as slag. I advise you not to show your sense of existence. Otherwise, you may die."

Xia Hou tie's eyes narrowed slightly and growled in a low voice, "it's arrogant enough. I've never heard such words before. Old man, you don't want to die!"

"Ha ha." Jia Jiansheng said with a light smile, "that's because you didn't meet me earlier. If you had met me earlier, you would have been better

I heard that a long time ago. "

"Go to hell!" Xia Hou tie, angered by Jia Jiansheng's contempt and arrogance, yells angrily. His bloody hand axe is like the fangs of a wild animal, and cuts directly at Jia Jiansheng's head.

The speed of this axe is extremely fast. It can pass three or four shadows in the air. Xiahou iron is angry and has already made full use of it. He roars. The bloody coating on the axe is like a burning flame. The iron axe soon cuts into Jia Jiansheng's eyes.

"Ha ha." With a smile of disdain, the sword in Jia Jiansheng's hand flashed and penetrated Xia houtie's body in the next moment. No one could see how Jia Jiansheng did it, or even whether he did it.

"Er..." Xia houtie looks at Jia Jiansheng's eyes inconceivably. Then, he stares at his abdomen with unbelievable eyes. There is a long sword. The light of the sword is as sharp as frost and snow. It's easy for him to penetrate his body.


The blood ran down the blade of the long sword and hit the ground. In the dark night, on the same dark corridor ground, it didn't take long to get wet.

Xia Hou iron opened his mouth. There was despair and fear in his eyes. His voice was shaking. He whispered in disbelief, "white wind sword... Are you... Are you Jia Jiansheng?"

"Oh, you know me?" Jia Jiansheng looked at Xia houtie lightly and said with indifference.

Xia Hou tie's face suddenly became complicated. He gave a wry smile and shook his head. "If I don't know you, then it's useless for me to explore the new world."

"Why are you exploring the new world?" Jia Jiansheng seems to be interested, but he seems to have no interest. He glances at Xia Hou Tieyi.

Hearing Jia Jiansheng's question, Xia houtie's eyes suddenly burst out a flame like flash. He hooked his lips and said without hesitation, "nonsense, of course I want to explore the new world in order to become stronger. However, it's not a waste of my life to die under the legendary white wind sword."

"Ha ha." Jia Jiansheng shakes his head slightly. He glances at Xia houtie, and his palm shakes slightly. The long sword inserted in Xia houtie's belly immediately returns to his hand. If it wasn't for Xia houtie's belly, it would be like it had never happened. Even the long sword in Jia Jiansheng's hand is not stained with blood. Looking at Xia Hou tie, Jia Jiansheng's voice was full of vicissitudes and deep condensation. He asked slowly, "do you want to be stronger?"

Although he was hit by Jia Jiansheng's sword, Xia houtie still raised his head high. He looked directly into Jia Jiansheng's eyes and said without hesitation, "of course, becoming stronger is my dream. Only by becoming stronger, only by becoming stronger... Only by being stronger than that person, can I kill him!"

Xia houtie's voice is like steel, which is beyond doubt and can't be easily shaken. His eyes are burning like flames, which symbolizes his persistent pursuit of dreams.

Jia Jiansheng looked at Xia houtie with great interest. He said faintly, "if you want to be strong, you can choose to beat me to have a try. If you can beat me, you will have the qualification to enter the new world."

"Really?" Xia Hou tie's eyes widened, but soon the heat in his eyes faded. He sighed, shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "ha ha, how can it be? You are the swordsman of Baifeng, the East Palace swordsman of the new world. Besides the seven generals, I'm afraid there is no one to stop you."

"Ha ha." There was a trace of memory in Jia Jiansheng's eyes, but he soon laughed and shook his head and said, "you still don't know enough about the new world. In the new world, the top experts of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger, such as the carp crossing the river, the so-called Donggong Jianshi, is just a very ridiculous and ignorant name."

Ye Chen is listening to the conversation between them. When he hears Jia Jiansheng's words, a trace of melancholy and unwilling to be seen by him in Jia Jiansheng's eyes. According to Dabao's judgment, Jia Jiansheng has at least 1500 combat effectiveness, and this is after he is injured.

Now Jia Jiansheng's old wounds are not healed, and he still has amazing terrible fighting power. If he was at his peak, ye Chen didn't dare to speculate how high that terrible fighting power was. But even so, Jia Jiansheng was still injured and retired, and how strong was the person who could hurt him? This is even more difficult to estimate.

Jia Jian's raw hand caresses the long sword. On the slender snow-white sword body, there are some ancient and simple patterns. These patterns are like one text after another, telling a story in a way that ye Chen can't understand.

Looking at Xia Hou tie, Jia Jiansheng said softly, "if you think you can't go to the new world, why do you have to take the first step? If you want to go back now, have you gone for nothing before? So... Let me see how much you have, and let me see how high your wings can make you fly in the future. "

Xia Hou is silent. He holds an axe in his hand and his eyes are staring at Jia Jiansheng tightly. No one knows what he is thinking.

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